Limited complementarity of functional and taxonomic diversity in Chilean benthic marine invertebrates

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Pino-Chandia, L. and Webb, T. J. 2024. Limited complementarity of functional and taxonomic diversity in Chilean benthic marine invertebrates. Diversity and Distributions. p. e13835.

AuthorsPino-Chandia, L. and Webb, T. J.

Patterns of benthic biodiversity at the macroecological scale remain poorly characterised throughout the Chilean latitudinal gradient, in part due to the lack of integrated databases, uneven sampling effort, and the use of species richness alone to quantify biodiversity. Different diversity measures, encompassing taxonomic and functional components, may give us extra information on biodiversity relevant to conservation planning and management. Thus, evaluating the spatial complementarity of these measures is essential.

Coast and continental shelf of Chile.

The latitudinal gradient of Chile was divided into five ecoregions according to the Marine Ecosystems of the World classification. Using a 55 × 55 km equal area grid, we estimated the incidence coverage-based estimator (ICE), taxonomic distinctness (Δ+) and three measures of functional diversity: functional richness (FRic), functional evenness (FEve) and functional divergence (FDiv). For each measure, we described spatial patterns, identified hotspots, evaluated hotspot congruence and evaluated complementarity between measures.

Diversity patterns varied between ecoregions and over the latitudinal gradient. ICE and Δ+ peaked in the Chiloense and Channels and Fjords ecoregions. Δ+ and FRic present a similar pattern at mid-latitudes. FEve showed a contrary pattern, principally with FRic. Areas with high numbers of hotspots differed spatially according to each metric, and three latitudinal bands were observed. ICE, Δ+ and FRic were positively correlated, but the hotspot overlap at the grid cell level was more limited.

Main Conclusions
The complementarity between taxonomic and functional diversity measures is limited when we observe the overlap between grid cells representing hotspots. However, some regions are consistently identified as highly diverse, with the Magellanic Province (Chiloense and Channels and Fjords ecoregions) being the most important for the richness, taxonomic and functional diversity of benthos. Confirmation of the importance of this region can help prioritise conservation efforts.

KeywordsBenthic marine invertebrates ; Non-parametric measures; Benthos; Biodiversity; Functional diversity; Functional evenness; Functional richness; Spatial distribution; Taxonomic distinctness
Year of Publication2024
JournalDiversity and Distributions
Journal citationp. e13835
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as ‘gold’ (paid) open access
Publisher's version
Output statusPublished
Publication dates
Online28 Mar 2024
Publication process dates
Accepted05 Mar 2024

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