Robert Warington

NameRobert Warington
Job titleFormer Agricultural Chemist
Preferred citationWarington, R.
TitleWarington, R.

Research outputs

Obituary notices: William Henry Perkin, 1838–1907; Robert Warington, 1838–1907; August Dupré, 1835–1907; John Clark, Ph.D., F.I.C., 1844–1907; Frederick James Montague Page, 1848–1907; Sir David Gamble, Bart., K.C.B., 1823–1907

Warington, R., Meldola, R., Pickering, S. U., Hake, H. W., Tatlock, R. R. and Brown, J. C. 1908. Obituary notices: William Henry Perkin, 1838–1907; Robert Warington, 1838–1907; August Dupré, 1835–1907; John Clark, Ph.D., F.I.C., 1844–1907; Frederick James Montague Page, 1848–1907; Sir David Gamble, Bart., K.C.B., 1823–1907. Journal of the Chemical Society - Transactions. 93, pp. 2214-2281.

Obituary of Robert Warington: born 22 August 1838, died 20 March 1907

Pickering, P. S. U. and Warington, R. 1908. Obituary of Robert Warington: born 22 August 1838, died 20 March 1907. Journal of the Chemical Society - Transactions. 93, pp. 2259-2269.

Obituary notices Sir J. B. Lawes

Warington, R. 1901. Obituary notices Sir J. B. Lawes . Journal of the Chemical Society - Transactions. 79 (July), pp. 890-897.

Sulphate of ammonia, its characteristics and practical value as a manure

Warington, R. 1900. Sulphate of ammonia, its characteristics and practical value as a manure. in: pp. 1-130

Sulphate of annomia: its characteristics and practical value as a manure

Warington, R. 1900. Sulphate of annomia: its characteristics and practical value as a manure.

Sir John Bennet Lawes Bart - Obituary

Warington, R. 1900. Sir John Bennet Lawes Bart - Obituary. Nature. (September 13), pp. 467-468.

XLVII On nitrification Part IV A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory

Warington, R. 1891. XLVII On nitrification Part IV A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory . Journal of the Chemical Society - Transactions. 59, pp. 484-529.

L The amount of nitric acid in the rain-water at Rothamsted, with notes on the analysis of rain-water A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory

Warington, R. 1889. L The amount of nitric acid in the rain-water at Rothamsted, with notes on the analysis of rain-water A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory. Journal of the Chemical Society-Transactions. 55, pp. 537-545.

LVI The chemical actions of some micro-organisms A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory

Warington, R. 1888. LVI The chemical actions of some micro-organisms A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory. Journal of the Chemical Society - Transactions. 53, pp. 727-755.

XVII On the distribution of the nitrifying organism in the soil A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory

Warington, R. 1887. XVII On the distribution of the nitrifying organism in the soil A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory. Journal of the Chemical Society-Transactions. 51, pp. 118-129.

XLVIII A contribution to the study of well waters A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory

Warington, R. 1887. XLVIII A contribution to the study of well waters A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory. Journal of the Chemical Society-Transactions. 51, pp. 500-552.

Notes on the detection of nitrous and nitric oxide. A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory

Warington, R. 1885. Notes on the detection of nitrous and nitric oxide. A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory . Chemical News. (Jan 23), pp. 1-12.

LXXIV On the action of gypsum in promoting nitrification A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory.

Warington, R. 1885. LXXIV On the action of gypsum in promoting nitrification A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory. Journal of the Chemical Society-Transactions. 47, pp. 758-761.

Sur la nitrification (troisieme partie): experiences executees au Laboratorie de Rothamsted

Warington, R. 1884. Sur la nitrification (troisieme partie): experiences executees au Laboratorie de Rothamsted. pp. 49-69.

LII On nitrification Part III A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory

Warington, R. 1884. LII On nitrification Part III A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory . Journal of the Chemical Society - Transactions. 45, pp. 637-672.

LII On nitrification Part III A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory Parts I, II, III and IV

Warington, R. 1884. LII On nitrification Part III A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory Parts I, II, III and IV. Journal of the Chemical Society-Transactions. 45, pp. 637-672.

On some of the changes which nitrogenous matter undergoes within the soil A lecture delivered at South Kensington 16th April

Warington, R. 1883. On some of the changes which nitrogenous matter undergoes within the soil A lecture delivered at South Kensington 16th April. Lecture. (16 April), pp. 1-23.

XXXI Contribution to the chemistry of “Fairy Rings”

Lawes, J. B., Gilbert, J. H. and Warington, R. 1883. XXXI Contribution to the chemistry of “Fairy Rings”. Journal of the Chemical Society-Transactions. 43, pp. 208-223.

New determinations of ammonia, chlorine, and sulphuric acid, in the rain-water collected at Rothamsted

Lawes, J. B., Gilbert, J. H. and Warington, R. 1883. New determinations of ammonia, chlorine, and sulphuric acid, in the rain-water collected at Rothamsted. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 19 (2nd series), pp. 315-331.

XVI The nitrogen as nitric acid, in the soils and subsoils of some of the fields at Rothamsted

Lawes, J. B., Gilbert, J. H. and Warington, R. 1883. XVI The nitrogen as nitric acid, in the soils and subsoils of some of the fields at Rothamsted. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 19 (2nd series), pp. 331-367.

LIV On the determination of nitric acid as nitric oxide by means of its reaction with ferrous salts Part II A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory

Warington, R. 1882. LIV On the determination of nitric acid as nitric oxide by means of its reaction with ferrous salts Part II A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory. Journal of the Chemical Society-Transactions. 41, pp. 345-350.

LV On the determination of nitric acid in soils A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory

Warington, R. 1882. LV On the determination of nitric acid in soils A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory. Journal of the Chemical Society-Transactions. 41, pp. 351-360.

XXXV Note on the appearance of nitrous acid during the evaporation of water A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory

Warington, R. 1881. XXXV Note on the appearance of nitrous acid during the evaporation of water A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory. Journal of the Chemical Society - Transactions. 39, pp. 229-234.

On the amount and composition of the rain and drainage-waters collected at Rothamsted with appendix tables

Lawes, J. B., Gilbert, J. H. and Warington, R. 1881. On the amount and composition of the rain and drainage-waters collected at Rothamsted with appendix tables. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 17 (2nd series), pp. 241-279.

On the amount and composition of the rain and drainage-waters collected at Rothamsted Parts I, II, III

Lawes, J. B., Gilbert, J. H. and Warington, R. 1881. On the amount and composition of the rain and drainage-waters collected at Rothamsted Parts I, II, III. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England.

LIII On the determination of carbon in soils A report of experiments made at the Rothamsted Laboratory

Warington, R. and Peake, W. A. 1880. LIII On the determination of carbon in soils A report of experiments made at the Rothamsted Laboratory. Journal of the Chemical Society-Transactions. 37, pp. 617-625.

XXXIII On the determination of nitric acid as nitric oxide, by means of its reaction with ferrous salts Part I A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory

Warington, R. 1880. XXXIII On the determination of nitric acid as nitric oxide, by means of its reaction with ferrous salts Part I A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory. Journal of the Chemical Society-Transactions. 37, pp. 468-480.

Ueber Salpeterbildung mittheilung aus Rothamsted

Warington, R. 1879. Ueber Salpeterbildung mittheilung aus Rothamsted. Die Landwirtschaftlichen versuchs-stationen. pp. 161-166.

XLIX On nitrification Part II A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory

Warington, R. 1879. XLIX On nitrification Part II A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory . Journal of the Chemical Society - Transactions. 35, pp. 429-456.

LXIII On the determination of nitric acid by means of indigo, with special reference to water analysis A report made in the Rothamsted Laboratory

Warington, R. 1879. LXIII On the determination of nitric acid by means of indigo, with special reference to water analysis A report made in the Rothamsted Laboratory. Journal of the Chemical Society-Transactions. 35, pp. 578-589.

XLIV On the determination of nitric acid as nitric oxide by means of its action on mercury

Warington, R. 1879. XLIV On the determination of nitric acid as nitric oxide by means of its action on mercury. Journal of the Chemical Society-Transactions. 35, pp. 375-387.

XLIX On nitrification Part II A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory Parts I, II, III and IV

Warington, R. 1879. XLIX On nitrification Part II A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory Parts I, II, III and IV. Journal of the Chemical Society-Transactions. 35, pp. 429-456.

IV On nitrification A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory

Warington, R. 1878. IV On nitrification A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory. Journal of the Chemical Society-Transactions. 33, pp. 44-51.

IV On nitrification A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory Parts I, II, III and IV

Warington, R. 1878. IV On nitrification A report of experiments made in the Rothamsted Laboratory Parts I, II, III and IV. Journal of the Chemical Society-Transactions. 33, pp. 44-51.

On the quantitative determination of nitric acid by indigo

Warington, R. 1877. On the quantitative determination of nitric acid by indigo. Chemical News. 2-9 1877, pp. 1-12.

XLIV Notes on the chemistry of tartaric and citric acid

Warington, R. 1875. XLIV Notes on the chemistry of tartaric and citric acid. Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed). 28, pp. 925-994.

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