Food and Function


TitleFood and Function
PublisherRoyal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

Online only journal
Manuscript 12 months


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Effect of semolina pudding prepared from starch branching enzyme IIa and b mutant wheat on glycaemic response in vitro and in vivo: a randomised controlled pilot study

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Corrado, M., Cherta-Murillo, A., Chambers, E. S., Wood, A., Plummer, A., Lovegrove, A., Edwards, C. H., Frost, G. S. and Hazard, B. A. 2020. Effect of semolina pudding prepared from starch branching enzyme IIa and b mutant wheat on glycaemic response in vitro and in vivo: a randomised controlled pilot study. Food and Function. 11, pp. 617-627.