The Meteorological Magazine


TitleThe Meteorological Magazine
PublisherMeteorological Office


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Mesoclimatic studies in the Upper Don Basin, Aberdeenshire

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Court, M. N., Jones, R. J. A. and Tinsley, J. 1979. Mesoclimatic studies in the Upper Don Basin, Aberdeenshire. The Meteorological Magazine. 108, pp. 289-308.

Some observations on dew

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Long, I. F. 1957. Some observations on dew. The Meteorological Magazine. 87.

The border-line between meteorology and soil physics

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications
Keen, B. A. 1925. The border-line between meteorology and soil physics. The Meteorological Magazine. pp. 1-7.