1. On the biology of Sphodromantis guttata
  2. Biological and systematic notes on British Thysanoptera
  3. Thrips Oryzae sp. nov. Injurious to rice in India
  4. Obituary Charles Martin - 1915
  5. The principles of crop production
  6. The making of the soil
  7. Address to the agricultural section of the British Association for the Advancement of Science
  8. The phenomenon of absorption in its relation to soils: A resume of the subject
  9. The reaction between dilute acids and the phosphorus compounds of the soil
  10. Further observations on protozoa in relation to soil bacteria
  11. Some Experiments on the House-Fly in Relation to the Farm Manure Heap
  12. The use of enzymes and special yeasts in carbohydrate analysis
  13. Studies of the Formation and Translocation of Carbohydrates in Plants: II. The Dextrose-Laevulose Ratio in the Mangold
  14. Studies of the Formation and Translocation of Carbohydrates in Plants III The Carbohydrates of the Leaf and Leaf Stalks of the Potato. The Mechanism of the Degradation of Starch in the Leaf
  15. Note on the loss of phosphoric acid during fusion with ammonium fluoride
  16. Studies of the Formation and Translocation of Carbohydrates in Plants: I. The Carbohydrates of The Mangold Leaf
  17. The Distribution of Maltase in Plants I The Function of Maltase in Starch Degradation and its Influence on the Amyloclastic Activity of Plant Materials
  18. The Distribution of Maltase in Plants III The Presence of Maltase in Germinated Barley
  19. The Distribution of Maltase in Plants II The Presence of Maltase in Foliage Leaves
  20. The effect of the concentration of the nutrient solution on the growth of barley and wheat in water cultures