Current Researchers
Latest Additions
Muck, magic and composts - is foot-and-mouth disease traceable to the use of artificial manures?
The selection of bacterial food by soil amoebae, and the toxic effects of bacterial pigments and other products on soil protozoa
What are the minimum cultivations necessary for high farming?
Rothamsted experiments on mangolds 1876-1940 III Causes of variation of yield
Sulphonamides and American foul brood disease of bees
A comparison of Fusarium avenaceum and Fusarium caeruleum as causes of wastage in stored potato tubers
Chronic Pulmonary Disease in South Wales Coalminers. III. Experimental Studies. B. The Mineral Content of the Lungs of Workers from the South Wales Coalfield
The use of abrasives in the transmission of plant viruses
Statistics in biology
The dispersion of air-borne spores
The infected root‐hair count for estimating the activity of Plasmodiophora brassicae Woron. in the soil
The microbiological assay of vitamins: the estimate and its precision.
A quantitative study of the interaction of bacteriophage with Rhizobium using the technique of poured plates
The production of plaques by Rhizobium bacteriophage in poured plated and its value as a counting method
The Reaction of Products of Initial Stages of Peptic Proteolysis of Human and Horse Serum Albumin with Antisera to the Original Albumins
Specific precipitation of one protein by antiserum to another
Conversion of non-precipitating and inhibiting protein complexes into forms again precipitable by the antisera to the original proteins
Studies in the Physiology of Leaf Growth: I. The Effect of Various Accessory Growth Factors on the Growth of the first Leaf of isolated Stem Tips of Rye
Sewage sludge and the market gardener
Dry farming in India [Book Review]
Photographic plates for use in the RCA electron microscope
Plant-Growth Substances as Selective Weed-Killers: Inhibition of Plant Growth by 2:4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid and other Plant-Growth Substances
A factor in clover nodule formation associated with the volume of the medium occupied by the roots
Effective and ineffective strains of legume nodule bacteria
Ripening of the Onion Bulb and Infection by Botrytis Species
Acid-producing mechanisms in minced leaves
Virus yellows of sugar beet
Soils and fertilizers
Slugs in gardens: Their numbers, activities and distribution. Part 2
Two new gall midges from Mauritius
The competition between barley and certain weeds under controlled conditions
Some aspects of the work at Rothamsted
Balanced manuring
Index of diversity as applied to ecological problems
Occurrence of Vanessa Cardui (Lepidoptera) at sea off the West African coast
Notes on the fat content of two british migrant moths (lepidoptera)
Geographical variation in the wing length of Danaus Plexippus (Lep. Rhopalocera)
Fertilizers during the war and after
Combine-drilling of phosphate fertilizers for cereals
The effect of eyespot (Cercosporella herpotrichoides Fron.) on wheat and the influence of nitrogen on the disease
The influence of periodic fallowing on the prevalence of viable weed seeds in arable soil
Trace elements in relation to plant growth
Winifred E Brenchley Obituary Notice
The suppression of one plant virus by another
The separation and properties of tobacco mosaic virus in different states of aggregation
Protein precipitation and virus deactivation by extracts of strawberry plants
Plant viruses and virus diseases
Further studies on the purification and properties of a virus causing tobacco necrosis
The influence of various physical and biological factors of the environment on honeybee activity - an examination of the relationship between activity and nectar concentration and abundance
The incidence and distribution of some diseases of the adult honeybee (Apis-mellifera L) in England and Wales