Journal of essential oil bearing plants


TitleJournal of essential oil bearing plants
PublisherTaylor & Francis

Manuscript 12 months


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Repellency and Composition of Essential Oils of Selected Ethnobotanical Plants Used in Western Kenya against Bites of Anopheles gambiae Sensu Stricto

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Ywaya, D. O., Birkett, M. A., Pickett, J. A., Ochola J. B., Lwande, W., Wachira, B. M., Hassanali, A. and Ng'ang'a M. M. 2020. Repellency and Composition of Essential Oils of Selected Ethnobotanical Plants Used in Western Kenya against Bites of Anopheles gambiae Sensu Stricto. Journal of essential oil bearing plants. 23 (3), pp. 432-441.