Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments


TitleJournal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments
PublisherIOP Publishing Ltd


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A new method for calibrating infrared gas analysers

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Parkinson, K. J. and Legg, B. J. 1971. A new method for calibrating infrared gas analysers. Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments. 4 (8).

A simple vacuum-gauge scale expander

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Elsmere, G. T. and Rawson, R. A. G. 1970. A simple vacuum-gauge scale expander. Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments. 3 (12), pp. 1013-1014.

Calibration of infra-red gas analysers for use with carbon dioxide

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Parkinson, K. J. and Legg, B. J. 1968. Calibration of infra-red gas analysers for use with carbon dioxide. Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments. 1 (10), pp. 1003-1006.