BBSRC Science Brief


TitleBBSRC Science Brief
PublisherBiotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council


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Plants clean-up soils

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications
McGrath, S. P. 1996. Plants clean-up soils. BBSRC Science Brief. 4, pp. 8-9.

Cereal transformation

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications
Lazzeri, P. A., Barcelo, P., Barro, F., Tatham, A. S., Fido, R. and Shewry, P. R. 1995. Cereal transformation. BBSRC Science Brief. No. 3, pp. 6-8.

Molecular characterisation of Polymyxa species

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications
Ward, E. and Adams, M. J. 1995. Molecular characterisation of Polymyxa species. BBSRC Science Brief. 2, p. 3.