Meat Science


TitleMeat Science


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Citizen attitudes towards present and future beef consumption before and after the COVID-19 pandemic

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Fuente, V. M. D. L., Hötzel, M. J., Teixeira, D. L., Larraín, R. E. and Enriquez, D. 2024. Citizen attitudes towards present and future beef consumption before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Meat Science. 212 (June), p. 109467.

Microbial pathogen control in the beef chain: Recent research advances

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Buncic, S., Nychas, G-J., Lee, M. R. F., Koutsoumanis, K., Hebraud, M., Desvaux, M., Chorianopoulos, N., Bolton, D., Blagojevevic, B. and Antic, D. 2014. Microbial pathogen control in the beef chain: Recent research advances. Meat Science. 97 (3), pp. 288-297.

Beef, chicken and lamb fatty acid analysis - a simplified direct bimethylation procedure using freeze-dried material

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Lee, M. R. F., Tweed, J. K. S., Kim, E. J. and Scollan, N. D. 2012. Beef, chicken and lamb fatty acid analysis - a simplified direct bimethylation procedure using freeze-dried material. Meat Science. 92 (4), pp. 863-866.

Natural faecal fluorophores and the potential of chlorophyll based markers to optimise fluorescence as a real-time solution for the detection of faecal contamination on carcasses

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Lee, M. R. F., Theobald, V. J., Ougham, H. J., Dahl, A. V., Lundby, F., Scollan, N. D. and Wold, J-P. 2010. Natural faecal fluorophores and the potential of chlorophyll based markers to optimise fluorescence as a real-time solution for the detection of faecal contamination on carcasses. Meat Science. 86 (4), pp. 966-975.

A comparison between red clover silage and grass silage feeding on fatty acid composition, meat stability and sensory quality of the M. longissimus muscle of dairy cull cows

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Lee, M. R. F., Evans, P., Nute, G. R., Richardson, R. I. and Scollan, N. D. 2009. A comparison between red clover silage and grass silage feeding on fatty acid composition, meat stability and sensory quality of the M. longissimus muscle of dairy cull cows. Meat Science. 81 (4), pp. 738-744.

Investigation of methods to detect mechanically recovered meat in meat products. Part I: chemical composition

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Crosland, A. R., Patterson, R. L. S., Higman, R. C., Stewart, C. A. and Hargin, K. D. 1995. Investigation of methods to detect mechanically recovered meat in meat products. Part I: chemical composition. Meat Science. 40 (3), pp. 289-302.