'Observations of Weather' The Weather Diary of Sir John Wittewronge of Rothamsted 1684-89 (Hertfordshire Records Publications, Vol. 15)

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications

Williams, M. H., Stevenson, J. H., Jenkyn, J. F., Prew, R. D. and Roach, W. 1999. 'Observations of Weather' The Weather Diary of Sir John Wittewronge of Rothamsted 1684-89 (Hertfordshire Records Publications, Vol. 15).

AuthorsWilliams, M. H., Stevenson, J. H., Jenkyn, J. F., Prew, R. D. and Roach, W.
Year of Publication1999
Funder project or code000
Open accessPublished as non-open access
PublisherHertfordshire Record Society, Hertford

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/88225/-observations-of-weather-the-weather-diary-of-sir-john-wittewronge-of-rothamsted-1684-89-hertfordshire-records-publications-vol-15

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