npj Antimicrobials and Resistance


Titlenpj Antimicrobials and Resistance
PublisherNature Publishing Group


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A one health roadmap towards understanding and mitigating emerging Fungal Antimicrobial Resistance: fAMR

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Fisher, M. C., Burnett, F., Chandler, C., Gow, N. A. R., Gurr, S., Hart, A., Holmes, A., May, R. C., Quinn, J., Soliman, T., Talbot, N. J., West, H. M., West, J. S., White, P. L., Bromley, M. and Armstrong-James, D. 2024. A one health roadmap towards understanding and mitigating emerging Fungal Antimicrobial Resistance: fAMR. npj Antimicrobials and Resistance. 2, p. 36.