Chemical News


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The determiantion of lime requirements of the soil

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Hutchinson, H. B. and MacLennan, K. 1914. The determiantion of lime requirements of the soil. Chemical News. August 7th.

Notes on the detection of nitrous and nitric oxide. A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Warington, R. 1885. Notes on the detection of nitrous and nitric oxide. A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory . Chemical News. (Jan 23), pp. 1-12.

On the quantitative determination of nitric acid by indigo

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Warington, R. 1877. On the quantitative determination of nitric acid by indigo. Chemical News. 2-9 1877, pp. 1-12.