1. Thermograph Records in Rooms of Some London Dwelling-Houses throughout the Year 1935-36 and Their Comparison with Temperatures Recorded in Out-Door Meteorological Stations
  2. Obituary notice John Augustus Voelcker
  3. Rothamsted Experimental Station Harpenden Investigations in progress in the laboratories and experimental fields 1937
  4. Some recent developments in virus research
  5. The Rothamsted field experiments on barley 1852-1937 A The older Rothamsted Experiments
  6. The Rothamsted field experiments on barley 1852-1937 II Effects of phosphatic and potassic fertilizers deterioration under continuous cropping
  7. Rapports des Bureau Imperiaux de l'Empire Britannique avec les travaux des Departments d'Agriculture d'Outre-Mer
  8. Farming in the Soviet Russia
  9. Die Reaktion der Ernten auf die Handelsdünger in England
  10. National planning in agriculture its possibilities and limits
  11. The farming problem in Russia - how it is being met
  12. The nitrogen cycle in grassland soils: with especial reference to the Rothamsted Park Grass Experiment
  13. A Comparative Physiological Study of Sugar-beet and Mangold with respect to Growth and Sugar Accumulation: II. Changes in Sugar Content
  14. The errors of flow-meters and the advantages of a new type of constriction
  15. Physical chemistry of clay
  16. The Representation of Soil Colour by Means of the CLE. Co-ordinates
  17. Pore-size distribution as revealed by the dependence of suction (pF) on moisture content
  18. Report on the Hemiptera-Heteroptera taken in the light trap at Rothamsted Experimental Station during the four years 1933-1936
  19. Annotated list of species of Hemiptera-Heteroptera not hitherto recorded for Middlesex
  20. Studies on European foul brood of bees IV On the attempted cultivation of Bacillus Pluton the susceptibility of invidividual larvae to inoculation with this organism and its localization within its host
  21. Studies on American foul brood of bees III The resistance of individual larvae to inoculation with the endospores of bacillus larvae
  22. The problem of the evaluation of rotenone-containing plants IV The toxicity to Aphis rumicis of certain products isolated from derris root
  23. The chemical evaluation of pyrethrum flowers (Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium): A comparison of several methods
  24. Factors affecting the extraction and ripening of honey I The inflence of temperature upon rate and ripening of honey
  25. Notes on the composition of some 1937 honeys
  26. The analysis of mixtures of glucose and fructose with special reference to honey
  27. The starling friend or enemy?
  28. Recent investigations into bee-keeping at Rothamsted
  29. On the atomic arrangement and variability of the members of the montmorillonite group (With Plate V.)
  30. Rod-shaped clay particles
  31. Two new species of Aleurodidae found on ferns in greenhouses in Britain
  32. Some factors influencing the cobalt contents of soils
  33. Readily soluble manganese of soils and marsh spot of peas
  34. A New Compound from Derris elliptica Resin
  35. Migrations of the Silver-Y Moth (Plusia gamma) in Great Britain
  36. A Migration of Cabbage-White Butterflies in Hertfordshire in May, 1937
  37. Soil conditions and the take-all disease of wheat III Decomposition of the resting mycelium of Ophiobolus graminis in infected wheat stubble buried in the soil
  38. Soil conditions and the root‐infecting fungi
  39. Studies on the distribution of nitrogen in insects. II. A note on the estimation and some properties of insect cuticle
  40. Studies on the distribution of nitrogen in insects. I. In the castes of the wasp, Vespvla germanica (fab.)
  41. Physiological relationships between insects and their host plants I. The effect of the chemical composition of the plant on reproduction and production of winged forms in Brevicoryne Brassicae l. (Aphididae)
  42. The measurement of pF in soil by freezing-point
  43. The indirect determination of the “wilting coefficient” by the freezing-point method, and the influence of the salts upon the pF at that critical moisture content
  44. A critical survey of investigations on the wilting coefficient of soils
  45. Studies in soil cultivation: VIII. The influence of the seed bed on crop growth
  46. Studies in soil cultivation: VII. The effect of cultivation on crop yield
  47. Production of growth-substance by clover nodule bacteria
  48. An attempted fractionation of the soil phosphorus
  49. Vein clearing and vein banding induced by Hyoscyamus III disease
  50. Are cultivations overdone?
  51. Compressibility curves as a quantitative measure of soil tilth, II
  52. Further studies on the relationship between hyoscyamus virus 3 and the aphis Myzus persicae (Sulz.) with special reference to the effects of fasting
  53. A comparative physiological study of sugar-beet and mangold with respect to growth and sugar accumulation I Growth analysis of the crop in the field
  54. The Macaulay Institute for Soil Research Aberdeen University Review Collected Papers: Vol. 1-10
  55. The migration of the cabbage white butterfly
  56. Recent Progress in the Study of Some North American Migrant Butterflies
  57. The migration of butterflies in India
  58. Crystalline and liquid crystalline viruses
  59. Discussion on recent work on heavy proteins in virus infection and its bearing on the nature of viruses
  60. Comparative effects of cobalt, nickel and copper on plant growth
  61. Studies on American foul brood of bees II. The germination of the endospores of bacillus larvae in media containing embryonic tissues
  62. Recent advances in mathematical statistics: Recent work on the analysis of variance
  63. Some difficulties in the statistical analysis of replicated experiments
  64. The omission or addition of an independent variate in multiple linear regression
  65. Note on J. B. S. Haldane's paper: “ The exact value of the moments of the distribution of χ2.” (p 133–143)
  66. Field experiments on the control of wireworms
  67. An extension of Gold's method of examining the apparent persistence of one type of weather
  68. Crop estimation and its relation to agricultural meteorology
  69. Liquid crystalline preparations of potato virus “X”
  70. Crystalline preparations of tomato bushy stunt virus
  71. A plant virus preparation in a fully crystalline state
  72. A note on some protein constituents of normal tobacco and tomato leaves
  73. Orthogonal functions and tests of significance in the analysis of variance
  74. The gain in efficiency resulting from the use of balanced designs
  75. The statistical utilization of multiple measurements
  76. The analysis of groups of experiments
  77. The physical basis of soil structure