Flavonoids in human food and animal feedstuffs : amounts and consequences.

B - Book chapters etc edited externally

Pierpoint, W. S. 1990. Flavonoids in human food and animal feedstuffs : amounts and consequences. in: Das, N. P. (ed.) Flavonoids in biology and medicine III. Current issues in flavonoids research. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Flavonoids in Biology and Medicine, Singapore, 1989. pp. 497-514

AuthorsPierpoint, W. S.
EditorsDas, N. P.
Page range497-514
Year of Publication1990
Book titleFlavonoids in biology and medicine III. Current issues in flavonoids research. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Flavonoids in Biology and Medicine, Singapore, 1989.
Funder project or code01
Open accessPublished as non-open access

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/86567/flavonoids-in-human-food-and-animal-feedstuffs-amounts-and-consequences

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