Condition in fertilisers - Paper read before a meeting of the Fertiliser Society in London on 20th January 1949

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Crowther, E. M., Davies, G. R., Ditcham, J. R., Ettle, G. W., Greaves, W. S. and Sherwin, K. A. 1949. Condition in fertilisers - Paper read before a meeting of the Fertiliser Society in London on 20th January 1949. Proceedings - Fertiliser Society, London. pp. 1-8.

AuthorsCrowther, E. M., Davies, G. R., Ditcham, J. R., Ettle, G. W., Greaves, W. S. and Sherwin, K. A.


Year of Publication1949
JournalProceedings - Fertiliser Society, London
Journal citationpp. 1-8
Open accessPublished as non-open access
PublisherFertiliser Society
Fertiliser Society, London

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