Current Researchers
Latest Additions
Aphids aeronautics
The dispersal of insects by wind
The need for biological investigations in the specific determination of gall midges
Review of work on nutritional problems in forest nurseries
Nitrogen fertilisers for sugar beet
Report of the Bee Department 1949
A culture method for growing small free-living amoebae for the study of their nuclear division
Changes in the behaviour of honey-bees following their recovery from anaesthesia
The infection of plants by viruses through roots
The structure and development of the larval cuticle of Diataraxia oleracea (Lepidoptera)
An improved micro-method for the determination of fluorine based on an examination of the fluoride-fluosilicate equilibrium
Inflammability of cereal crops in relation to water-content
Preparation of Standardized Actinomycete Colonies
I Section of soil physics 113 Soil moisture and evaporation
Clay minerals and colloid chemistry - a general introduction
Swelling chlorite
Problems presented by nodule bacteria and the legume host
Organic chemistry 8 Proteins
A colorimetric method for the determination of pentoses in the presence of hexoses and uronic acids
Cellulase from leaves and roots of tobacco
Interlamellar adsorption of protein monolayers on pure montmorillonoid clays
Control of plant nematodes
Indications of provenance in some Anglesey drift soils
The analysis of change-over trials
Sampling on Successive Occasions with Partial Replacement of Units
The competition between barley and certain weeds under controlled conditions IV Competition with Stellaria media
The isolation of Nitrosomonas europaea in pure culture
Gilbert Wooding Robinson 1889-1950 obituary
Solvation of clay minerals in relation to crystal structure: inter-lamellar adsorption by clay minerals.
A Colour Reaction Applicable to the Pyrethrins
The effects of concentration of poison and the amount applied on the toxicity of insecticidal dusts to adult Tribolium castaneum Hbst
The effect of insecticides on respiration II The effects of a number of insecticides on the oxygen uptake of adult Tribolium castaneum Hbst. at 25° C
Mechanism of action of organo-phosphorus compounds as insecticides.
The analysis of phosphate fertilizers
Heat inactivation of leaf‐roll virus in potato tubers
The oxidation of manganese by peroxidase systems
The use of probits in combining percentage kills
Deposition of air-borne particles on trap surfaces
The estimation of error in rectangular lattices
Stem eelworm and clover
Oats and varietal susceptibility to stem eelworm infestation
The Absorption of Ions by Excised Root Systems I Apparatus and preliminary experiments
The influence of photoperiod and temperature on the induction of diapause in Diataraxia oleracea L.(Lepidoptera)
Two species of Aphelenchoides associated with strawberry bud disease in Britain
Buried Bag Technique for Testing D-D as a Soil Fumigant against the Potato-root Eelworm
Investigations on the Emergence of Larvae from Cysts of the Potato-Root Eelworm Heterodera rostochiensis. 3. Larval Emergence in soil under the influence of Potato-Root Diffusate
Investigations on the Emergence of Larvae from Cysts of the Potato-Root Eelworm Heterodera rostochiensis 2. The Form of the Hatching Curve
A study of phage-resistant mutants of Rhizobium trifolii
Interpreting relationships between the concentrations of plant viruses and numbers of local lesions
Restoration of the ability of some heated antisera to flocculate specifically their antigens
Use of Antisera to identify Nodule produced by the Inoculation of Legumes in the Field
Electron micrographs of spores of some British gasteromycetes
An electron-microscope study of potato virus X in different states of aggregation
Methods of applying fertilizer to potatoes planted by machines
Studies on two aphid‐transmitted viruses of leguminous crops
The influence of the bacterial environment on the excystment of amoebae from soil
Studies on the storage of potatoes. III. The composition of the atmosphere in a potato clamp
Studies on the storage of potatoes II. The temperature conditions inside potato clamps
Restricted randomization and quasi-Latin squares
Statistical analysis of results for successive tests on the same organism
The planning of probit assays
The estimation of free iron oxides in soils and clays and their removal
The spread of virus diseases to single potato plants by winged aphids
Roguing potato crops for virus diseases
The microclimate of the potato crop
The correlation of aphid numbers with the spread of leaf roll and rugose mosaic in potato crops
The effect of potassium on crop yield
Maincrop potato growing in England and Wales
Some observations on the oxidation of soil organic matter in the presence of alkali
Amino-acids in soil
The amino-acid composition of the protein material in soil
Field trials II: the analysis of covariance
Some observation on gleying
A study of enzymes that can break down tobacco-leaf components. 1. Digestive juice of Helix on leaf fibre
Sampling Theory of the Negative Binomial and Logarithmic Series Distributions
Synchronous movement of Aphis fabae Scop.(Hem., Aphididae)
The isolation from normal tobacco leaves of nucleoprotein with some similarity to plant viruses
The formation of nitrates in soil following various crop rotations
The identity of the Swede Midge, with notes on its biology
The nature of precipitated calcium phosphates
Weather and Food - Centenary symposium on meteorology and the community
Diversity as a measurable character of an animal or plant population
Phase coloration in larvae of Lepidoptera
The application of the logarithmic series to the frequency of occurrence of plant species in quadrats
Committee on nutrition problems in forest nurseries: summary report on 1949 experiments
Close cereal cropping. Effect of cultural treatments of wheat on eyespot, lodging, take-all and weeds
The effect of variations in calcium supply, ph value and nitrogen content of nutrient solutions on the response of lettuce and red clover to molybdenum
Some factors affecting the activation of virus preparations made from tobacco leaves infected with a tobacco necrosis virus
Some effects of host-plant nutrition on the multiplication of viruses
Some effects of host nutrition on the susceptibility of plants to infection by certain viruses
The mechanical transmission and some properties of potato paracrinkle virus
Some effects of freezing in the leaf, and of citrate in vitro, on the infectivity of a tobacco necrosis virus
Recent applications of biometrical methods in genetics. 1. Experimental techniques in plant improvement
The water balance of the Stour catchment area
Evaporation over the British Isles
The diffusion of moisture through flax seed
A new design of microsyringe tip for the instrumental insemination of queen honey-bees
Agriculture, sampling and operational research
The insecticidal activity of substances related to the pyrethrins .1. The toxicities of 2 synthetic pyrethrin-like esters relative to that of the natural pyrethrins and the significance of the results in the bioassay of closely related compounds
Experiments on the synthesis of the pyrethrins. Part III. Synthesis of dihydrocinerin-I and tetrahydropyrethrin-I; a study of the action of N-bromosuccinimide on 3-methyl-2-n-alkyl (and alkenyl)-cyclopent-2-en-1-ones
Infestation of a bean field by aphis fabae scop. in relation to wind direction
The comparison of suction trap, sticky trap and tow-net for the quantitative sampling of small airborne insects
A suction trap for small airborne insects which automatically segregates the catch into successive hourly samples