1. The bed-bug, its habits and life history, and how to deal with it
  2. Experiments on the Survival and Behaviour of the Itch Mite, Sarcoptes scabiei DeG. var. hominis
  3. The parasitology of human scabies
  4. Scabies and intelligence
  5. Treatment of Scabies
  6. Rothamsted and Its Experiment Station
  7. Studies in the migration of lepidoptera
  8. Toxic effects of certain bacterial metabolic products on soil protozoa
  9. Selection of bacterial food by soil flagellates and amoebae
  10. Obituary Sir Daniel Hall
  11. Chemistry and agriculture reconstruction
  12. The impact of science on agriculture
  13. Collective farming in Russia and the Ukraine II
  14. Agriculture in European Russia
  15. Re-establishment of the Scorched earth
  16. Post-war agriculture in Great Britain
  17. British agricultural research Rothamsted
  18. The film technique of insecticidal testing
  19. The problem of the evaluation of rotenone-containing plants VI The toxicity of l-elliptone and of posons applied jointly withfurther observation on the rotenone equivalent method of assessing the toxicity of Derris root
  20. Accuracy of mutation rates
  21. Fertilizer policy on the farm
  22. Transmission of potato virus Y by Aphis rhamni (Boyer)
  23. The active principles of leguminous fish-poison plants. Part IX The synthesis of Furanoisoflavones related to rotenone
  24. The active principles of leguminous fish-poison plants. Part VIII The synthesis of Dehydrotetrahydroelliptone and Dehydrotetrahydromalaccol
  25. The active principles of leguminous fish-poison plants. Part VI The reduction of elliptone
  26. The active principles of leguminous fish-poison plants. Part VI Robustic acid
  27. Laboratory and field experiments on the control of wireworms
  28. The analysis of toxicity tests on mixtures of poisons
  29. Examples of the planning and interpretation of toxicity tests involving more than one factor
  30. The detection of linkage VI Supplementary tables
  31. The detection of linkage VI The loss of information from incompleteness of parental records
  32. Some notes on the biology of the click beetles Agriotes obscurus L. and A. sputator L.
  33. Observations on some factors influencing growth in wireworms of the genus Agriotes Esch.
  34. The determination of the moisture equivalent by the silt-suction method and the shifting of the pF curve of stored soil samples
  35. Studies in soil cultivation: XI. The effect of inter-tillage on the sugar-beet crop
  36. The determination of rotenone in derris root
  37. A comparison of the chemical and biological assays of several strains of pyrethrum flowers
  38. Soil physics: Theory and practice
  39. Hoeing
  40. Measurement of the suction of soil water by Portland stone absorbers calibrated by a new method for determining vapour pressures near to saturation
  41. The efficiency of pneumatic tyred tractors under farm conditions
  42. Presence of virus in the primordial meristem
  43. The ‘blotches’ on leaves of Arran pilot potatoes
  44. Influence of changes in level of feeding on milk production
  45. Students collected papers
  46. The direct use of leaf protein in human nutrition
  47. Sugar-beet yellows virus. A preliminary account of experiments and observations on its effect in the field
  48. Manuring under a fertilizer rationing scheme
  49. Studies of fluctuations in insect populations IX The carrot fly (Psila rosae) in 1936-41
  50. Baiting slugs using metaldehyde mixed with various substances
  51. Studies in the migration of lepidoptera
  52. The manurial value of sewage sludges
  53. Straw on the land
  54. The honeybee
  55. Cercosporella Herpotrichoides Fron., causing eyespot of wheat in Great Britain
  56. Eyespot in wheat. A disease causing lodging and straggling
  57. The effects of heat on the serological reactions of antisera
  58. The antigenicity of non-precipitating complexes
  59. A preliminary description of preparations of some of the viruses causing tobacco necrosis
  60. Alfred Daniel Hall. 1864-1942
  61. Statistical problems in field sampling for wireworms
  62. Theory of porometers used in the study of stomatal movements in leaves
  63. Preliminary investigations on the value of electric heating of beehives
  64. The influence of various physical and biological factors of the environment on honeybee activity. An examination of the relationship between activity and solar radiation
  65. Insect survival in relation to the rate of water loss