Local variation between catches of pea moth, cydia-nigricana (f) (lepidoptera, tortricidae), in sex-attractant traps, with reference to the monitoring of field populations

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Perry, J. N. and Wall, C. 1984. Local variation between catches of pea moth, cydia-nigricana (f) (lepidoptera, tortricidae), in sex-attractant traps, with reference to the monitoring of field populations. Protection Ecology. 6 (1), pp. 43-49.

AuthorsPerry, J. N. and Wall, C.
Year of Publication1984
JournalProtection Ecology
Journal citation6 (1), pp. 43-49
Open accessPublished as non-open access

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/8vw32/local-variation-between-catches-of-pea-moth-cydia-nigricana-f-lepidoptera-tortricidae-in-sex-attractant-traps-with-reference-to-the-monitoring-of-field-populations

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