Current Researchers
Latest Additions
The work for agriculture of two great Englishmen
Collected records relating to insect migration
First report on barley proteins - the composition and quantitative estimation of barley proteins
Power for cultivation and haulage on the farm Rothamsted Conference RC No 6
The transmission of potato mosaic to tomato
Experiments with a mosaic disease of tomato
Fifth report on the influence of soil, season, and manuring on the quality and growth of barley, 1926
Palestine revisited
Report on visit to Palestine April 1928
A study of the protozoa of some American soils
The influence of environmental conditions on the development of the angular leaf‐spot disease of cotton
A method of maintaining constant humidity in closed chambers
The decomposition of naphthalene in the soil and the effect upon its insecticidal action
The growth of fungi in soil
The formation of indigotin from indol by soil bacteria
Soil bacteria that decompose certain aromatic compounds
Laboratory Experiments With Non‐Arsenical Insecticides For Biting Insects
The barley experiments of 1926 : Malting and analytical results
English-Grown Pyrethrum as an Insecticide I
The use of the tractor on the average farm
Maximum-and Minimum-Correlation Tables in Comparative Climatology
A statistical analysis of the daily observations of the maximum and minimum thermometers at Rothamsted
The influence of soil heterogeneity on the growth and yield of successive crops
Studies in soil cultivation: IV. A new form of traction dynamometer
The effect of phenol, carbon bisulphide and heat on soil protozoa
On the Economic Status and Bionomics of Sminthurus viridis, Lubb. (Collembola)
Notes on the Feeding Habits of Habrosyne derasa, L. (Lepidoptera)
The bionomics of Apion ulicis Forst (gorse weevil) with special reference to its role in the control of Ulex Europaeus in New Zealand 1
Professor Antonio Berlese
Some comments on the hydrometer method for studying soils
First Commission: Soil mechanics and physics
Single value soil properties A study of the significance of certain soil constants
The micro-flora of the soil
Professor W Johannsen - obituary notice
Science of the year - 1928 The biological sciences
The present position of our knowledge of the distribution and functions of algae in the soil
On the Influence of Light and of Glucose on the Growth of a Soil Alga
The determination of hydrogen ion concentration
The British gall midges of peas
Wheat Blossom Midges (Cecidomyidae, Diptera). Differences between Contarinia tritici (Kirby) and Sitodiplosis mosellana (Gehin)
Soils and fertilisers
Studies in crop variation V The relation between yield and soil nutrients
The contributions of Glinka and the Russian school to the study of soils
A physiological study of varietal differences in plants Part I A study of the comparative yields of barley varieties with different manurings
The toxicity of certain sulphur compounds to Synchytrium endobioticum, the fungus causing wart disease of potatoes
The exact treatment of the multiple correlation coefficient in meteorology and agriculture
On errors in the multiple correlation coefficient due to random sampling
Table of significant values of the multiple correlation coefficient
Sampling errors in the theory of two factors
The generalised product moment distribution in samples from a normal multivariate population
The possible modification of the response of the wild type to recurrent mutations
Two further notes on the origin of dominance
The general sampling distribution of the multiple correlation coefficient
Triplet children in Great Britain and Ireland
Limiting forms of the frequency distribution of the largest or smallest member of a sample
The estimation of linkage from the offspring of selfed heterozygotes
Further note on the capillary forces in an ideal soil
The Effect of Variation in Relative Humidity on Certain Species of Collembola
Revised official British method for mechanical analysis
Revised official methods of mechanical analysis of soils