1. The performances of fertilizer distributors used in field experiments
  2. Classified list of publications
  3. Rothamsted Chemistry Department 1954
  4. Making the best use of fertilizers The right place and time
  5. Can a precise meaning be given to available soil phosphorus?
  6. Make good what the rain washed out
  7. Nutrition problems in forest nurseries
  8. The honeybee
  9. Nematology at Rothamsted Experimental Station: Mr. F. G. W. Jones
  10. Chemistry Department Rothamsted 1954
  11. Chemistry Department Rothamsted 1954
  12. Report of the Bee Department 1954
  13. The significance of the presence of pollen in the food of worker larvae of the honey-bee
  14. Communication between honeybees. II. The recruitment of trained bees, and their response to improvement of the crop
  15. The scent perception of the honeybee
  16. A flotation extraction process for soil micro-arthropods
  17. The effect of soil conditions on wheat bulb fly oviposition
  18. Beans and blackfly a single spray will free this crop
  19. A rolling method for opening cysts of potato root eelworm
  20. The decomposition of 1-chloro- and 1-bromonaphthalene by soil bacteria
  21. Effects of nitrogen applied at different dates, and of other cultural treatments on eyespot, lodging and yield of winter wheat. Field experiment 1952
  22. Behaviour as a means of identifying two closely-allied species of gall midges
  23. The morphology of the salivary glands of terrestrial Heteroptera (Geocorisae) and its bearing on classification
  24. The egg and first instar larva of Empicoris vaga-bundus (L.)(Hem., Reduviidae)
  25. Interactions of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium supplied in Leaf Sprays or in Fertilizer added to the Soil
  26. Nutrient uptake from leaf sprays by crops
  27. The effect on yield and leaf area of wheat of applying nitrogen as a top-dressing in April or in sprays at ear emergence
  28. Morphological and physiological variation in wild oats (Avena fatua L. and A. ludoviciana Dur.) and in hybrids between wild and cultivated oats
  29. A rapid colorimetric distinction between glucosamine and galactosamine
  30. Cellulase and chitinase in soil amoebae
  31. Chitinase in some basidiomycetes
  32. Complex formation between montmorillonoid clays and amino-acids and proteins
  33. The combined use of nematicidal soil fumigants and solubilized chemicals
  34. Purification and properties of the amine oxidase of pea seedlings
  35. Plant enzyme reactions leading to the formation of heterocyclic compounds. 1. The formation of unsaturated pyrrolidine and piperidine compounds
  36. Plant enzyme reactions leading to the formation of heterocyclic compounds. 2. The formation of indole
  37. The effect of bush burning on the microflora of a Kenya upland soil
  38. Soil microbiology Some microscopical methods and results
  39. Notes on processes used in sampling, extraction and assessment of the meiofauna of heathland
  40. Ecology of the fauna of forest soils
  41. Soil faunal investigations
  42. Soil faunal investigations
  43. Soils of Gloucestershire Somerset and Wiltshire
  44. Observations on sub-social behaviour in two species of lepidopterous larvae Pieris brassicae L. and Plusia gamma L.
  45. Vital statistics in the study of cattle
  46. Methods of milk production: some results of a survey in four areas of England and Wales
  47. Non-linear regenerative extraction of synchrocyclotron beams CXXXVIII
  48. Effect of powdery mildew on the yield of spring-sown barley
  49. Seasonal incidence of Sporobolomyces on cereal leaves
  50. The spore content of air within and above mildew-infected cereal crops
  51. The ecology of some British Sphaeroceridae (Borboridae, Diptera)
  52. The reaction between bentonite and certain naturally-occuring compounds
  53. The effect of certain adsorbents on the nodulation of clover plants
  54. Report to the Government of India on statistics in agricultural research
  55. Evaporation over parts of Europe
  56. The relation of the tobacco cyst nematode to tobacco growth
  57. The Effect of Photoperiod and Temperature on Reproduction in Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) and on the Forms produced
  58. The oxidation of β-(3-indolyl) propionic acid and γ-(3-indolyl)-n-butyric acid by peroxidase and Mn2+
  59. The oxidation of indolyl-3-acetic acid by waxpod bean root sap and peroxidase systems
  60. The oxidation of manganese by illuminated chloroplast preparations
  61. An unusual montmorillonite complex
  62. Sorption of aromatic organic compounds by montmorillonite. Part 1.—Orientation studies
  63. Sorption of aromatic organic compounds by montmorillonite. Part 2.—Packing studies with pyridine
  64. Lithium absorption by kaolin minerals
  65. Dehydration of the montmorillonite minerals
  66. A Method for sampling Arthropods and Molluscs from Herbage by Suction
  67. Ecological aspects of aphid flight and dispersal
  68. Aphid transmission of cauliflower mosaic on turnips
  69. The flight activity of the sycamore aphid, Drepanosiphum platanoides Schr.(Hemiptera, Aphididae)
  70. Biologisch-okologische Studien an Rhopalosiphoninus latysiphon D.
  71. Beobachtungen über das Flugstartverhalten und die Dauer der Flugfahigkeit der Mannchen von Periphyllus aceris acericola Wlk.
  72. Aphid take-off in controlled wind speeds
  73. Survey of losses associated with pregnancy and parturition in Yorkshire sheep
  74. Sugar yellows in Great Brtiain 1954
  75. The origin of apple scab epidemics in the Wisbech area in 1953 and 1954
  76. The early history of a potato blight epidemic
  77. The division of labour within bumblebee colonies
  78. Queen production in colonies of bumblebees
  79. The collection of food by bumblebees
  80. The adaptability of bumblebees to a change in the location of their nest
  81. The behaviour of egg-laying workers of bumblebee colonies
  82. The behaviour of robber honeybees
  83. A redescription of Aphelenchoides parietinus (Bastian, 1865) Steiner, 1932
  84. Report to the Government of India on statistics agricultural research
  85. The statistical analysis of plant virus assays: a transformation to include lesion numbers with small means
  86. The hatching of cyst-forming nematodes
  87. The rate of water uptake of soil crumbs at low suctions
  88. A note on the sodium saturation test for determining the cohesion of moist soil crumbs
  89. Maleic hydrazide as a shoot depressant for clamped mangolds and fodder beets
  90. Performances of fertilizer distributors used in field experiments
  91. Fertilizers make good waht the rain washed out
  92. Alternatives to superphosphate
  93. Field experiments on phosphate fertilizers
  94. Fertilizer placement for arable and herbage crops
  95. The value of sewage‐sludge ashes as phosphorus fertilizers
  96. Residual effects of phosphate fertilizers on a Wealden soil
  97. Weed‐killers and insectides used on cerelans, peas, swedes and kale, 1954
  98. Reviasâo do complexo Cyrtorhinus Fieber-Mecomma Fieber (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Miridae)
  99. Biometrical investigation of some European and other races of honeybees
  100. The influence of nitrogen, phosphate, potash and lime on the secretion of nectar by red clover in the field
  101. Statistical techniques for inspection sampling
  102. A significance test for the difference in efficiency between two predictors
  103. Photo-reactivation of Botrytis fabae Sardina measured by a Local-lesion Technique
  104. Pathogenic strains of Fusarium oxysporum Fr. distinguished by their differential tolerance to inhibition by various actinomycetes
  105. Fusarium diseases of peas
  106. The Persistence and Fate of DDT on Foliage. I.—The Influence of Plant Wax on the Toxicity and Persistence of Deposits of DDT Crystals
  107. Biochemical engineering
  108. The effect of isomorphous substitutions on the intensities of (001) reflections of mica-and chlorite-type structures
  109. Sources of overwintering Myzus persicae (Sulzer) in England
  110. The progress of improvement on upland and hill farms in England and Wales
  111. Migration records 1954
  112. Studies on soil humic acids I The chemical nature of humic nitrogen
  113. Reduction of nitrate by ferrous hydroxide under various conditions of alkalinity
  114. Recent work on soil organic matter at Rothamsted
  115. Nitrogen transformations during the biological decomposition of straw composted with inorganic nitrogen
  116. Nitrogen Distribution and Amino‐Acid Composition of Fractions of a Humic Acid from a Chernozem Soil (Hildesheimer Schwarzerde)
  117. Determination of ammonia and nitrate in soil
  118. The effect of electrolyte concentration on soil permeability.
  119. Principles and practice of field experimentation
  120. Treatments affecting the ultraviolet absorption spectrum of ribonucleic acid from three sources
  121. A Study of Podzolization, Part VI, The Immobilization of Iron and Aluminium
  122. The mobilization of phosphate in waterlogged soils
  123. Leaf leachates as a factor in pedogenesis
  124. Experimental production of podzolization
  125. The preparation of ribonucleic acid from yeast, tobacco leaves and tobacco mosaic virus
  126. A comparison of leaf and pancreatic ribonuclease
  127. The partial purification of leaf ribonuclease
  128. The principles of microbial classification: summing up
  129. The measurement of insect density in the air Parts I and II
  130. A tilting micromanometer with continuous sensitivity control
  131. Measurements of the activities of bases in soils
  132. The Measurement of Soil pH
  133. Avoding wheat blossom midge attacks
  134. A nematode parasite of Drosophila
  135. Gall midges reared from acorns and acorn cups
  136. The use of radioactive tantalum in studies of the behaviour of small crawling insects on plants
  137. An ecological study of Coccinellidae (Col.) associated with Aphis fabae Scop. on Vicia faba
  138. The chemist and the farmer
  139. Chemistry and crop nutrition - Royal Institute of Chemistry 9th Dalton lecture - Lectures monographs and reports No 5
  140. The soils of the Glastonbury district of Somerset - Sheet 296
  141. Design and accuracy of calipers for measuring subcutaneous tissue thickness
  142. A second experiment on testing the reative efficiency of insect traps
  143. The infection of the ventriculus of the adult honeybee by Nosema apis (Zander)
  144. Results of field trials at Rothamsted of control methods for nosema disease
  145. Control of amoeba disease by the fumigation of combs and by fumagillin
  146. Trials with acaricides at Rothamsted
  147. Studies on the ability of light to counteract the inactivation action of ultraviolet radiation on plant viruses
  148. Studies on the multiplication of a tobacco necrosis virus in inoculated leaves in French-bean plants
  149. Virus diseases of plants
  150. The classification of viruses
  151. The use of transformations and maximum likelihood in the analysis of quantal experiments involving two treatments
  152. A note on the application of the combination of probabilities test to a set of 2× 2 tables
  153. An analysis of the factors involved in the formation of a cluster of honeybees
  154. Statistical methods and scientific induction
  155. Weather and farming, 1954
  156. Meteorology in a large water-engineering project
  157. Components in the water balance of a catchment area
  158. Variation in plasmodiophora brassicae woron
  159. The standardization of air-flow in insect suction traps
  160. The spread and control of plant virus diseases
  161. Some properties of four viruses isolated from carnation plants
  162. Some effects of ultra-violet radiation on leaves of french bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
  163. The respiration of tobacco leaves in the 20-hour period following inoculation with tobacco mosaic virus
  164. The respiration of tobacco leaves after systemic infection with tobacco mosaic virus
  165. Particle size of insecticidal suspensions and their contact toxicity V Effect of physical properties on toxicity of compounds in the DDT group
  166. Nematology in retrospect and prospect
  167. The influence of high concentrations of ammonium and sodium molybdates on flax, soybean and peas grown in nutrient solutions containing deficient or excess iron
  168. Esterase inhibition by organo-phosphorus residues, with some observations on possible effects on plant metabolism
  169. The epidemiology and control of nosema disease of the honey-bee
  170. Effects of nutrition and light intensity on symptoms of leaf-roll virus infection in the potato plant
  171. The effects of dates of planting and harvesting potato crops on virus-disease incidence and yield
  172. Effects of darkness on the constitution of tobacco leaves and susceptibility to virus infection
  173. The effect of sucrose spraying on symptoms caused by beet yellows virus in sugar beet
  174. The effect of repeated spraying of insects on their resistance to insecticides iii. Conditioning by the administration of sublethal concentrations
  175. Host plants of wheat bulb fly
  176. The development of large suction traps for airborne insects
  177. Soil sampling for wheat blossom midges