Modelling the transmission dynamics of Ross River virus in Southwestern Australia

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Choi, Y. H., Cominskey, C., Lindsay, M. D. A., Cross, J. A. and Anderson, M. 2002. Modelling the transmission dynamics of Ross River virus in Southwestern Australia. IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Medicine and Biology. 19, pp. 61-74.

AuthorsChoi, Y. H., Cominskey, C., Lindsay, M. D. A., Cross, J. A. and Anderson, M.
Year of Publication2002
JournalIMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Medicine and Biology
Journal citation19, pp. 61-74
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Funder project or code445
Application of non-linear mathematics and stochastic modelling to biological systems

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