Environmental DNA


TitleEnvironmental DNA


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Identifying archived insect bulk samples using DNA metabarcoding: A case study using the long-term Rothamsted Insect Survey

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Petsopoulos, D., Cuff, J. P., Bell, J. R., Kitson, J. J. N., Collins, L., Boonham, N., Morales-Hojas, R. and Evans, D. M. 2024. Identifying archived insect bulk samples using DNA metabarcoding: A case study using the long-term Rothamsted Insect Survey. Environmental DNA. 6 (3), p. e542. https://doi.org/10.1002/edn3.542

Density-independent prey choice, taxonomy, life history, and web characteristics determine the diet and biocontrol potential of spiders (Linyphiidae and Lycosidae) in cereal crops

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Cuff, J. P., Tercel, M. P. T. G., Drake, L. E., Vaughan, I. P., Bell, J. R., OrozcoterWengel, P., Muller, C. T. and Symondson, W. O. 2021. Density-independent prey choice, taxonomy, life history, and web characteristics determine the diet and biocontrol potential of spiders (Linyphiidae and Lycosidae) in cereal crops. Environmental DNA. https://doi.org/10.1002/edn3.272