Fused Ro1A protein enhances beta-glucoronidase activity 50-fold: implication for Ro1A mechanism of action

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Barros, L. M. G., Curtis, R. H. C., Viana, A. A. B., Campos, L. and Carneiro, M. 2003. Fused Ro1A protein enhances beta-glucoronidase activity 50-fold: implication for Ro1A mechanism of action. Protein And Peptide Letters. 10, pp. 303-311.

AuthorsBarros, L. M. G., Curtis, R. H. C., Viana, A. A. B., Campos, L. and Carneiro, M.
Year of Publication2003
JournalProtein And Peptide Letters
Journal citation10, pp. 303-311
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Funder project or code421
Molecular genetics of interactions between plants and sedentary nematodes

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