Theoretical and experimental relationships between soil adsorption, octanol-water partition-coefficients, water solubilities, bioconcentration factors, and the parachor

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Briggs, G. G. 1981. Theoretical and experimental relationships between soil adsorption, octanol-water partition-coefficients, water solubilities, bioconcentration factors, and the parachor. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry - JAFC. 29 (5), pp. 1050-1059.

AuthorsBriggs, G. G.
Year of Publication1981
JournalJournal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry - JAFC
Journal citation29 (5), pp. 1050-1059
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Publisher's version
PublisherAmerican Chemical Society (ACS)

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