Rothamsted Multidisciplinary Agronomy

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Thorne, G. N., Dewar, A. M., Prew, R. D., williams, Lacey, J., Plumb, R. T., Hirsch, P. R., Church, B. M. and Todd, A. D. 1983. Rothamsted Multidisciplinary Agronomy. Rothamsted Experimental Station Report. 1983 (part 1), pp. 21-36.

AuthorsThorne, G. N., Dewar, A. M., Prew, R. D., williams, Lacey, J., Plumb, R. T., Hirsch, P. R., Church, B. M. and Todd, A. D.


Year of Publication1983
JournalRothamsted Experimental Station Report
Journal citation1983 (part 1), pp. 21-36
Open accessPublished as bronze (free) open access
FunderRothamsted Research
PublisherLawes Agricultural Trust

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