- Field experiments at Rothamsted during 1925-1926
- Field experiments at Rothamsted during 1923-1924
- A study of butterfly migration in South India and Ceylon based largely on records by Messers J Evershed, E E Green, J C F Fryer and W Ormiston
- Records of migratory insects chiefly from Africa
- A Chart-recording Weighing Machine for Beekeeping or other Research
- A synopsis of the Thysnopterous family Urothripidae
- Green manuring Rothamsted Conference RC No 3
- The culture and manuring of sugar beet Rothamsted Conference RC No 4
- The art and science cultivation Rothamsted Conference RC No 5
- Recent Work on Virus Diseases in Plants
- Field experiments at Rothamsted during 1925-26 Parts I and II
- Fourth report on the Institute of Brewing's experiments on the influence of soil, season, and manuring on the quality and growth of barley 1925
- The Present Status of Soil Microbiology and its Bearing Upon Agricultural Practice
- The chalk lands of England
- On agriculture in Palestine
- Bio-chemical decomposition of cellulosic materials, with special reference to the action of fungi
- The effect of protozoa and fungi on certain biochemical processes when inoculated into partially sterilized soil
- An improved method for the determination of dissolved oxygen in water
- Biochemistry of water-logged soils II The presence of a deaminase in water-logged soils and its role in the production of ammonia
- Biochemistry of water-logged soils Part I The effect of water-logging on the different forms of nitrogen, on the reaction, on the gaseous relationships, and on the bacterial flora
- On the Existence of Daily Changes in the Bacterial Numbers in American Soil
- The relationship between the chemical constitution of organic compounds and their toxicity to insects
- Recent investigations on contact insecticides
- Studies On Contact Insecticides Part V The toxicity of the amines and n-heterocyclic compounds to Aphis rumicus. L. (the bean aphis)
- Studies On Contact Insecticides Part VI The insecticidal action of the fatty acids. Their methyl esters and sodium and ammonium salts
- Investigations on the behaviour of hygrometric hairs
- The place of green manuring in British agriculture
- Some recent researches on soil colloids
- Field observations on starch production in the leaves of the potato
- The insect and other invertebrate fauna of arable land at Rothamsted II
- Reaktion des Bodens und Pflanzenwachstum
- Laboratory and field experiments on the use of 3: 5-dinitro-o-cresol and the sodium salt for winter spraying
- Biochemistry (plants)
- Studies in the physical properties of soils: IV. A further contribution to the theory of capillary phenomena in soil
- The limited role of capillarity in supplying water to plant roots
- A new dynamometer for all types of horse and power drawn implements
- the value of the dynamometer in cultivation experiments
- The qualitative and quantitative effects of food on the growth of a soil amoeba (Hartmanella hyalina)
- Soil protozoa and bacteria in relation to their environment
- The qualitative and quantitative effects of food on the growth of a soil amoeba (Hartmanella hyalina)
- The effect of soil storage and water content on the protozoan population
- Experiments on the physiology and genetics the smut fungi - Hyphal-fusion
- On the Tracheal System of Collembola, with special reference to that of Sminthurus viridis, Lubb
- On the tracheal system of Collembola, with special reference to that of Sminthurus viridis (Linne)
- Methods for collecting parasites of earwigs
- On the Occurrence of Intermediates in Aphis rumicis L. and their Relation to the Alate and Apterous Viviparous Females
- On some Aphides infesting Tulips
- The place of the tractor in soil cultivation
- Some physical and physico-chemical effects of soil organic matter
- The American agricultural research and advisory system
- Science of the year - 1927 The biological sciences
- The quantitative study of soil fungi
- Immunity of potato varieties from attack by the wart disease fungus, synchytrium endob ioticum (schilb.) Perc.
- On the algae of some normal English soils
- On the carbon nutrition of some algae isolated from soil
- Soils and fertilisers
- Chemical aspects of soil cultivation
- A manometric apparatus for the direct determination of summation percentage curves in mechanical analysis
- Some physical properties of heavy alkaline / alkiline soils under irrigation in the Sudan Gezira
- Soil Classification and Soil Surveys
- Nomographs for use in mechanical analysis calculations
- The direct determination of distribution curves of particle size in suspension
- Sulphur treatment of soil and the control of wart disease of potatoes in pot experiments
- The role of boron in the growth of plants
- The inter-relation between silicon and other elements in plant nutrition
- On the distribution of the error of an interpolated value, and on the construction of tables
- On some objections to mimicry theory; statistical and genetic
- Studies in crop variation: IV. The experimental determination of the value of top dressings with cereals