Martin Torrance

NameMartin Torrance
Job titleSenior Scientific Specialist - Ecology
DepartmentProtecting Crops and the Environment
Research clusterBCP: Pest-Host Interactions
Preferred citationTorrance, M. T.

Research outputs

Dynamics of pollen beetle (Brassicogethes aeneus) immigration and colonization of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) in Europe

Bick, E., Sigsgaard, L., Torrance, M. T., Helmreich, S., Still, L., Beck, B., Rashid, R. E., Lemmich, J., Nikolajsen, T. and Cook, S. M. 2024. Dynamics of pollen beetle (Brassicogethes aeneus) immigration and colonization of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) in Europe. Pest Management Science. 80 (5), pp. 2306-2313.

Advances in automatic identifcation of flying insects using optical sensors and machine learning

Kirkeby, C, Rydhmer, K, Cook, S. M., Strand, A, Torrance, M. T., Swain, J. L., Prangsma, J, Johnen, A, Jensen, M, Brydegaard, M and Graesboll, K 2021. Advances in automatic identifcation of flying insects using optical sensors and machine learning. Scientific Reports. 11 (1), pp. 1-8.

The effect of sowing date (autumn vs. spring) on the flowering period of biennial margin mixes and their resource value for enemies of crop pests

Baverstock, J., Torrance, M. T., Skellern, M. P., Pell, J. K., Hartwell, G. and Cook, S. M. 2015. The effect of sowing date (autumn vs. spring) on the flowering period of biennial margin mixes and their resource value for enemies of crop pests. Proceedings BASF Farm Network Conference, Bad Durkheim, 23-24 November 2015 . pp. 6-11

Appendix 4. Effect of brassica field margins on arthropod biodiversity and biocontrol in a wheat-oilseed rape rotation

Cook, S. M., Skellern, M. P., Torrance, M. T., Nevard, L., Watts, N. P., Clark, S. J. and Pell, J. K. 2015. Appendix 4. Effect of brassica field margins on arthropod biodiversity and biocontrol in a wheat-oilseed rape rotation.

Field margins for biocontrol and biodiversity across crop rotations: overview of the aims and approaches of Defra project IF01122

Baverstock, J., Pell, J. K., Storkey, J., Torrance, M. T. and Cook, S. M. 2014. Field margins for biocontrol and biodiversity across crop rotations: overview of the aims and approaches of Defra project IF01122. IOBC.

Mesocosm experiments to assess the transmission of Pandora neoaphidis within simple and mixed field margins and over the crop-margin interface

Baverstock, J., Torrance, M. T., Clark, S. J. and Pell, J. K. 2012. Mesocosm experiments to assess the transmission of Pandora neoaphidis within simple and mixed field margins and over the crop-margin interface. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 110, pp. 102-107.

Conservation biological control approaches for aphid control in UK arable crops

Baverstock, J., Torrance, M. T. and Pell, J. K. 2011. Conservation biological control approaches for aphid control in UK arable crops. Abstracts AAB Conference on Advances in Biological Control, Marston, 17 November 2010 .

Fusion-fission experiments in Aphidius: evolutionary split without isolation in response to environmental bimodality

Emelianov, I., Hernandez-Lopez, A., Torrance, M. T. and Watts, N. 2011. Fusion-fission experiments in Aphidius: evolutionary split without isolation in response to environmental bimodality. Heredity. 106, pp. 798-807.

Management of habitat diversity on arable farmland to maximise control of crop pests by communities of beneficial organisms

Torrance, M. T., Baverstock, J., Martin, Hubert and Pell, J. K. 2010. Management of habitat diversity on arable farmland to maximise control of crop pests by communities of beneficial organisms.

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