Studies in crop variation: IV. The experimental determination of the value of top dressings with cereals

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Eden, T. and Fisher, R. A. 1927. Studies in crop variation: IV. The experimental determination of the value of top dressings with cereals. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 17 (4), pp. 548-562.

AuthorsEden, T. and Fisher, R. A.

The practice of applying nitrogenous fertilisers to cereal crops as a top dressing is one which has become firmly incorporated into normal farm routine. The classic wheat experiment on Broadbalk field
shows that to apply all the nitrogenous fertiliser at the time of drilling the seed in autumn leads to a diminution in crop when compared with the yield of a plot in which only a quarter of the nitrogenous
fertiliser was applied in autumn.

Year of Publication1927
JournalThe Journal of Agricultural Science
Journal citation17 (4), pp. 548-562
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as non-open access
FunderRothamsted Research
Publisher's version
Output statusPublished
PublisherCambridge University Press (CUP)

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