A high-density genetic map of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) from the cross Chinese Spring x SQ1 and its use to compare QTLs for grain yield across a range of environments

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Quarrie, S. A., Steed, A., Calestani, C., Semikhodskii, A., Lebreton, C., Chinoy, C., Steele, N., Pljevljakusic, D., Waterman, E., Weyen, J., Schondelmaier, J., Habash, D. Z., Farmer, P., Saker, L., Clarkson, D. T., Abugalieva, A., Yessimbekova, M., Turuspekov, Y., Abugalieva, S., Tuberosa, R., Sanguineti, M-C., Hollington, P. A., Aragues, R., Royo, A. and Dodig, D. 2005. A high-density genetic map of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) from the cross Chinese Spring x SQ1 and its use to compare QTLs for grain yield across a range of environments. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 110, pp. 865-880.

AuthorsQuarrie, S. A., Steed, A., Calestani, C., Semikhodskii, A., Lebreton, C., Chinoy, C., Steele, N., Pljevljakusic, D., Waterman, E., Weyen, J., Schondelmaier, J., Habash, D. Z., Farmer, P., Saker, L., Clarkson, D. T., Abugalieva, A., Yessimbekova, M., Turuspekov, Y., Abugalieva, S., Tuberosa, R., Sanguineti, M-C., Hollington, P. A., Aragues, R., Royo, A. and Dodig, D.
Year of Publication2005
JournalTheoretical and Applied Genetics
Journal citation110, pp. 865-880
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Funder project or code502
Project: 4448

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/896v6/a-high-density-genetic-map-of-hexaploid-wheat-triticum-aestivum-l-from-the-cross-chinese-spring-x-sq1-and-its-use-to-compare-qtls-for-grain-yield-across-a-range-of-environments

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