Effects of GM plants on beneficial arthropods. Contribution to the UK GM Science Review, 28 May 2003

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications

Schuler, T. H. 2003. Effects of GM plants on beneficial arthropods. Contribution to the UK GM Science Review, 28 May 2003.

AuthorsSchuler, T. H.
Year of Publication2003
Web address (URL)http://www.gmsciencedebate.org.uk/topics/forum/0108.htm
Funder project or code436
Project: 8512
Open accessPublished as non-open access

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/891v2/effects-of-gm-plants-on-beneficial-arthropods-contribution-to-the-uk-gm-science-review-28-may-2003

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