Silage production and utilisation - perspectives from the Silage Research conferences

C1 - Edited contributions to conferences/learned societies

Wilkins, R. J. 1996. Silage production and utilisation - perspectives from the Silage Research conferences. Jones, D. I. H., Jones, R., Dewhurst, R. J., Merry, R. J. and Haigh, P. M. (ed.) Proceedings of the XIth International Silage Conference, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, 8-11 September 1996. Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, IGER, Aberystwyth. pp. 1-10

AuthorsWilkins, R. J.
Year of Publication1996
PublisherInstitute of Grassland and Environmental Research, IGER, Aberystwyth
Funder project or code14
Project: 1500 4480
Page range1-10
EditorsJones, D. I. H., Jones, R., Dewhurst, R. J., Merry, R. J. and Haigh, P. M.

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