Pastori, G. M., Huttly, A. K., West, J., Sparks, C. A., Pieters, A., Luna, C. M., Jones, H. D. and Foyer, C. H. 2007. The maize Activator/Dissociation system is functional in hexaploid wheat through successive generations. Functional Plant Biology. 34 (9), pp. 835-843.
C1 - Edited contributions to conferences/learned societies
Shewry, P. R., Jones, H. D., Holdsworth, M. J., Lenton, J. R. and Edwards, K. J. 2004. The use of biotechnology to study wheat endosperm development and improve grain quality. D'ovidio, R., Lafiandra, D. and Masci, S. (ed.) Gluten Proteins. Proceedings of the 8th Gluten Workshop, Viterbo, 8-10 Septmeber 2003 . Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), Cambridge. pp. 3-5
C1 - Edited contributions to conferences/learned societies
Jones, H. D., Wu, H., Sparks, C. A., Doherty, A., Cannell, M., Goodwin, J., Pastori, G. M. and Shewry, P. R. 2004. The potential of biotechnology to produce novel gluten phenotypes. D'ovidio, R., Lafiandra, D. and Masci, S. (ed.) Gluten Proteins. Proceedings of the 8th Gluten Workshop, Viterbo, 8-10 September 2003 . Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), Cambridge. pp. 14-17
Doherty, A., West, J. M., Sparks, C. A., Stone, M. C., Cannell, M. and Jones, H. D. 2003. Use of MAR sequences to stabilise the expression of a HMW glutenin subunit gene in transgenic wheat. Proceedings 10th International Wheat Genetics Symposium, Paestum, Italy, 1-6 September 2003 .