Parkinson, R. J., Haygarth, P. M. and Scholefield, D. 2002. Soils and Environmental Quality. British Society of Soil Science Conference, Seale-Hayne Campus, University of Plymouth, 8-11 September 2002.
Brown, L., Syed, B., Jarvis, S. C., Sneath, R. W., Phillips, V. R., Goulding, K. W. T. and Li, C. 2002. Development and application of a mechanistic model to estimate emission of nitrous oxide from UK agriculture. Atmospheric Environment. 36 (6), pp. 917-928 (and erratum p. 4157).
C1 - Edited contributions to conferences/learned societies
Scholefield, D., Halling, M., Tuori, M., Isolahti, M., Soelter, U. and Stone, A. C. 2002. Assessment of nitrate leaching from beneath forage legumes. Wilkins, R. J. and Paul, C. (ed.) Legume Silages for Animal Production - LEGSIL. Proceedings of an International Workshop, Braunschweig, 8-9 July 2001. Landbauforschung Volkenrode (Special Issue).
C1 - Edited contributions to conferences/learned societies
Halling, M. A., Hopkins, A., Nissinen, O., Tuori, M. and Soelter, U. 2002. Forage legumes - productivity and composition. Wilkins, R. J. and Paul, C. (ed.) Legume Silages for Animal Production - LEGSIL. Proceedings of an International Workshop, Braunschweig, Germany, 8-9 July 2001. (Landbauforschung Volkenrode, Special Issue 234). pp. 5-15
C1 - Edited contributions to conferences/learned societies
Bertilsson, J., Doyle, C. J., Nousianen, J. and Syrjala-Qvist. L. 2002. Introduction to the LEGSIL project. Wilkins, R. J. and Paul, C. (ed.) Legume Silages for Animal Production - LEGSIL. Proceedings of an International Workshop, Braunschweig, Germany, 8-9 July 2001. (Landbauforschung Volkenrode, Special Issue 234). pp. 1-3
Cole, L., Bardgett, R. D., Ineson, P. and Hobbs, P. J. 2002. Enchytraeid worm (Oligochaeta) influences on microbial community structure, nutrient dynamics and plant growth in blanket peat subjected to warming. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 34 (1), pp. 83-92.
Noble, R., Hobbs, P. J., Mead, A. and Dobrovin-Pennington, A. 2002. Influence of straw types and nitrogen sources on mushroom composting emissions and compost productivity. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. 29 (3), pp. 99-110.
Gibb, M. J., Huckle, C. A. and Nuthall, R. 2002. Effect of type of supplement offered out of parlour on grazing behaviour and performance by lactating dairy cows grazing continuously stocked grass swards. Animal Science. 75 (1), pp. 153-167.
C1 - Edited contributions to conferences/learned societies
Halling, M. A., Hopkins, A., Nissinen, O., Paul, C., Tuori, M. and Soelter, U. 2002. Nutritive quality of forage legumes grown in northern Europe. Durand, J-L., Emile, J-C., Huyghe, C. and Lemaire, G. (ed.) Multi-Function Grasslands: Quality Forages, Animal Products and Landscapes. Proceedings 19th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation (EGF), La Rochelle, France, 27-30 May 2002.
Pywell, R. F., Bullock, J. M., Hopkins, A., Walker, K. J., Sparks, T. H., Burke, M. J. W. and Peel, S. 2002. Restoration of species-rich grassland on arable land: assessing the limiting processes using a multi-site experiment. Journal of Applied Ecology. 39 (2), pp. 294-309.
Chambers, B. J., Williams, J. R., Cooke, S. D., Kay, R. M., Chadwick, D. R. and Balsdon, S. L. 2002. Ammonia losses from contrasting cattle and pig manure management systems. Proceedings Scottish Agricultural Colleges / Scottish Environmental Protection Agency Agriculture and Waste II Conference, Edinburgh, March 2002. pp. p14
Murray, P. J., Dawson, L. A. and Grayston, S. J. 2002. Influence of root herbivory on growth response and carbon assimilation by white clover plants. Applied Soil Ecology. 20, pp. 97-105.
Gleixner, G., Poirier, N., Bol, R. and Balesdent, J. 2002. Molecular dynamics of organic matter in a cultivated soil. Organic Geochemistry. 33 (3), pp. 357-366.
C1 - Edited contributions to conferences/learned societies
Wood, A. F., Heathwaite, A. L. and Haygarth, P. M. 2002. Evidence for connectivity of phosphorus transport from plot to catchment? Steenvoorden, J. (ed.) Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences Conference on Agricultural Effects on Ground and Surface Waters: Research and Policy at the Edge of Science and Society, Wageningen, Netherlands, 1-4 October 2000. International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) Press, Wallingford Oxford.
Brookman, S. K. E., Chadwick, D. R. and Headon, D. M. 2002. Construction of disturbed and intact soil blocks to develop percolating soil based treatment systems for dirty water from dairy farms. Environmental Technology. 23 (3), pp. 331-343.
Rutter, S. M. 2002. Behaviour of sheep and goats. in: Jensen, P. (ed.) Ethology of domestic animals - an introductory text CABI International, Wallingford, Oxon (CABI). pp. 145-158
Rutter, S. M., Orr, R. J., Penning, P. D., Yarrow, N. H. and Champion, R. A. 2002. Ingestive behaviour of heifers grazing monocultures of ryegrass or white clover. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 76 (1), pp. 1-9.
Chadwick, D. R. and Chen, S. 2002. Manures. in: Haygarth, P. M. and Jarvis, S. C. (ed.) Agriculture, Hydrology and Water Quality CABI International, Wallingford, Oxon (CABI). pp. 57-82
Dawson, L. A., Grayston, S. J., Murray, P. J. and Pratt, S. 2002. Root feeding behaviour of Tipula paludosa (Meig.) (Diptera: Tipulidae) on Lolium perenne (L.) and Trifolium repens (L.). Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 34 (5), pp. 609-615.
Gibb, M. J., Huckle, C. A. and Nuthall, R. 2002. Effects of level of concentrate supplementation on grazing behaviour and performance by lactating dairy cows grazing continuously stocked grass swards. Animal Science. 74 (2), pp. 319-335.
Hatch, D. J., Goulding, K. W. T. and Murphy, D. V. 2002. Nitrogen. in: Haygarth, P. M. and Jarvis, S. C. (ed.) Agriculture, Hydrology and Water Quality CABI International, Wallingford, Oxon (CABI). pp. 7-27
Misselbrook, T. H., Smith, K. A., Johnson, R. A. and Pain, B. F. 2002. Slurry application techniques to reduce ammonia emissions: results of some UK field-scale experiments. Biosystems Engineering. 81 (3), pp. 313-321.
Greaves, J. B., Hobbs, P. J. and Haygarth, P. M. 2002. A rapid and simple technique for the digestion and determination of total phosphorus in animal manures and herbage. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 33 (9-10), pp. 1577-1587.
Rook, A. J., Harvey, A., Parsons, A. J., Penning, P. D. and Orr, R. J. 2002. Effect of long-term changes in relative resource availability on dietary preference of sheep for perennial ryegrass and white clover. Grass and Forage Science. 57 (1), pp. 54-60.
Turner, B. L., McKelvie, I. D. and Haygarth, P. M. 2002. Characterisation of water-extractable soil organic phosphorus by phosphatase hydrolysis. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 34 (1), pp. 27-35.
Wookey, P. A., Bol, R., Caseldine, C. J. and Hankness, D. D. 2002. Surface age, ecosystem development and C isotope signatures of respired CO2 in an alpine environment, North Iceland. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research. 34 (1), pp. 76-87.
Laws, J. A. and Pain, B. F. 2002. Effects of method, rate and timing of slurry application to grassland on the preference by cattle for treated and untreated areas of pasture. Grass and Forage Science. 57 (2), pp. 93-104.
Turner, B. L., Paphazy, M. J., Haygarth, P. M. and McKelvie, I. D. 2002. Inositol phosphates in the environment. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. 357 (1420), pp. 449-469.
Isselstein, J., Tallowin, J. R. B. and Smith, R. E. N. 2002. Factors affecting seed germination and seedling establishment of some fen-meadow species. Restoration Ecology. 10 (2), pp. 173-184.
Hopkins, A. and Johnson, R. H. 2002. Effect of different manuring and defoliation patterns on broad-leaved dock (Rumex obtusifolius ) in grassland. Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 140 (3), pp. 255-262.
Jarvis, S. C. and Ledgard, S. F. 2002. Ammonia emissions from intensive dairying: a comparison of contrasting systems in the United Kingdom and New Zealand. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 92 (1), pp. 83-92.
Ganzeveld, L., Li, C., Cardenas, L. M., Hawkins, J. M. B. and Kirkman, G. 2001. Soil nitrogen emissions. Emissions of Chemical Species and Aerosols into the Atmosphere. Proceedings of Workshop, Paris, France, 19-22 June 2001.
Clayton, S. J., Clegg, C. D., Murray, P. J. and Gregory, P. J. 2001. Plant root exudation supports bacterial growth and defoliation enhances the rate of rhizodeposition. Roots: The Dynamic Interface Between Plants and the Earth. Abstracts 6th International Root Research Symposium, Nagoya, Japan, 11-15 November 2001.
Ritz, K., Boag, B., Clegg, C. D., Gollotte, A., Glover, E. A., Grayston, S., Griffiths, B. S., McCaig, A., Mcnicol, J. W., Millard, P., Prosser, J. I. and Wheatley, R. E. 2001. What's the scale? - spatial analysis of soil microbial communities under upland grassland. 2001: A Soil Odyssey. Abstracts International Soil Ecology Society Biannual Meeting, Pine Mountain, Georgia, USA, May 2001.
Ritz, K., Boag, B., Clegg, C. D., Gollotte, A., Glover, E. A., Grayston, S., Griffiths, B. S., McCaig, A., Mcnicol, J. W., Millard, P., Prosser, J. I. and Wheatley, R. E. 2001. Characterising spatial variation in microbial community structure in upland grasslands. Interactions in the Microbial World. Abstracts. 9th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, 26-31 August 2001.
Daniell, T. J., Clegg, C. D., Griffiths, B. S., Ritz, K., Squires, J. N., Verrall, S. R. and Wheatley, R. E. 2001. Coupling between plants and diversity of nitrite-reducing bacteria in an upland pasture. Interactions in the Microbial World. Abstracts 9th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, 26-31 August 2001.
Clegg, C. D. and Lovell, R. D. 2001. Effects of management regime on the microbial community structure of different grassland soils. Interactions in the Microbial World. 9th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Amsterdam, 26-31 August 2001.