Survey work in the Statistics Department

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications

Kershaw, C. D. and Church, B. M. 1986. Survey work in the Statistics Department. Rothamsted Research Annual Report. 1987, pp. 227-235.

AuthorsKershaw, C. D. and Church, B. M.

Sample survey work in the Statistics Department began just before the 1939-45 war. Major series of surveys and some of the more recent work are described, as is our involvement in the development of software for survey analysis since before 1960. Information from recent fertilizer surveys on the timing of N applications to winter cereals is summarized.

Year of Publication1986
JournalRothamsted Research Annual Report
Journal citation1987, pp. 227-235
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as bronze (free) open access
Output statusPublished
PublisherRothamsted Research
Lawes Agricultural Trust
Copyright licenseCC BY
Collective titleRothamsted Experimental Station. Report for 1986, oo-oo.

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