SAS-NW: Grazing Livestock Systems

TitleSAS-NW: Grazing Livestock Systems
TypeResearch cluster


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Dietary preference of European wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) grazing grass and legume at two contrasting plant heights: A pilot study

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Rivero-Viera, J., Gallardo, M. A., Marnet, P-G. and Velasquez, A. 2017. Dietary preference of European wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) grazing grass and legume at two contrasting plant heights: A pilot study. Livestock Science. 200, pp. 64-70.

Quantifying the effect of ecological restoration on runoff and sediment yields: A meta-analysis for the Loess Plateau of China

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Hu, J., Lu, Y., Fu, B., Comber, A. J. and Harris, P. 2017. Quantifying the effect of ecological restoration on runoff and sediment yields: A meta-analysis for the Loess Plateau of China. Progress In Physical Geography. 41 (6), pp. 753-774.

Introducing bootstrap methods to investigate coefficient non-stationarity in spatial regression models

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Harris, P., Brunsdon, C., Lu, B., Nakaya, T. and Charlton, M. 2017. Introducing bootstrap methods to investigate coefficient non-stationarity in spatial regression models. Spatial Statistics. 21, pp. 241-261.

The application of a geographically weighted principal components analysis for exploring twenty-three years of goat population change across Mongolia

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Tsutsumida, N, Harris, P. and Comber, A. 2017. The application of a geographically weighted principal components analysis for exploring twenty-three years of goat population change across Mongolia. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 107 (5), pp. 1060-1074.

Root growth in field-grown winter wheat: Some effects of soil conditions, season and genotype.

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Hodgkinson, L., Dodd, I. C., Binley, A., Ashton, R. W., White, R. P., Watts, C. W. and Whalley, W. R. 2017. Root growth in field-grown winter wheat: Some effects of soil conditions, season and genotype. European Journal of Agronomy. 91 (November), pp. 74-83.

Modelling, interpreting and visualizing uncertainties for the North Wyke Farm Platform baseline field surveys

C1 - Edited contributions to conferences/learned societies
Harris, P., Brunsdon, C., Comber, L., Sint, H., Orr, R., Lee, M. R. F. and Murray, P. 2016. Modelling, interpreting and visualizing uncertainties for the North Wyke Farm Platform baseline field surveys.

The potential of blue lupins as a protein source, in the diets of laying hens

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Lee, M. R. F., Parkinson, S., Fleming, H. R., Theobald, V. J., Leemans, D. K. and Burgess, T. 2016. The potential of blue lupins as a protein source, in the diets of laying hens. Veterinary and Animal Science. 1–2 (December), pp. 29-35.

Impact of modern cattle feeding practices on milk fatty acid stable carbon isotope compositions emphasise the need for caution in selecting reference animal tissues and products for archaeological investigations

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Roffet-Salque, M., Lee, M. R. F., Timpson, A. and Evershed, R. P. 2016. Impact of modern cattle feeding practices on milk fatty acid stable carbon isotope compositions emphasise the need for caution in selecting reference animal tissues and products for archaeological investigations. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 9 (7), pp. 1343-1348.

Transcriptional reprogramming underpins enhanced plant growth promotion by the biocontrol fungus Trichoderma hamatum GD12 during antagonistic interactions with Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in soil

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Shaw, S., Le Cocq, K., Paszkiewicz, K., Moore, K., Winsbury, R., Zabala, M. D. T., Studholme, D. J., Salmon, D., Thornton, C. R. and Grant, M. R. 2016. Transcriptional reprogramming underpins enhanced plant growth promotion by the biocontrol fungus Trichoderma hamatum GD12 during antagonistic interactions with Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in soil. Molecular Plant Pathology. 17 (9), pp. 1425-1441.

Does conservation agriculture deliver climate change mitigation through soil carbon sequestration in tropical agro-ecosystems?

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Powlson, D. S., Stirling, C. M., Thierfelder, C., White, R. P. and Jat, M. L. 2016. Does conservation agriculture deliver climate change mitigation through soil carbon sequestration in tropical agro-ecosystems? Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 220, pp. 164-174.

Spatial mathematics: Theory and practice through mapping : Book review

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Harris, P. 2016. Spatial mathematics: Theory and practice through mapping : Book review. Environment and Planning B-Planning & Design. 43 (5), pp. 963-964.

Identifying risk factors for exposure to culturable allergenic moulds in energy efficient homes by using highly specific monoclonal antibodies

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Sharpe, R. A., Le Cocq, K., Nikolaou, V., Osborne, N. J. and Thornton, C. R. 2016. Identifying risk factors for exposure to culturable allergenic moulds in energy efficient homes by using highly specific monoclonal antibodies. Environmental Research. 144, pp. 32-42.

The free-living rhizosphere fungus Trichoderma hamatum GD12 enhances clover productivity in clover-ryegrass mixtures

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Alcantara, C., Thornton, C. R., Perez-de-Luque, A., Le Cocq, K., Pedraza, V. and Murray, P. J. 2016. The free-living rhizosphere fungus Trichoderma hamatum GD12 enhances clover productivity in clover-ryegrass mixtures. Plant and Soil. 398 (1-2), pp. 165-180.

Population collapse of Lumbricus terrestris in conventional arable cultivations and response to straw applications

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Stroud, J. L., Irons, D. E., Watts, C. W., White, R. P., McGrath, S. P. and Whitmore, A. P. 2016. Population collapse of Lumbricus terrestris in conventional arable cultivations and response to straw applications. Applied Soil Ecology. 108 (December), pp. 72-75.

Silage and total mixed ration hygienic quality on commercial farms: implications for animal production

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Cogan, T., Hawkey, R., Higgie, E., Lee, M. R. F., Mee, E., Parfitt, D., Raj, J., Roderick, S., Walker, N., Ward, P. and Wilkinson, J. M. 2016. Silage and total mixed ration hygienic quality on commercial farms: implications for animal production. Grass and Forage Science. 72 (4), pp. 601-613.

Geographically weighted regression with parameter-specific distance metrics

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Lu, B., Charlton, M., Brunsdon, C. and Harris, P. 2016. Geographically weighted regression with parameter-specific distance metrics. International Journal Of Geographical Information Science. 31 (5), pp. 982-998.

Improving land cover classification using input variables derived from a geographically weighted principal components analysis

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Comber, A. J., Harris, P. and Tsutsumida, N. 2016. Improving land cover classification using input variables derived from a geographically weighted principal components analysis. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 119 (September), pp. 347-360.

Geographically weighted evidence combination approaches for combining discordant and inconsistent volunteered geographical information

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Comber, A., Fonte, C., Foody, G., Fritz, S., Harris, P., Olteanu-Raimond, A. M. and See, L. 2016. Geographically weighted evidence combination approaches for combining discordant and inconsistent volunteered geographical information. Geoinformatica. 20 (3), pp. 503-527.

Automated monitoring of urination events from grazing cattle

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Misselbrook, T. H., Fleming, H. R., Camp, V., Umstatter, C., Duthie, C-A., Nicholl, L. and Waterhouse, T. 2016. Automated monitoring of urination events from grazing cattle. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 230 (16 August), pp. 191-198.

The North Wyke Farm Platform: effect of temperate grassland farming systems on soil moisture contents, runoff and associated water quality dynamics

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Orr, R. J., Murray, P. J., Eyles, C. J., Blackwell, M. S. A., Cardenas, L. M., Collins, A. L., Dungait, J. A. J., Goulding, K. W. T., Griffith, B. A., Gurr, S. J., Harris, P., Hawkins, J. M. B., Misselbrook, T. H., Rawlings, C. J., Shepherd, A., Sint, H. M., Takahashi, T., Tozer, K. N., Whitmore, A. P., Wu, L. and Lee, M. R. F. 2016. The North Wyke Farm Platform: effect of temperate grassland farming systems on soil moisture contents, runoff and associated water quality dynamics. European Journal of Soil Science. 67 (4), pp. 374-385.

Spatial variation in soil properties and diffuse losses between and within grassland fields with similar short-term management

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Peukert, S., Griffith, B. A., Murray, P. J., Macleod, C. J. A. and Brazier, R. E. 2016. Spatial variation in soil properties and diffuse losses between and within grassland fields with similar short-term management. European Journal of Soil Science. 67 (4), pp. 386-396.

Sustainable grassland systems: a modelling perspective based on the North Wyke Farm Platform

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Wu, L., Zhang, X., Griffith, B. A. and Misselbrook, T. H. 2016. Sustainable grassland systems: a modelling perspective based on the North Wyke Farm Platform. European Journal of Soil Science. 67 (4), pp. 397-408.

Long-term management changes in topsoil and subsoil organic carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a temperate agricultural system

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Gregory, A. S., Dungait, J. A. J., Watts, C. W., Bol, R., Dixon, E. R., White, R. P. and Whitmore, A. P. 2016. Long-term management changes in topsoil and subsoil organic carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a temperate agricultural system. European Journal of Soil Science. 67 (4), pp. 421-430.

Greenhouse gas emissions from a reseeded grassland on the North Wyke Farm Platform

C2 - Non-edited contributions to conferences
Dunn, R. M., Boden, J., Misselbrook, T. H., Orr, R. J., Griffith, B. A., Neale, J. and Cardenas, L. M. 2016. Greenhouse gas emissions from a reseeded grassland on the North Wyke Farm Platform. Abstracts International Conference on Steps to Sustainable Livestock, Bristol, 12-15 January 2016 .

The Minkowski approach for choosing the distance metric in geographically weighted regression

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Lu, B., Charlton, M., Brunsdon, C. and Harris, P. 2016. The Minkowski approach for choosing the distance metric in geographically weighted regression. International Journal Of Geographical Information Science. 30 (2), pp. 351-368.

Data mining the North Wyke Farm Platform data sets

C2 - Non-edited contributions to conferences
Harris, P., Griffith, B. A., Sint, H. M., Cardenas, L. M., Dungait, J. A. J., Orr, R. J. and Lee, M. R. F. 2016. Data mining the North Wyke Farm Platform data sets. Abstracts International Conference on Steps to Sustainable Livestock, Bristol, 12-15 January 2016 .

Contextualized geographically weighted principal components analysis for investigating baseline soils data on the North Wyke Farm Platform

C1 - Edited contributions to conferences/learned societies
Harris, P., Howden, N. J. K., Peukert, S., Noacco, V., Ramezani, K., Tuominen, E., Eludoyin, B., Brazier, R., Shepherd, A., Griffith, B. A., Orr, R. J. and Murray, P. J. 2016. Contextualized geographically weighted principal components analysis for investigating baseline soils data on the North Wyke Farm Platform. Raju, N. J. (ed.) Geostatistical and Geospatial Approaches for the Characterization of Natural Resources in the Environment: Proceedings 16th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences, New Delhi, 17-20 October 2014 . Springer, Cham. pp. 651-655

Spatial prediction of coastal bathymetry based on multispectral satellite imagery and multibeam data

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Monteys, X., Harris, P., Caloca, S. and Cahalane, C. 2015. Spatial prediction of coastal bathymetry based on multispectral satellite imagery and multibeam data. Remote Sensing. 7 (10), pp. 13782-13806.

Calibrating a geographically weighted regression model with parameter-specific distance metrics

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Lu, B., Harris, P., Charlton, M. and Brunsdon, C. 2015. Calibrating a geographically weighted regression model with parameter-specific distance metrics. Procedia Environmental Sciences. 26, pp. 109-114.

Using bootstrap methods to investigate coefficient non-stationarity in regression models: an empirical case study

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Harris, P., Brunsdon, C., Gollini, I., Nakaya, T. and Charlton, M. 2015. Using bootstrap methods to investigate coefficient non-stationarity in regression models: an empirical case study. Procedia Environmental Sciences. 27, pp. 112-115.

The use of geographically weighted PCA to classify land cover from multispectral image data

C2 - Non-edited contributions to conferences
Harris, P., Tsutsumida, N. and Comber, A. J. 2015. The use of geographically weighted PCA to classify land cover from multispectral image data. Abstracts 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment ISRSE36, Berlin, 11-15 May 2015 .

The North Wyke Farm Platform, a UK national capability for research into sustainability of temperate agricultural grassland management: progress and developments

C2 - Non-edited contributions to conferences
Harris, P., Dungait, J. A. J., Griffith, B. A., Shepherd, A., Sint, H. M., Blackwell, M. S. A., Cardenas, L. M., Collins, A. L., Goulding, K. W. T., Lee, M. R. F. and Orr, R. J. 2015. The North Wyke Farm Platform, a UK national capability for research into sustainability of temperate agricultural grassland management: progress and developments. EGU.

A case report of lameness in two dairy goat herds; a suspected combination of nutritional factors concurrent with treponeme infection

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Groenevelt, M., Anzuino, K., Smith, S., Lee, M. R. F. and Grogono-Thomas, R. 2015. A case report of lameness in two dairy goat herds; a suspected combination of nutritional factors concurrent with treponeme infection. BMC Research Notes. 8, p. 791.

Capturing the spatial variability of N2O emissions on grazed grasslands

C2 - Non-edited contributions to conferences
Cardenas, L. M., Dunn, R. M., Shepherd, A., Misselbrook, T. H., Orr, R. J., Griffith, B. A., Velazquez, A., Burak, E., Chen, K., Harris, P., Repullo, M. and Collins, A. L. 2015. Capturing the spatial variability of N2O emissions on grazed grasslands. Abstracts ASA/CSSA/SSSA International Annual Meeting Synergy in Science: Partnering for Solutions, Minneapolis, 15-18 November 2015 .

Effects of plant species, stage of maturity, and level of formic acid addition on lipolysis, lipid content, and fatty acid composition during ensiling

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Koivunen, E., Jaakkola, S., Heikkila, T., Lampi, A-M., Halmemies-Beauchet-Filleau, A., Lee, M. R. F., Winters, A. L., Shingfield, K. J. and Vanhatalo, A. 2015. Effects of plant species, stage of maturity, and level of formic acid addition on lipolysis, lipid content, and fatty acid composition during ensiling. Journal of Animal Science. 93 (9), pp. 4408-4423.

Enhancements to a geographically weighted principal component analysis in the context of an application to an environmental data set

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Harris, P., Clarke, A., Juggins, S., Brunsdon, C. and Charlton, M. 2015. Enhancements to a geographically weighted principal component analysis in the context of an application to an environmental data set. Geographical Analysis . 47 (2), pp. 146-172.

GWmodel: an R package for exploring spatial heterogeneity using geographically weighted models

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Gollini, I., Lu, B., Charlton, M., Brunsdon, C. and Harris, P. 2015. GWmodel: an R package for exploring spatial heterogeneity using geographically weighted models. Journal of Statistical Software. 63 (17).

Intensive farming: When less means more on dairy farms

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Eisler , M. C., Lee, M. R. F. and Martin, C. B. 2014. Intensive farming: When less means more on dairy farms. Nature. 512 (7515), p. 371.

Microbial pathogen control in the beef chain: Recent research advances

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Buncic, S., Nychas, G-J., Lee, M. R. F., Koutsoumanis, K., Hebraud, M., Desvaux, M., Chorianopoulos, N., Bolton, D., Blagojevevic, B. and Antic, D. 2014. Microbial pathogen control in the beef chain: Recent research advances. Meat Science. 97 (3), pp. 288-297.

Effect of replacing grass silage with red clover silage on nutrient digestion, nitrogen metabolism, and milk fat composition in lactating cows fed diets containing a 60: 40 forage-to-concentrate ratio

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Halmemies-Beauchet-Filleau, A., Vanhatalo, A., Toivonen, V., Heikkila, T., Lee, M. R. F. and Shingfield, K. J. 2014. Effect of replacing grass silage with red clover silage on nutrient digestion, nitrogen metabolism, and milk fat composition in lactating cows fed diets containing a 60: 40 forage-to-concentrate ratio. Journal of Dairy Science. 97 (6), pp. 3761-3776.

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