Current Researchers
Latest Additions
Soil and plant biochemistry
Seasonal variation in pink boll-worm attack on cotton in Egypt in the years 1916-1924
Further records of insect migration
Voluntary or involuntary migration in butterflies
The growing of lucerne Rothamsted Conference RC No 1
The culture and manuring of fodder crops Rothamsted Conference RC No 2
Field experiments - how they are made and what they are
Western north America
Cotton on the Nile
Regional surveys and scientific societies
Investigations in Agricultural Science at Rothamsted
The effect of applying a nitrogenous fertiliser to wheat at different stages of growth
Studies On Contact Insecticides Part IV A quantitative examination of the toxicity of certain plants and plant products to Aphis rumicus. L. (the bean aphis)
The investigations of KK Gedroiz on base exchange and absorption A resume
The nature of soil acidity
Colloids and their importance in the soil
On the microscopic examination of bees for Acari
The Bee Research Institute at Rothamsted
Bio-electric Potentials of Intact Green Plants I Measurements of the bio-electric potentials of coleoptiles of avena sativa L. Var. Barnwell
The effect of flooding with sea-water on the fertility of the soil
Note on a remarkable correlation between grain and straw, obtained at Rothamsted
The biological control of insect pests and injurious plants in the Hawaiian Islands
The use of the aeroplane for applying insecticides
The effect of climatic conditions on the growth of barley
A method of staining bacteria flagella
On the presence of an Egg-burster in Aphididae
A Quantitative Examination Of The Toxicity Of 3:5‐Dinitro‐O‐Cresol And Other Compounds To Insect Eggs, Under Laboratory And Field Conditions
The manuring of potatoes
The organism forming nodules on Crotalaria Juncea (L.)
The effect of some soil conditions on nodule formation on Crotalaria Juncea (L.)
Studies on the lucerne nodule organism (B. Radicicola) under laboratory conditions
The Resemblance between Twins, a Statistical Examination of Lauterbach's Measurements Correction
The history and development of the use of superphosphate
Soil management
Soil physics and its bearing on practice
On the effect of sunshine on wheat yield at Rothamsted
A method of isolating and handling individual spores and bacteria
Collembola injuring leaves of mangold seedlings
Further experiments on the use of sulphur in relation to wart disease of potatoes
The life-cycle of the nodule organism, bacillus radicicola (Beij.), in soil and its relation to the infection of the host plant
further experiments on the use of sulphur in relation to wart disease of potatoes
On the Relation of Certain Soil Algae to some Soluble Carbon Compounds
Influence of protozoa on the process of nitrogen fixation by Azotobacter Chroococcum
The determination of the diastolic power of malt and barley
The evaporation of water from soil III. A critical study of the Technique
The changes induced in the anatomical structure of Vicia faba by the absence of boron from the nutrient solution
Wart disease of potatoes: The development of Synchytrium Endobioticum (Schilb.) Perg, in “immune” varieties
The viability of the winter sporangium of Synchytrium Endobioticum (Schilb.) Perc., the organism causing wart disease in potato
Variability of Species
On the capillary forces in an ideal soil; correction of formulae given by W. B. Haines
Bayes' theorem and the fourfold table
The arrangement of field experiments
The official method for the mechanical analysis of soils
The mechanical analysis of soils. A report on the present position and recommendations for a new official method