John Jenkyn

NameJohn Jenkyn
Job titleEmeritus
DepartmentPlant Sciences
Preferred citationJenkyn, J. F.

Research outputs

Effects of break crops, and of wheat volunteers growing in break crops or in set-aside or conservation covers, all following crops of winter wheat, on the development of take-all (Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici) in succeeding crops of winter wheat

Jenkyn, J. F., Gutteridge, R. J. and White, Robin P. 2014. Effects of break crops, and of wheat volunteers growing in break crops or in set-aside or conservation covers, all following crops of winter wheat, on the development of take-all (Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici) in succeeding crops of winter wheat. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 165 (3), pp. 340-363.

Preparations for war; a postscript to Harold Gough’s reminiscences of Rothamsted

Jenkyn, J. F. 2010. Preparations for war; a postscript to Harold Gough’s reminiscences of Rothamsted. AAB News. 71 (Autumn/Winter), p. 5.

Effects of crop debris and cultivations on the development of eyespot of wheat caused by Oculimacula spp.

Jenkyn, J. F., Gutteridge, R. J., Bateman, G. L. and Jalaluddin, M. 2010. Effects of crop debris and cultivations on the development of eyespot of wheat caused by Oculimacula spp. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 156 (3), pp. 387-399.

Results from two experiments with winter wheat, comparing top-dressings of a liquid N-fertilizer either alone or with added herbicide or mildew fungicide or both, and of 'Nitro-Chalk' without or with herbicide or fungicide or both

Penny, A. and Jenkyn, J. F. 1975. Results from two experiments with winter wheat, comparing top-dressings of a liquid N-fertilizer either alone or with added herbicide or mildew fungicide or both, and of 'Nitro-Chalk' without or with herbicide or fungicide or both. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 85 (3), pp. 533-539.

Effects of fluquinconazole and silthiofam, applied as seed treatments to single or consecutive crops of wheat, on take-all epidemic development and grain yields

Bateman, G. L., Gutteridge, R. J., Jenkyn, J. F. and Self, M. M. 2008. Effects of fluquinconazole and silthiofam, applied as seed treatments to single or consecutive crops of wheat, on take-all epidemic development and grain yields. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 152 (2), pp. 243-254.

The potential of non-pathogenic Gaeumannomyces spp., occurring naturally or introduced into wheat crops or preceding crops, for controlling take-all in wheat

Gutteridge, R. J., Jenkyn, J. F. and Bateman, G. L. 2007. The potential of non-pathogenic Gaeumannomyces spp., occurring naturally or introduced into wheat crops or preceding crops, for controlling take-all in wheat. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 150 (1), pp. 53-64.

Effects of different cultivated or weed grasses, grown as pure stands or in combination with wheat, on take-all and its suppression in subsequent wheat crops

Gutteridge, R. J., Jenkyn, J. F. and Bateman, G. L. 2006. Effects of different cultivated or weed grasses, grown as pure stands or in combination with wheat, on take-all and its suppression in subsequent wheat crops. Plant Pathology. 55 (5), pp. 696-704.

Survival and multiplication of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (the wheat take-all fungus) and related fungi on different wild and cultivated grasses

Gutteridge, R. J., Zhang, J-P., Jenkyn, J. F. and Bateman, G. L. 2005. Survival and multiplication of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (the wheat take-all fungus) and related fungi on different wild and cultivated grasses. Applied Soil Ecology. 29, pp. 143-154.

Development of Oculimacula yallundae and O. acuformis (eyespot) on leaf sheaths of winter wheat in the UK in relation to thermal time

Wan, A. M., Bock, C. H., Fitt, B. D. L., Harvey, J. L. and Jenkyn, J. F. 2005. Development of Oculimacula yallundae and O. acuformis (eyespot) on leaf sheaths of winter wheat in the UK in relation to thermal time. Plant Pathology. 54 (2), pp. 144-155.

Wheat rhizosphere interactions and natural suppression of take-all disease: effects of grass weeds and wheat cultivar on inoculum and disease

Bateman, G. L., Gutteridge, R. J. and Jenkyn, J. F. 2005. Wheat rhizosphere interactions and natural suppression of take-all disease: effects of grass weeds and wheat cultivar on inoculum and disease. Roots and the Soil Environment II. Aspects of Applied Biology 73 . pp. 155-162

Take-all and grain yields in sequences of winter wheat crops testing fluquinconazole seed treatment applied in different combinations of years

Bateman, G. L., Gutteridge, R. J. and Jenkyn, J. F. 2004. Take-all and grain yields in sequences of winter wheat crops testing fluquinconazole seed treatment applied in different combinations of years. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 145 (3), pp. 317-330.

Effects of cultivation method and crop debris on wheat stem-base diseases and take-all

Jenkyn, J. F., Gutteridge, R. J. and Bateman, G. L. 2004. Effects of cultivation method and crop debris on wheat stem-base diseases and take-all. Proceedings HGCA Conference on Managing Soil and Roots for Profitable Production, Oxford, 10-11 March 2004 . Home Grown Cereals Authority (HGCA) London. pp. 15.1-15.11

Some problems in the design and analysis of field experiments subject to interplot interference

Dyke, G. V., Todd, A. D. and Jenkyn, J. F. 2002. Some problems in the design and analysis of field experiments subject to interplot interference. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 139 (3), pp. 295-305.

Interactions between cropping systems and soil-borne cereal pathogens (Final project report for DEFRA project CE0525)

Jenkyn, J. F. 2003. Interactions between cropping systems and soil-borne cereal pathogens (Final project report for DEFRA project CE0525).

Optimising the benefits of fluquinconazole seed treatment in sequences of winter wheat crops

Bateman, G. L., Jenkyn, J. F. and Gutteridge, R. J. 2003. Optimising the benefits of fluquinconazole seed treatment in sequences of winter wheat crops. Proceedings BCPC International Congress - Crop Science and Technology, Glasgow, 10-12 November 2003 . pp. 979-984

Strategies for fungicidal control of take-all. (H-GCA Project Report No. 309)

Bateman, G. L., Freeman, J., Gutteridge, R. J., Jenkyn, J. F. and Ward, E. 2003. Strategies for fungicidal control of take-all. (H-GCA Project Report No. 309). Home Grown Cereals Authority (HGCA) London.

Development of eyespot on winter wheat in the UK II: infection and lesion development on stems in relation to thermal time

Bock, C. H., Wan, A., Fitt, B. D. L., Jenkyn, J. F., Harvey, J. L. and Goulds, A. 2003. Development of eyespot on winter wheat in the UK II: infection and lesion development on stems in relation to thermal time.

Development of eyespot on winter wheat in the UK I: penetration and infection of leaf sheaths in relation to thermal time

Wan, A., Bock, C. H., Fitt, B. D. L., Jenkyn, J. F., Harvey, J. L. and Goulds, A. 2003. Development of eyespot on winter wheat in the UK I: penetration and infection of leaf sheaths in relation to thermal time.

Interactions between cropping systems and soil-borne cereal pathogens (Project CE0525)(Scientific report for DEFRA Review of Cereal and Oilseed Disease Epidemiology)

Bateman, G. L. and Jenkyn, J. F. 2002. Interactions between cropping systems and soil-borne cereal pathogens (Project CE0525)(Scientific report for DEFRA Review of Cereal and Oilseed Disease Epidemiology).

Interactions between cropping systems and soil-borne cereal pathogens (Annual/interim report for DEFRA project CE0525 2001-2002)

Jenkyn, J. F. 2002. Interactions between cropping systems and soil-borne cereal pathogens (Annual/interim report for DEFRA project CE0525 2001-2002).

Effects of azoxystrobin on wheat take-all (H-GCA Project Report 285)

Jenkyn, J. F. and Gutteridge, R. J. 2002. Effects of azoxystrobin on wheat take-all (H-GCA Project Report 285). Home Grown Cereals Authority (HGCA) London.

Changes in populations of the eyespot fungi Tapesia yallundae and T. acuformis under different fungicide regimes in successive crops of winter wheat, 1984-2000

Bierman, S. M., Fitt, B. D. L., Van Den Bosch, F., Bateman, G. L., Jenkyn, J. F. and Welham, S. J. 2002. Changes in populations of the eyespot fungi Tapesia yallundae and T. acuformis under different fungicide regimes in successive crops of winter wheat, 1984-2000. Plant Pathology. 51 (2), pp. 191-201.

Laboratory and field testing of fungicides for control of ergot in wheat and rye (HGCA Project Report No. 254)

Gladders, P., Evans, V. J., Jenkyn, J. F., Lockley, K. D. and Mantle, P. G. 2001. Laboratory and field testing of fungicides for control of ergot in wheat and rye (HGCA Project Report No. 254). Home Grown Cereals Authority (HGCA) London.

Interactions between cropping systems and soil-borne cereal pathogens (Annual/interim report for MAFF project CE0525 2000-2001)

Jenkyn, J. F. 2001. Interactions between cropping systems and soil-borne cereal pathogens (Annual/interim report for MAFF project CE0525 2000-2001).

Biology and control of stem-base diseases of cereals in the UK

Bateman, G. L. and Jenkyn, J. F. 2001. Biology and control of stem-base diseases of cereals in the UK. Pesticide Outlook. 12, pp. 103-106.

Effects of fluquinconazole seed treatment on take-all and yield of winter wheat, and its exploitation in cropping systems

Jenkyn, J. F., Gutteridge, R. J. and Bateman, G. L. 2001. Effects of fluquinconazole seed treatment on take-all and yield of winter wheat, and its exploitation in cropping systems. Seed Treatment: Challenges and Opportunities. British Crop Protection Council Symposium Proceedings No. 76 . British Crop Protection Council (BCPC). pp. 91-98

Effects of incorporating different amounts of straw on growth, diseases and yield of consecutive crops of winter wheat grown on contrasting soil types

Jenkyn, J. F., Christian, D. G., Bacon, E. T. G., Gutteridge, R. J. and Todd, A. D. 2001. Effects of incorporating different amounts of straw on growth, diseases and yield of consecutive crops of winter wheat grown on contrasting soil types. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 136, pp. 1-14.

Effects of foliar sprays of azoxystrobin on take-all in wheat

Jenkyn, J. F., Bateman, G. L., Gutteridge, R. J. and Edwards, S. G. 2000. Effects of foliar sprays of azoxystrobin on take-all in wheat. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 137 (2), pp. 99-106.

Fungicides for the control of ergot in cereal crops

Evans, V. J., Jenkyn, J. F., Gladders, P. and Mantle, P. G. 2000. Fungicides for the control of ergot in cereal crops. Proceedings Brighton Crop Protection Conference - Pests and Diseases, 2000 . pp. 511-514

Controlling take-all in sequences of winter cereal crops using fluquinconazole seed treatment

Bateman, G. L., Jenkyn, J. F., Dawson, W. A. J. M. and Gutteridge, R. J. 2000. Controlling take-all in sequences of winter cereal crops using fluquinconazole seed treatment. Proceedings Brighton Crop Protection Conference - Pests and Diseases, 2000 . pp. 829-834

Towards better understanding and management of cereal stem-base diseases

Bateman, G. L. and Jenkyn, J. F. 2000. Towards better understanding and management of cereal stem-base diseases. Proceedings Brighton Crop Protection Conference - Pests and Diseases, 2000 . pp. 119-126

'Observations of Weather' The Weather Diary of Sir John Wittewronge of Rothamsted 1684-89 (Hertfordshire Records Publications, Vol. 15)

Williams, M. H., Stevenson, J. H., Jenkyn, J. F., Prew, R. D. and Roach, W. 1999. 'Observations of Weather' The Weather Diary of Sir John Wittewronge of Rothamsted 1684-89 (Hertfordshire Records Publications, Vol. 15).

Interactions of straw disposal methods and direct drilling or cultivations on winter wheat (Triticum aestivum ) grown on a clay soil

Christian, D. G., Bacon, E. T. G., Brockie, D., Glen, D., Gutteridge, R. J. and Jenkyn, J. F. 1999. Interactions of straw disposal methods and direct drilling or cultivations on winter wheat (Triticum aestivum ) grown on a clay soil. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research. 73 (3), pp. 297-309.

Exploit that break

Gutteridge, R. J. and Jenkyn, J. F. 1998. Exploit that break. Crops. 16(11), p. 64.

Obituary: 1921-97: John Malcolm ('Jim') Hirst, FRS

Plumb, R. T. and Jenkyn, J. F. 1998. Obituary: 1921-97: John Malcolm ('Jim') Hirst, FRS. Plant Pathology. 47, p. 543.

A comparison of management regimes for one-year rotational set-aside within a sequence of winter wheat crops, and of growing wheat without interruption. 3. Effects on diseases

Jenkyn, J. F., Gutteridge, R. J. and Todd, A. D. 1998. A comparison of management regimes for one-year rotational set-aside within a sequence of winter wheat crops, and of growing wheat without interruption. 3. Effects on diseases. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 130, pp. 399-410.

Occurrence of severe take-all in winter wheat after many years of growing spring barley, and effects of soil phosphate

Gutteridge, R. J., Jenkyn, J. F. and Poulton, P. R. 1996. Occurrence of severe take-all in winter wheat after many years of growing spring barley, and effects of soil phosphate. Aspects of Applied Biology. 47, pp. 453-458.

Effects of wheat crop debris on the sporulation and survival of Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides

Jalaluddin, M. and Jenkyn, J. F. 1996. Effects of wheat crop debris on the sporulation and survival of Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides. Plant Pathology. 45 (6), pp. 1052-1064.

Effects on wheat diseases of three and five year set-aside covers

Jones, D. R., Froment, M. A., Jenkyn, J. F. and Gutteridge, R. J. 1996. Effects on wheat diseases of three and five year set-aside covers. Rotations and Cropping Systems. Aspects of Applied Biology 47 . pp. 441-444

Effects of cultivating one-year rotational set-aside at different times on take-all disease of winter wheat

Jenkyn, J. F., Gutteridge, R. J., Gladders, P. and Yarham, D. J. 1996. Effects of cultivating one-year rotational set-aside at different times on take-all disease of winter wheat. Rotations and Cropping Systems. Aspects of Applied Biology 47 . pp. 449-452

Effects of inoculum sources on the accuracy and precision of experiments testing different times of applying fungicides to control powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei ) on spring barley

Jenkyn, J. F., Todd, A. D., Bainbridge, A. and Dyke, G. V. 1996. Effects of inoculum sources on the accuracy and precision of experiments testing different times of applying fungicides to control powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei ) on spring barley. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 126 (3), pp. 259-275.

Inter-plot interference and nearest-neighbour analysis of field experiments

Ainsley, A. E., Dyke, G. V. and Jenkyn, J. F. 1995. Inter-plot interference and nearest-neighbour analysis of field experiments. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 125 (1), pp. 1-9.

Effects of sowing date and vernalisation on the growth of winter barley and its resistance to powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei)

White, N. and Jenkyn, J. F. 1995. Effects of sowing date and vernalisation on the growth of winter barley and its resistance to powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei). Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 126 (2), pp. 269-283.

Effects of incorporating or burning straw, and of different cultivation systems, on winter wheat grown on two soil types, 1985-91

Prew, R. D., Ashby, J. E., Bacon, E. T. G., Christian, D. G., Gutteridge, R. J., Jenkyn, J. F., Powell, W. and Todd, A. D. 1995. Effects of incorporating or burning straw, and of different cultivation systems, on winter wheat grown on two soil types, 1985-91. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 124 (2), pp. 173-194.

Effects of incorporating straw, using different cultivation systems, and of burning it, on diseases of winter barley

Jenkyn, J. F., Gutteridge, R. J. and Todd, A. D. 1995. Effects of incorporating straw, using different cultivation systems, and of burning it, on diseases of winter barley. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 124 (2), pp. 195-204.

Sensitivity (stability) analysis of multiple variety trials, with special reference to data expressed as proportions or percentages

Dyke, G. V., Lane, P. W. and Jenkyn, J. F. 1995. Sensitivity (stability) analysis of multiple variety trials, with special reference to data expressed as proportions or percentages. Experimental Agriculture. 31 (1), pp. 75-87.

Straw disposal and cereal diseases

Jenkyn, J. F., Gutteridge, R. J. and Jalaluddin, M. 1994. Straw disposal and cereal diseases. in: Blakeman, J. P. and Williamson, B. (ed.) Ecology of plant pathogens CABI International, Wallingford, Oxon (CABI). pp. 285-300

Effects of seven factors on the growth and yield of winter barley grown as a third consecutive take-all susceptible crop and of growing the barley after oats or a fallow

Jenkyn, J. F., Carter, N., Darby, R. J., Gutteridge, R. J., Mullen, L. A., Plumb, R. T., Ross, G. J. S., Todd, A. D., Widdowson, F. V. and Wood, D. W. 1992. Effects of seven factors on the growth and yield of winter barley grown as a third consecutive take-all susceptible crop and of growing the barley after oats or a fallow. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 119 (3), pp. 303-333.

Effects of sowing winter barley on different dates in autumn on the severity of take-all (Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici) in those and the subsequent crops

Jenkyn, J. F., Gutteridge, R. J. and Todd, A. D. 1992. Effects of sowing winter barley on different dates in autumn on the severity of take-all (Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici) in those and the subsequent crops. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 119 (1), pp. 19-25.

Fungal pathogens of grain lupins 1986-1991

Bateman, G. L., Jenkyn, J. F., Johnson, S. A. and Da Silva, L. 1991. Fungal pathogens of grain lupins 1986-1991. Production and Protection of Legumes. Aspects of Applied Biology .

Effects of fungicides, applied in autumn, and a growth regulator, applied in spring, on the growth and yield of winter barley grown on contrasting soil types

Jenkyn, J. F., Gutteridge, R. J. and Todd, A. D. 1991. Effects of fungicides, applied in autumn, and a growth regulator, applied in spring, on the growth and yield of winter barley grown on contrasting soil types. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 117 (3), pp. 287-297.

Evaluation of 'Seamac 600' applied to winter barley

Jenkyn, J. F. and Baxter, E. D. 1991. Evaluation of 'Seamac 600' applied to winter barley.

Agronomic aspects of straw incorporation

Prew, R. D., Cussans, G. W., Glen, D. M. and Jenkyn, J. F. 1990. Agronomic aspects of straw incorporation. Agricultural Progress. 65, pp. 39-46.

Agronomic aspects of straw incorporation

Prew, R. D., Cussans, G. W., Glen, D. M. and Jenkyn, J. F. 1990. Agronomic aspects of straw incorporation. pp. 39-45

Effects of premature or delayed harvesting on the quality of barley for malting

Baxter, E. D. and Jenkyn, J. F. 1990. Effects of premature or delayed harvesting on the quality of barley for malting. Cereal Quality II. Aspects of Applied Biology 25. pp. 177-182

Effects of defoliation at different growth stages and in different grain-filling environments on the growth and yield of spring barley.

Jenkyn, J. F. and Anilkumar, T. B. 1990. Effects of defoliation at different growth stages and in different grain-filling environments on the growth and yield of spring barley. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 116 (3), pp. 591-599.

The dynamics of nitrogen accumulation in barley grain and malting quality.

Carreck, N. L., Christian, D. G. and Jenkyn, J. F. 1990. The dynamics of nitrogen accumulation in barley grain and malting quality. Ferment. 3, pp. 180-182.

Interactions between plots in experiments with the splash-dispersed pathogen (Rhynchosporium secalis ) on winter barley.

Jenkyn, J. F., Dyke, G. V., Stedman, O. J. and Todd, A. D. 1989. Interactions between plots in experiments with the splash-dispersed pathogen (Rhynchosporium secalis ) on winter barley. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 112 (1), pp. 97-114.

Effects of straw inoculum and fungicides on leaf blotch (Rhynchosporium secalis ), growth and yield of winter barley.

Jenkyn, J. F., Stedman, O. J., Dyke, G. V. and Todd, A. D. 1989. Effects of straw inoculum and fungicides on leaf blotch (Rhynchosporium secalis ), growth and yield of winter barley. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 112 (1), pp. 85-95.

Effects of treatments to perennial ryegrass on the development of Septoria spp. in a subsequent crop of winter wheat.

Jenkyn, J. F. and King, J. E. 1988. Effects of treatments to perennial ryegrass on the development of Septoria spp. in a subsequent crop of winter wheat. Plant Pathology. 37 (1), pp. 112-119.

Effects of straw incorporation and cultivations on cereal diseases.

Jenkyn, J. F., Gutteridge, R. J. and Thomas, M. R. 1988. Effects of straw incorporation and cultivations on cereal diseases. Environmental aspects of applied biology. Aspects of Applied Biology 17(2).

Activity of triadimefon vapour against Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei .

Jenkyn, J. F. and White, N. 1988. Activity of triadimefon vapour against Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei . Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 113 (1), pp. 15-25.

Straw residue management for autumn-sown cereals grown on a clay soil, 1979-1987

Christian, D. G., Bacon, E. T. G., Jenkyn, J. F., Glen, D. M. and Gutteridge, R. J. 1988. Straw residue management for autumn-sown cereals grown on a clay soil, 1979-1987. Tillage and traffic in crop production. 11th International Conference. International Soil Tillage Research Organization, Edinburgh, 1988. Edinburgh : Scottish Centre for Agricultural Engineering. pp. 607-611

The effects of sowing date and other factors on growth, yield and nitrogen uptake, and on the incidence of pests and diseases, of winter barley at Rothamsted from 1981 to 1983.

Widdowson, F. V., Darby, R. J., Dewar, A. M., Jenkyn, J. F., Kerry, B. R., Lawlor, D. W., Plumb, R. T., Ross, G. J. S., Scott, G. C., Todd, A. D. and Wood, D. W. 1986. The effects of sowing date and other factors on growth, yield and nitrogen uptake, and on the incidence of pests and diseases, of winter barley at Rothamsted from 1981 to 1983. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 106, pp. 551-574.

Results from experiments on winter barley measuring the effects of amount and timing of nitrogen and some other factors on the yield and nitrogen content of the grain

Penny, A., Widdowson, F. V. and Jenkyn, J. F. 1986. Results from experiments on winter barley measuring the effects of amount and timing of nitrogen and some other factors on the yield and nitrogen content of the grain. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 106 (3), pp. 537-549.

Interference between plots in experiments with plant pathogens

Jenkyn, J. F. and Dyke, G. V. 1985. Interference between plots in experiments with plant pathogens. Field Trials Methods and Data Handling. Aspects of Applied Biology 10 . Association of Applied Biologists (AAB). pp. 75-85

Biological effectiveness of electrostatically charged rotary atomisers. II. Trials with cereals, 1982

Arnold, A. J., Cayley, G. R., Dunne, Y., Etheridge, P., Griffiths, D. C., Jenkyn, J. F., Philips, F. T., Pye, B. J., Scott, G. C. and Woodcock, C. M. 1984. Biological effectiveness of electrostatically charged rotary atomisers. II. Trials with cereals, 1982. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 105 (2), pp. 361-367.

Effects of powdery mildew on grain filling in spring barley in contrasting environments

Jenkyn, J. F. 1984. Effects of powdery mildew on grain filling in spring barley in contrasting environments. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 105 (2), pp. 195-212.

Experiments to examine the significance of ammonia evolution from barley seedlings infected with the powdery mildew fungus, Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei

Jenkyn, J. F. and Finney, M. E. 1984. Experiments to examine the significance of ammonia evolution from barley seedlings infected with the powdery mildew fungus, Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 102 (3), pp. 679-685.

Effects of nitrogen fertilizer and tridemorph on mildew, growth and yield of spring barley 1975–7

Jenkyn, J. F., Finney, M. E. and Dyke, G. V. 1983. Effects of nitrogen fertilizer and tridemorph on mildew, growth and yield of spring barley 1975–7. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 101 (3), pp. 517-546.

Effects of fungicide movement between plots in field experiments

Jenkyn, J. F., Dyke, G. V. and Todd, A. D. 1983. Effects of fungicide movement between plots in field experiments. Plant Pathology. 32 (3), pp. 311-324.

Effects of fungicides and insecticides applied to spring barley sown on different dates in 1976-79

Jenkyn, J. F. and Plumb, R. T. 1983. Effects of fungicides and insecticides applied to spring barley sown on different dates in 1976-79. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 102 (3), pp. 421-433.

Experiments with solid and liquid N-fertilizers and fungicides on winter wheat at Saxmundham, Suffolk, 1976–9

Penny, A., Widdowson, F. V. and Jenkyn, J. F. 1983. Experiments with solid and liquid N-fertilizers and fungicides on winter wheat at Saxmundham, Suffolk, 1976–9. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 100 (1), pp. 163-173.

Effects of barley powdery mildew on grain filling in contrasting environments

Jenkyn, J. F. 1983. Effects of barley powdery mildew on grain filling in contrasting environments. Plant protection for human welfare: proceedings 10th International Congress of Plant Protection, Brighton, 20-25 November 1983. Volume 1. British Crop Protection Council (BCPC).

Results from factorial experiments testing amounts and times of granular N-fertilizer, late sprays of liquid N-fertilizer and fungicides to control mildew and brown rust on two varieties of spring barley at Saxmundham, Suffolk 1975–8

Widdowson, F. V., Jenkyn, J. F. and Penny, A. 1982. Results from factorial experiments testing amounts and times of granular N-fertilizer, late sprays of liquid N-fertilizer and fungicides to control mildew and brown rust on two varieties of spring barley at Saxmundham, Suffolk 1975–8. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 99 (2), pp. 377-390.

Cropping systems in relation to soil-borne and trash-borne diseases of cereals

Prew, R. D. 1981. Cropping systems in relation to soil-borne and trash-borne diseases of cereals. in: Jenkyn, J. F. and Plumb, R. T. (ed.) Strategies for the control of cereal disease Oxford Blackwell Publishing. pp. 149-156

Chairman's comments

Lester, E. 1981. Chairman's comments. in: Jenkyn, J. F. and Plumb, R. T. (ed.) Strategies for the control of cereal disease Oxford Blackwell Publishing. pp. 147-148

Chemicals in the control of cereal virus diseases

Plumb, R. T. 1981. Chemicals in the control of cereal virus diseases. in: Jenkyn, J. F. and Plumb, R. T. (ed.) Strategies for the control of cereal disease Oxford Blackwell Publishing. pp. 135-145

Fungicides, fertilizers and sowing date

Jenkyn, J. F. and Finney, M. E. 1981. Fungicides, fertilizers and sowing date. in: Jenkyn, J. F. and Plumb, R. T. (ed.) Strategies for the control of cereal disease Oxford Blackwell Publishing. pp. 179-188

Strategies for the control of cereal disease

Jenkyn, J. F. and Plumb, R. T. (ed.) 1981. Strategies for the control of cereal disease. Oxford Blackwell Publishing.

The influence of cultural-factors and mildew on yield of winter barley

Bainbridge, A., Finney, M. E. and Jenkyn, J. F. 1980. The influence of cultural-factors and mildew on yield of winter barley. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 94 (2), pp. 389-397.

Investigation into inter-plot interactions, in experiments with mildew on barley, using balanced designs

Jenkyn, J. F., Bainbridge, A., Dyke, G. V. and Todd, A. D. 1979. Investigation into inter-plot interactions, in experiments with mildew on barley, using balanced designs. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 92 (1), pp. 11-28.

Effects of pesticides on a perennial ryegrass sward

Plumb, R. T., Jenkyn, J. F. and Broom, E. W. 1978. Effects of pesticides on a perennial ryegrass sward. Plant Pathology. 27 (4), pp. 151-159.

Spring top-dressings of ‘Nitro-Chalk’ and late sprays of a liquid N-fertilizer and a broad spectrum fungicide for consecutive crops of winter wheat at Saxmundham, Suffolk

Penny, A., Widdowson, F. V. and Jenkyn, J. F. 1978. Spring top-dressings of ‘Nitro-Chalk’ and late sprays of a liquid N-fertilizer and a broad spectrum fungicide for consecutive crops of winter wheat at Saxmundham, Suffolk. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 90 (3), pp. 509-516.

Effects of chemical treatments for mildew control at different times on growth and yield of spring barley

Jenkyn, J. F. 1978. Effects of chemical treatments for mildew control at different times on growth and yield of spring barley. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 88 (3), pp. 369-376.

Field evaluation of pesticides: the changing scene

Jenkyn, J. F. and Griffiths, D. C. 1978. Field evaluation of pesticides: the changing scene. 9th British Insecticide and Fungicide Conference. Hotel Metropole, Brighton, UK 21 Nov 1977 British Crop Protection Council (BCPC).

Observations on the origins of Septoria nodorum infection of winter wheat

Jenkyn, J. F. and King, J. E. 1977. Observations on the origins of Septoria nodorum infection of winter wheat. Plant Pathology. 26 (4), pp. 153-160.

Effects of fungicides and insecticides on mildew, viruses and root yield of swedes

Jenkyn, J. F. and Rawlinson, C. J. 1977. Effects of fungicides and insecticides on mildew, viruses and root yield of swedes. Plant Pathology. 26 (4), pp. 166-174.

Interference between plots as a source of error in experiments with erysiphe-graminis

Jenkyn, J. F. 1977. Interference between plots as a source of error in experiments with erysiphe-graminis. Pesticide Science. 8 (4), pp. 428-429.

Nitrogen and leaf diseases of spring barley

Jenkyn, J. F. 1977. Nitrogen and leaf diseases of spring barley. Proceedings of the 12th Colloquium of the International Potash Institute held in Izmir/Turkey 1976. Izmir, Turkey International Potash Institute.

Pathogens occurring on ten varieties of ryegrass at Rothamsted in 1973-1974

Plumb, R. T., Jenkyn, J. F. and Bowen, R. 1976. Pathogens occurring on ten varieties of ryegrass at Rothamsted in 1973-1974. Journal of the British Grassland Society. 31 (2), pp. 65-67.

Results from two barley experiments at Saxmundham, Suffolk, measuring effects of the fungicide benodanil on three varieties, given three amounts of nitrogen at two times 1973–4

Widdowson, F. V., Jenkyn, J. F. and Penny, A. 1976. Results from two barley experiments at Saxmundham, Suffolk, measuring effects of the fungicide benodanil on three varieties, given three amounts of nitrogen at two times 1973–4. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 86 (2), pp. 271-280.

Mildew reinfection in adjacent and separated plots of sprayed barley

Bainbridge, A. and Jenkyn, J. F. 1976. Mildew reinfection in adjacent and separated plots of sprayed barley. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 82 (3), pp. 477-484.

Effects of mildew (Erysiphe graminis) on green leaf area of Zephyr spring barley, 1973

Jenkyn, J. F. 1976. Effects of mildew (Erysiphe graminis) on green leaf area of Zephyr spring barley, 1973. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 82 (3), pp. 485-488.

Observations on mildew development in winter cereals: 1968-73

Jenkyn, J. F. 1976. Observations on mildew development in winter cereals: 1968-73. Plant Pathology. 25 (1), pp. 34-43.

The effect of benomyl sprays on Sclerotinia trifoliorum and yield of red clover

Jenkyn, J. F. 1975. The effect of benomyl sprays on Sclerotinia trifoliorum and yield of red clover. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 81 (3), pp. 419-423.

Effect of ethirimol seed dressings on yield of spring barley grown with different amounts of nitrogen fertilizer 1969-71

Jenkyn, J. F. and Moffatt, J. R. 1975. Effect of ethirimol seed dressings on yield of spring barley grown with different amounts of nitrogen fertilizer 1969-71. Plant Pathology. 24 (1), pp. 16-21.

Seasonal changes in infection of barley seedlings by Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei

Jenkyn, J. F. 1974. Seasonal changes in infection of barley seedlings by Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 78 (3), pp. 289-293.

Effects of mildew on the growth and yield of spring barley: 1969‐72

Jenkyn, J. F. 1974. Effects of mildew on the growth and yield of spring barley: 1969‐72. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 78 (3), pp. 281-288.

Disease gradients and small plot experiments on barley mildew

Jenkyn, J. F. and Bainbridge, A. 1974. Disease gradients and small plot experiments on barley mildew. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 76 (3), pp. 269-279.

A comparison of seasonal changes in deposition of spores of Erysiphe graminis on different trapping surfaces

Jenkyn, J. F. 1974. A comparison of seasonal changes in deposition of spores of Erysiphe graminis on different trapping surfaces. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 76 (3), pp. 257-267.

The effect of fungicides on incidence of Sporobolomyces spp. and Cladosporium spp. on flag leaves of winter wheat

Jenkyn, J. F. and Prew, R. D. 1973. The effect of fungicides on incidence of Sporobolomyces spp. and Cladosporium spp. on flag leaves of winter wheat. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 75 (2), pp. 253-256.

Activity of six fungicides against cereal foliage and root diseases

Jenkyn, J. F. and Prew, R. D. 1973. Activity of six fungicides against cereal foliage and root diseases. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 75 (2), pp. 241-252.

Seasonal changes in incubation time of Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei

Jenkyn, J. F. 1973. Seasonal changes in incubation time of Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 73 (1), pp. 15-18.

An apparatus for the isolated propagation of foliar pathogens and their hosts

Jenkyn, J. F., Hirst, J. M. and King, G. 1973. An apparatus for the isolated propagation of foliar pathogens and their hosts. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 73 (1), pp. 9-13.

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