1. Statistical consideractions involved in Tables I and II of Biological studies of aphis rum wis linn. Reproduction on varieties of Vicia Faba
  2. Notes on the food and habits of some Trinidad birds
  3. Th possibility of using town refuse as manure
  4. The barley crop - a study in modern agricultural chemistry
  5. Science and crop production
  6. The physico-chemical problems relating to the soil - A general survey
  7. Further experiments with activated sludge
  8. Straw filters for sewage purification
  9. On the development of a standardised agar medium for counting soil bacteria with especial regard to the repression of spreading colonies
  10. The part played by organic matter in the soil system - Section III.—Papers and discussion on “organic constituents of the soil”.
  11. Green manuring
  12. On the Larva and Pupa of a Parasitic Phorid Fly—Hypocera incrassata Mg
  13. On a method of separating insects and other arthropods from soil
  14. The larval and pupal stages of the Bibionidae Part II
  15. The Infestation of Fungus Cultures by Mites.(Its Nature and Control, together with some Remarks on the toxic Properties of Pyridine.)
  16. Anatomical structure of the roots of barley
  17. The phenomena of absorption in soils: a critical discussion of the hypotheses put forward
  18. A quantitative investigation of the bacterial and protozoan fauna
  19. Section II.—Papers and discussion on “soil moisture”. The system soil-soil moisture
  20. Biological studies of aphis rum wis linn. Reproduction on varieties of Vicia Faba
  21. On mutation of species
  22. Some aspects of vegetable pathology in relation to human disease
  23. Some research aspects of the wart disease problem
  24. CP28 The microbiology of cider-making
  25. The insect and other invertebrate fauna of arable land at Rothamsted
  26. Soil acidity in its physico-chemical aspects
  27. Effect of high root temperature and excessive insolation upon growth
  28. On the Interpretation of X squared from Contingency Tables, and the Calculation of P
  29. The correlation of weekly rainfall
  30. The goodness of fit of regression formulae, and the distribution of regression coefficients
  31. The accuracy of the plating method of estimating the density of bacterial populations: with particular reference to the use of Thornton's agar medium with soil samples
  32. The systematic location of genes by means of crossover observations
  33. On the mathematical foundations of theoretical statistics