Adrian Joynes

NameAdrian Joynes
Job titleScientific Specialist - Senior Laboratory Analyst
DepartmentNet Zero and Resilient Farming
Research clusterCAS: Analytical Chemistry
OfficeNorth Wyke

Research outputs

13C dicarboxylic acid signatures indicate temporal shifts in catchment sediment sources in response to extreme winter rainfall

Upadhayay, H. R., Joynes, A. and Collins, A. L. 2024. 13C dicarboxylic acid signatures indicate temporal shifts in catchment sediment sources in response to extreme winter rainfall. Environmental Chemistry Letters. 22, pp. 499-504.

Effect of pasture composition in cattle grazed systems on soil properties and nutrient cycling: impact on herbage, soil and cattle excreta

Darch, T., McAuliffe, G., Le Cocq, K., Horrocks, C. A., Segura, C., Griffith, B. A., Harris, P., Hood, J., Joynes, A., Lopez, M., Takahashi, T., Lee, M. R. F. and Cardenas, L. M. 2023. Effect of pasture composition in cattle grazed systems on soil properties and nutrient cycling: impact on herbage, soil and cattle excreta. Rothamsted Research.

Coupled steroid and phosphorus leaching from cattle slurry at lysimeter scale

Manley, A., Collins, A. L., Joynes, A., Mellander, P-E. and Jordan, P. 2022. Coupled steroid and phosphorus leaching from cattle slurry at lysimeter scale. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 247 (May), p. 103979.

High-yielding forage grass cultivars increase root biomass and soil organic carbon stocks compared with mixed-species permanent pasture in temperate soil

Gregory, A. S., Joynes, A., Dixon, E. R., Beaumont, D. A., Murray, P. J., Humphreys, M. W., Richter, G. M. and Dungait, J. A. J. 2021. High-yielding forage grass cultivars increase root biomass and soil organic carbon stocks compared with mixed-species permanent pasture in temperate soil. European Journal of Soil Science.

Comparing Extraction Methods for Biomarker Steroid Characterisation from Soil and Slurry

Manley, A., Collins, A. L., Joynes, A., Mellander, P. E. and Jordan, P. 2020. Comparing Extraction Methods for Biomarker Steroid Characterisation from Soil and Slurry. Water Air And Soil Pollution. 231 (10), pp. 1-15.

Species and Genotype Effects of Bioenergy Crops on Root Production, Carbon and Nitrogen in Temperate Agricultural Soil

Gregory, A. S., Dungait, J. A. J., Shield, I. F., Macalpine, W. J., Cunniff, J., Durenkamp, M., White, R. P., Joynes, A. and Richter, G. M. 2018. Species and Genotype Effects of Bioenergy Crops on Root Production, Carbon and Nitrogen in Temperate Agricultural Soil. BioEnergy Research. 11 (2), pp. 382-397.

Carbon and macronutrient losses during accelerated erosion under different tillage and residue management

Beniston, J. W., Shipitalo, M. J., Lal, R., Dayton, E. A., Hopkins, D. W., Jones, F., Joynes, A. and Dungait, J. A. J. 2015. Carbon and macronutrient losses during accelerated erosion under different tillage and residue management. European Journal of Soil Science. 66 (1), pp. 218-225.

Effects of cutting, mulching and applications of farmyard manure on the supply of nitrogen from a red clover/grass sward

Hatch, D. R., Joynes, A., Roderick, S., Shepherd, M. and Goodlass, G. 2014. Effects of cutting, mulching and applications of farmyard manure on the supply of nitrogen from a red clover/grass sward. Organic Agriculture. 4, pp. 15-24.

Biomarkers of novel ecosystem development in boreal forest soils

Norris, C. E., Dungait, J. A. J., Joynes, A. and Quideau, S. A. 2013. Biomarkers of novel ecosystem development in boreal forest soils. Organic Geochemistry. 64, pp. 9-18.

A novel grass hybrid to reduce flood generation in temperate regions

Macleod, C. J. A., Humphreys, M. W., Whalley, W. R., Turner, L., Binley, A., Watts, C. W., Skot, L., Joynes, A., Hawkins, S., King, I. P., O'donovan, S. and Haygarth, P. M. 2013. A novel grass hybrid to reduce flood generation in temperate regions. Scientific Reports. 3, p. 1683.

Nitrogen losses and transformations within farmyard manure storage

Camp, V., Joynes, A., Norris, S., Misselbrook, T. H., Rollett, A., Crookes, M. and Williams, J. 2013. Nitrogen losses and transformations within farmyard manure storage. Abstracts RAMIRAN 2013 15th International Conference, Versailles, 3-5 June 2013 .

Scaling up the phosphorus signal from soil hillslopes to headwater catchments

Haygarth, P. M., Page, T. J. C., Beven, K. J., Freer, J., Joynes, A., Butler, P., Wood, G. A. and Owens, P. N. 2012. Scaling up the phosphorus signal from soil hillslopes to headwater catchments. Freshwater Biology. 57(Suppl. 1), pp. 7-25.

The release of nitrogen following the incorporation of fertility building crops in organic farming systems

Joynes, A., Goodlass, G., Shepherd, M. A., Roderick, S. and Hatch, D. J. 2010. The release of nitrogen following the incorporation of fertility building crops in organic farming systems. Proceedings SAC and SEPA Biennial Conference: Agriculture and the Environment VIII. Climate, Water and Soil: Science, Policy and Practice, Edinburgh, 31 March-1 April 2010 . pp. 288-293

Soil management and grass species effects on the hydraulic properties of shrinking soils

Gregory, A. S., Webster, C. P., Watts, C. W., Whalley, W. R., Macleod, C. J. A., Joynes, A., Papadopoulos, A., Haygarth, P. M., Binley, A., Humphreys, M. W., Turner, L. B., Skot, L. and Matthews, G. P. 2010. Soil management and grass species effects on the hydraulic properties of shrinking soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 74, pp. 753-761.

Nitrogen uptake in organically managed spring sown lupins and residual effects on leaching and yield of a following winter cereal

Hatch, D. J., Joynes, A. and Stone, A. 2010. Nitrogen uptake in organically managed spring sown lupins and residual effects on leaching and yield of a following winter cereal. Soil Use and Management. 26, pp. 21-26.

Linking plant biology and soil physics to understand hillslope hydrology

Macleod, C. J. A., Binley, A., Clark, L. J., Gregory, A. S., Hawkins, S. L., Humphreys, M., Joynes, A., Papdopoulos, A., Skot, L., Stone, A., Turner, L. B., Watts, C. W., Webster, C. P., Whalley, W. R. and Haygarth, P. M. 2009. Linking plant biology and soil physics to understand hillslope hydrology. Abstracts European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienna, 19-24 April 2009 .

Stream water chemistry and quality along an upland-lowland rural land-use continuum, South West England

Jarvie, H. P., Haygarth, P. M., Neal, C., Butler, P. J., Smith, B., Naden, P. S., Joynes, A., Neal, M., Wickham, H., Hill, L., Harman, S. and Sutton, E. J. 2007. Stream water chemistry and quality along an upland-lowland rural land-use continuum, South West England. Journal of Hydrology. 350, pp. 215-231.

The effect of cutting, mulching and applications of farmyard manure on nitrogen fixation in a red clover/grass sward

Hatch, D. J., Goodlass, G., Joynes, A. and Shepherd, M. A. 2007. The effect of cutting, mulching and applications of farmyard manure on nitrogen fixation in a red clover/grass sward. Bioresource Technology. 98 (17), pp. 3243-3248.

An assessment of nitrogen fixation in 'organically managed' spring-sown lupins and leaching under a following winter cereal

Joynes, A., Hatch, D. J. and Stone, A. C. 2006. An assessment of nitrogen fixation in 'organically managed' spring-sown lupins and leaching under a following winter cereal. Atkinson, C., Ball, B., Davies, D. H. K., Rees, R., Russell, G., Stockdale, E. A., Watson, C. A., Walker, R. and Younie, D. (ed.) In conjunction with COR - the Colloquium of Organic Researchers Conference, Edinburgh Conference Centre, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 18-20 September 2006.

Lupins in sustainable agriculture: nutrient losses following grain harvest

Hatch, D. J., Joynes, A., Stone, A. C., Scholefield, D. and Jones, R. 2006. Lupins in sustainable agriculture: nutrient losses following grain harvest. Lloveras, J., Gonzalez-Rodriguez, A., Vazquez-Yanez, O., Pineiro, J., Santamaria, O., Olea, L. and Poblaciones, M. J. (ed.) Sustainable Grassland Productivity [Proceedings of the 21st General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Badajoz, Spain, 3-6 April 2006].

Field experiments to help optimise nitrogen fixation by legumes on organic farms

Joynes, A., Hatch, D. J., Stone, A., Cuttle, S., Goodlass, G. and Roderick, S. 2005. Field experiments to help optimise nitrogen fixation by legumes on organic farms. Jarvis, S. C., Murray, P. J. and Roker, J. A. (ed.) XX International Grassland Congress, Oxford Satellite Workshop, "Optimisation of nutrient cycling and soil quality for sustainable grasslands", 3rd - 6th July, 2005. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, Netherlands. pp. p67

Spatial variability of soil phosphorus in relation to the topographic index and critical source areas: sampling for assessing risk to water quality

Page, T., Haygarth, P. M., Beven, K. J., Joynes, A., Butler, P. J., Keeler, C., Freer, J., Owen, P. and Woods, G. 2005. Spatial variability of soil phosphorus in relation to the topographic index and critical source areas: sampling for assessing risk to water quality. Journal of Environmental Quality. 34 (6), pp. 2263-2277.

Tale of two catchments: monitoring phosphorus transfer from agricultural grasslands to first order streams (data from 2002)

Joynes, A., Haygarth, P. M., Beven, K. J., Page, T. J., Freer, J. and Wood, G. 2004. Tale of two catchments: monitoring phosphorus transfer from agricultural grasslands to first order streams (data from 2002). Poster DEFRA P Coordination Meeting, Tewkesbury, Glos., 30th November - 2nd December 2004.

Novel legume trials

Roderick, S., Hatch, D. J., Joynes, A. and Stone, A. 2004. Novel legume trials. Poster Organic Farmers Day, IGER North Wyke, Devon, 18th August 2004.

Experiments to determine N accumulation under fertility building crops

Joynes, A., Hatch, D. J., Stone, A. C., Cuttle, S. P., Goodlass, G. and Roderick, S. 2004. Experiments to determine N accumulation under fertility building crops. Poster Organic Farmers Day, IGER North Wyke, Devon, 18th August 2004.

Measurement of N accumulation under legumes and subsequent supply to crops on selected organic farms

Joynes, A., Hatch, D. J., Stone, A., Cuttle, S., Goodlass, G. and Roderick, S. 2004. Measurement of N accumulation under legumes and subsequent supply to crops on selected organic farms. Poster Organic Farmers Day, IGER North Wyke, Devon, 18th August 2004.

Field experiments to determine N accumulation under fertility building crops

Joynes, A., Hatch, D. J., Stone, A. C., Cuttle, S. P., Goodlass, G. and Roderick, S. 2004. Field experiments to determine N accumulation under fertility building crops. Poster 11th International Conference of the FAO ESCORENA Network on Recycling of Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial Residues in Agriculture (RAMIRAN), Murcia, Spain, 6-9 October 2004.

Factors affecting nitrogen fixation by red clover

Hatch, D. J., Joynes, A. and Stone, A. C. 2004. Factors affecting nitrogen fixation by red clover. Organic Studies Centre - Technical Bulletin. August (5), pp. 1-2.

Novel legumes

Roderick, S., Hatch, D. J., Joynes, A. and Stone, A. C. 2004. Novel legumes. Organic Studies Centre - Technical Bulletin. December (6), pp. 3-4.

Soil fertility building crops in organic farming

Hatch, D. J., Joynes, A., Stone, A. C. and Goodlass, G. 2004. Soil fertility building crops in organic farming. 11th International Conference of the FAO ESCORENA Network on Recycling of Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial Residues in Agriculture (RAMIRAN), Murcia, Spain, 6-9 October 2004.

Field experiments to determine N accumulation under fertility building crops

Joynes, A., Stone, A. C., Cuttle, S. P., Goodlass, G. and Roderick, S. 2004. Field experiments to determine N accumulation under fertility building crops. Hatch, D. J., Chadwick, D., Jarvis, S. C. and Roker, J. A. (ed.) 'Controlling N Flows and Losses'. Proceedings 12th Nitrogen Workshop, University of Exeter, 21-24 September 2003. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, Netherlands. pp. 182-183

Data types and resolution for modelling phosphorus transport from agricultural soils

Page, T., Joynes, A., Haygarth, P. M., Beven, K. J. and Wood, G. 2003. Data types and resolution for modelling phosphorus transport from agricultural soils. Poster EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly 2003, Nice, France, 6-11 April 2003. European Geosciences Union (EGU).

Field experiments to determine N accumulation under fertility building crops

Joynes, A., Hatch, D. J., Stone, A. C., Cuttle, S. P., Goodlass, G. and Roderick, S. 2003. Field experiments to determine N accumulation under fertility building crops. Abstracts 12th N Workshop, Controlling N flows and losses, Exeter, Devon, UK, 21-24 September 2003.

Monitoring the transfer of phosphorus from agricultural grasslands to first order streams: parameters for a predictive model

Joynes, A., Haygarth, P. M., Beven, K. J., Freer, J. and Fraser, A. 2001. Monitoring the transfer of phosphorus from agricultural grasslands to first order streams: parameters for a predictive model. Connecting Phosphorus transfer from agriculture to impacts in surface waters. Poster International Phosphorus Transfer Workshop, Plymouth University, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 28 August - 1 September 2001.

Modelling phosphorus export from agricultural grasslands to watercourses

Freer, J., Beven, K. J., Haygarth, P. M., Fraser, A. and Joynes, A. 2001. Modelling phosphorus export from agricultural grasslands to watercourses. Connecting Phosphorus transfer from agriculture to impacts in surface waters. Abstract, Proceedings International Phosphorus Transfer Workshop, 28 August - 1 September 2001, Plymouth, Devon, UK. pp. 107

Monitoring the transfer of phosphorus from agricultural grasslands to first order streams: parameters for a predictive model

Joynes, A., Beven, K. J., Freer, J. and Fraser, A. 2001. Monitoring the transfer of phosphorus from agricultural grasslands to first order streams: parameters for a predictive model. Haygarth, P. M., Condron, L. M., Butler, P. J. and Chisholm, J. S. (ed.) Connecting Phosphorus transfer from agriculture to impacts in surface waters. Abstract, Proceedings International Phosphorus Transfer Workshop, Plymouth University, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 28 August - 1 September 2001. pp. 112

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