Chemistry & Biodiversity


TitleChemistry & Biodiversity
PublisherWiley-V C H Verlag Gmbh


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The First Comprehensive Chemical Profiling of Vachellia gummifera (Willd.) Kyal. & Boatwr., a Plant with Medicinal Value

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Kisiriko, M., Noleto-Dias, C., Bitchagno-Mbahbou, G., Naboulsi, I., Anastasiadi, M., Terry, L.A., Sobeh, M., Beale, M. H. and Ward, J. L. 2024. The First Comprehensive Chemical Profiling of Vachellia gummifera (Willd.) Kyal. & Boatwr., a Plant with Medicinal Value. Chemistry & Biodiversity. p. e202400396.

Metabolomic Tools to Assess the Chemistry and Bioactivity of Endophytic Aspergillus Strain

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Tawfike, A. F., Tate, R., Abbott, G., Young, L., Viegelmann, C., Schumacher, M., Diederich, M. and Edrada-Ebel, R. 2017. Metabolomic Tools to Assess the Chemistry and Bioactivity of Endophytic Aspergillus Strain. Chemistry & Biodiversity. 14, p. e1700040.