Tony Scott

NameTony Scott
Job titleScientific Specialist - Environmental Change Network
DepartmentProtecting Crops and the Environment
Research clusterSAS-H: Agronomy and Nutrient Flows
Preferred citationScott, T.

Research outputs

Long-term trends in yield variance of temperate managed grassland

Macholdt, J., Hadasch, S., Macdonald, A. J., Perryman, S. A. M., Piepho, H., Scott, T., Styczen, M. E. and Storkey, J. 2023. Long-term trends in yield variance of temperate managed grassland. Agronomy for Sustainable Development - ASD. 43 (3), p. 37.

The evolving role of weather types on rainfall chemistry under large reductions in pollutant emissions

Tso, M. C., Monteith, D., Scott, T., Watson, H., Dodd, B., Dos Santos Pereira, M. G., Henrys, P., Hollaway, M., Rennie, S., Lowther, A., Watkins, J, Killick, R. and Blair, G. 2022. The evolving role of weather types on rainfall chemistry under large reductions in pollutant emissions. Environmental Pollution. 299 (15 April), p. 118905.

Global maps of soil temperature

Lembrechts, J., Van den Hoogen, J., Aalto, J., Ashcroft, M. B., De Frenne, P., Jemppinen, J., Kopecky, M., Luoto, M., Maclean, I. M. D., Crowther, T., Bailey, J. J., Haesen, S., Klinges, D. H., Niittynen, P., Scheffers, B., Van Meerbeek, K., Aartsma, P., Abdalaze, O., Abedi, M., Aerts, R., Ahmadian, N., Ahrends, A., Alatao, J. M., Alexander, J. M., Allonsius, C. N., Altman, J., Ammann, A., Andres, C., Andrews, C., Ardo, J., Arriga, N., Arzac, A., Aschero, V., Assis, R. L., Assmann, J, J., Bader, M. Y., Bahalkeh, K., Barancok, P., Barrio, I. C., Barros, A., Barthel, M., Basham, E. W., Bauters, M., Bazzichetto, M., Marchesini, L., Bell, M.C., Benavides, J. C., Benito Alonso, J. L., Berauer, B. J., Bjerke, J., Bjork, R. G., Bjorkman, M. P., Bjornsdottir, K., Blonder, B., Boeckx, P., Boike, J., Bokhorst, S., Brum, B. N. S., Bruna, J., Buchmann, N., Buysse, P., Camargo, J. L., Campoe, O. C., Candan, O., Canessa, R., Cannone, N., Carbognani, M., Carnicer, J., Casanova-Katny, A., Cesarz, S., Chojnicki, B., Choler, P., Chown, S. L., Cifuentes, E. F., Ciliak, M., Contador, T., Convey, P., Cooper, E., Cremonese, E., Curasi, S. R., Curtis, R., Cutini, M., Dahlberg, C. L., Daskalova, G., De Pablo, M. A., Della Chiesa, S., Dengler,, Deronde, B., Descombes, P., Di Cecco, V., Di Musciano, M., Dick, J., Dimarco, D. R., Dolezal, J., Dorrepaal, E., Dusek, J., Eisenhauer, N., Ejtehadi, H., Eklundh, L., Erfanian, M., Erickson, T. E., E.Erschbamer, B., Eugster, W., Ewers, R. M., Exton, D. A., Fanin, N., Fazlioglu, F., Feigenwinter, I., Fenu, G., Ferlian, O., Fernandez Calzado, M. R., Fernandez-Pascual, E., Finckh, M., Finger Higgens, R, Forte, T. G. W., Freeman, E. C., Frei, E. R., Fuentes-Lillo, E., Garcia, R. A., Garcia, M. B., Geron, C., Gharun, M., Ghosn, D., Gigauri, K., Gobin, A., Goded, I., Goeckede, M., Gottschall, F., Goulding, K. W. T., Govaert, S., Graae, B. J., Greenwood, S., Greise, C., Grelle, A.., Guenard, B., Guglielmin, M., Guillemot, J., Haase, H., Haider, S., Halbritter, A. H., Hamid, M., Hammerle, A., Hampe, A., Haugum, S. V., Hederova, L., Heinesch, B., Helfter, C., Hepenstrick, D., Herberich, M., Herbst, M., Hermanutz, L., Hik, D. S., Hoffren, R.., Homeier, J.., Hortnagl, L., Hoye, T. T., Hrbacek, F., Hylander, K., Iwata, h., Jackowicz-Korczynski, M. A., Jactel, H., Jarveoja, J., Olejnik, J., Jastrzebowski, S., Jentsch, A., Jimenez, J. J., Jonsdottir, I. S., Souza, J., Jucker, T., Jump, A. S., Juszczak, R., Kanka, R., Kaspar, V., Kazakis, G., Kelly, J., Khuroo, A. A., Klemedtsson, L., Klisz, M., Kljun, N., Knohl, A., Kobler, J., Kollar, J., Kolle, O., Kotowska, M. M., Kovacs, B., Kreyling, J., Lamprecht, A., Lang, S. I., Larson, C., Larson, K., Laska, K., Le Maire, G., Leihy, R. I., Lens, L., Liljebladh, B., Lohila, A., Lorite, J., Loubet, B., Lynn, J., Macek, M., Mackenzie, R., Magliulo, E, Maier, R., Malfasi, f., Malis, F., Man, M., Manca, G., Manco,a., Manise, T., Manolaki, P., Marciniak, F., Nardino, M., Matula, R., Mazzolari, A. C., Medinets, S., Medinets,v., Meeussen, C., Merinero, S., De Cassia Guimaraes Mesquita, R., Meusburger, K., Meysman, F., Michaletz, S. T., Milbau, A., Moiseev, D., Moiseev, P., Mondoni, A., Montagnani, L., Moriana-Armendariz, M., Morra di Cella, U., Morsdorf, M., Mosedale, J. R.., Muffler, L., Munoz-Rojas, M., Myers, J. A., Myers-Smith, I., Nagy, L., Naujokaitis-Lewis, I., Newling, E., Nicklas, L., Niedrist, G.., Niessner, A., Nilsson, M. B., Normand, S., Nosetto, M. D., Nouvellon, Y., Nunez, M. A., Ogaya, R., Ogee, J., Okello, J., Olesen, J. E., Opedal, O., Orsenigo, S.., Palaj, A., Pampuch, T., Panov, A. V., Partel, M., Pastor, A., Pauchard, A., Pauli, H., Pavelka, M., Pearse, W. D., Peichl, M., Pellissier, L., Penczykowski, R. M., Penuelas, J., Bon, M., Petraglia, A., Phartyal, S. S., Phoenix, G. K., Pio, C., Pitacco, A.., Pitteloud, C., Plichta, R., Porro, F., Portillo-Estrada, M., Poulenard, J., Poyatos, R., Prokushkin, A. S., Puchalka, R., Puscas, M., Radujkovic, D., Randall, K., Ratier Backes, A., Remmele, S., Remmers,W., Renault, D., Risch, A. C., Rixen, C., Robroek, B., Rocha, A. V., Rossi, C., Rossi, G., Roupsard, O., Rubtsov, V. A., Sagot, C., Sallo Bravo, J., Santos, C. C., Sarneel, J. M., Scharnweber, T., Schmeddes, J., Schmidt, M., Scholten, T., Schwartz, N., Scott, T., Seeber, J., Segalin de Andrade, A. C., Seipel, T., Semenchuk, P. R., Senior, R. A., Serra-Diaz, J. M., Sewerniak, P., Shekhar, A., Sidenko, N. V., Siebicke, L., Siegwart Collier, L., Simpson, E., Siqueira, D., Sitkova, Z., Six, J., Smiljanic, M., Smith, S. W., Smith-Tripp, S., Somers, B., Sorensen, M. V., Souza, B. I., Souza Dias, A., Spasojevic, M., Speed, J. D. M., Spicher, F., Stanisci, A., Steinbauer, K., Steinbrecher, R., Steinwandter, M., Stemkovski, M., Stephan, J. G., Stiegler, C., Stoll, C., Svatek, M., Svoboda, M., Tagesson, T., Tanentzap, A. J., Tanneberger, F.., Theurillat, J-P., Thomas, H., Thomas, A., Tielborger, K., Tomaselli, M., Treier, U. A., Trouillier, M., Turtureanu, P. D., Tutton, R., Tyystjarvi, V. A., Ueyama, M., Ujhazy, K., Ujhazyova, M., Uogintas, D., Urban, A. V., Urban, J., Urbaniak, M., Ursu, T-M., Vaccari, F. P., Van de Vondel, S., Van den Brink, L., Van Geel, M., Vandvik, V., Vangansbeke, P., Varlagin, A., Veen, G. F., Veenendaal, E., Venn, S. E., Verbeeck, H., Verbruggen, E., Verheijen, F. G. A., Villar, L., Vitale, L., Vittoz, P., Vives-Ingla, M., Von Oppen, J., Walz, J., Wang, R., Wang, Y., Way, R. G., Wedegartner, R. E. M., Weigel, R., Wild, J., Wilkinson, M., Wilmking, M., Wingate, L., Winkler, M., Wipf, S., Wohlfahrt, G.., Xenakis, G., Yang, Y., Yu, Z., Yu, K., Zellweger, F., Zhang, J., Zhang, Z., Zhao, P., Ziemblinska, K., Zimmermann, R., Zong, S., Zyryanov, V. I., Nijs, I. and Lenoir, J. 2022. Global maps of soil temperature. Global Change Biology. 28 (9), pp. 3110-3144.

The UK Environmental Change Network datasets - integrated and co-located data for long-term environmental research (1993-2015)

Rennie, S., Andrews, C., Atkinson, S., Beaumont, D. A., Benham, S., Bowmaker, V., Dick, J., Dodd, B., McKenna, C., Pallett, D., Rose, R., Schafer, S., Scott, T., Sherrin, L., Taylor, C. and Watson, H. 2020. The UK Environmental Change Network datasets - integrated and co-located data for long-term environmental research (1993-2015). Earth System Science Data. 12 (1), pp. 87-107.

Rothamsted Long-term experiments : guide to the classical and other long-term experiments, datasets and sample archive

Macdonald, A. J., Poulton, P. R., Clark, I. M., Scott, T., Glendining, M. J., Perryman, S. A. M., Storkey, J., Bell, J. R., Shield, I. F., Mcmillan, V. E. and Hawkins, J. M. B. Macdonald, A. J. (ed.) 2018. Rothamsted Long-term experiments : guide to the classical and other long-term experiments, datasets and sample archive. Rothamsted Research, Harpenden.

The electronic Rothamsted Archive (e-RA): an online resource for data from the Rothamsted long-term experiments

Perryman, S. A. M., Castells-Brooke, N. I. D., Glendining, M. J., Goulding, K. W. T., Hawkesford, M. J., Macdonald, A. J., Ostler, R. J., Poulton, P. R., Rawlings, C. J., Scott, T. and Verrier, P. J. 2018. The electronic Rothamsted Archive (e-RA): an online resource for data from the Rothamsted long-term experiments. Scientific Data. 5, p. 180072.

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) spittle bug data: 1993-2015

Rennie, S., Adamson, J., Anderson, R., Andrews, C., Bater, J., Bayfield, N., Beaton, K., Beaumont, D. A., Benham, S., Bowmaker, V., Britt, C., Brooker, R., Brooks, D. R., Brunt, J., Common, G., Cooper, R., Corbett, S., Critchley, N., Dennis, P., Dick, J., Dodd, B., Dodd, N., Donovan, N., Easter, J., Flexen, M., Gardiner, A., Hamilton, D., Hargreaves, P., Howe, M., Kahl, J., Lane, M., Langan, S., Lloyd, D., McElarney, Y., McKenna, C., McMillan, S., Milne, F., Milne, L., Morecroft, M., Murphy, M., Nelson, A., Nicholson, H., Pallett, D., Parry, D., Pearce, I., Pozsgai, G., Rose, R., Schafer, S., Scott, T., Sherrin, L., Shortall, C. R., Smith, P., Smith, R. I., Tait, R., Taylor, C., Taylor, M., Thurlow, M., Tilbury, C., Turner, A., Tyson, K., Watson, H., Whittaker, M. and Wood, C. 2018. UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) spittle bug data: 1993-2015 . NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) woodland vegetation data: 1993-2014

Rennie, S., Adamson, J., Anderson, R., Andrews, C., Bater, J., Bayfield, N., Beaton, K., Beaumont, D. A., Benham, S., Bowmaker, V., Britt, C., Brooker, R., Brooks, D. R., Brunt, J., Common, G., Cooper, R., Corbett, S., Critchley, N., Dennis, P., Dick, J., Dodd, B., Dodd, N., Donovan, N., Easter, J., Flexen, M., Gardiner, A., Hamilton, D., Hargreaves, P., Hatton-Ellis, M., Howe, M., Kahl, J., Lane, M., Langan, S., Lloyd, D., McElarney, Y., McKenna, C., McMillan, S., Milne, F., Milne, L., Morecroft, M., Murphy, M., Nelson, A., Nicholson, H., Pallett, D., Parry, D., Pearce, I., Pozsgai, G., Rose, R., Schafer, S., Scott, T., Sherrin, L., Shortall, C. R., Smith, P., Smith, R. I., Tait, R., Taylor, C., Taylor, M., Thurlow, M., Turner, A., Tyson, K., Watson, H., Whittaker, M. and Wood, C. 2017. UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) woodland vegetation data: 1993-2014 . NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) fine grain vegetation data: 1994-2015

Rennie, S., Adamson, J., Anderson, R., Andrews, C., Bater, J., Bayfield, N., Beaton, K., Beaumont, D. A., Benham, S., Bowmaker, V., Britt, C., Brooker, R., Brooks, D. R., Brunt, J., Common, G., Cooper, R., Corbett, S., Critchley, N., Dennis, P., Dick, J., Dodd, B., Dodd, N., Donovan, N., Easter, J., Flexen, M., Gardiner, A., Hamilton, D., Hargreaves, P., Hatton-Ellis, M., Howe, M., Kahl, J., Lane, M., Langan, S., Lloyd, D., McElarney, Y., McKenna, C., McMillan, S., Milne, F., Milne, L., Morecroft, M., Murphy, M., Nelson, A., Nicholson, H., Pallett, D., Parry, D., Pearce, I., Pozsgai, G., Rose, R., Schafer, S., Scott, T., Sherrin, L., Shortall, C. R., Smith, P., Smith, R. I., Tait, R., Taylor, C., Taylor, M., Thurlow, M., Tilbury, C., Turner, A., Tyson, K., Watson, H., Whittaker, M. and Wood, C. 2017. UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) fine grain vegetation data: 1994-2015 . NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) rabbit and deer data: 1993-2015

Rennie, S., Adamson, J., Anderson, R., Andrews, C., Bater, J., Bayfield, N., Beaton, K., Beaumont, D. A., Benham, S., Bowmaker, V., Britt, C., Brooker, R., Brooks, D. R., Brunt, J., Common, G., Cooper, R., Corbett, S., Critchley, N., Dennis, P., Dick, J., Dodd, B., Dodd, N., Donovan, N., Easter, J., Flexen, M., Gardiner, A., Hamilton, D., Hargreaves, P., Hatton-Ellis, M., Howe, M., Kahl, J., Lane, M., Langan, S., Lloyd, D., McCarney, B., McElarney, Y., McKenna, C., McMillan, S., Milne, F., Milne, L., Morecroft, M., Murphy, M., Nelson, A., Nicholson, H., Pallett, D., Parry, D., Pearce, I., Pozsgai, G., Rose, R., Schafer, S., Scott, T., Sherrin, L., Shortall, C. R., Smith, P., Smith, R. I., Tait, R., Taylor, C., Taylor, M., Thurlow, M., Turner, A., Tyson, K., Watson, H., Whittaker, M. and Wood, C. 2017. UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) rabbit and deer data: 1993-2015 . NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) common breeding birds data 1971-2007

Rennie, S., Bater, J., Beaumont, D. A., Benham, S., Britt, C., Brooks, D. R., Brunt, A., Brunt, J., Corbett, S., Critchley, N., Donovan, N., Hargreaves, P., Howe, M., Lane, M., McMillan, S., Morecroft, M., Onley, D., Overall, R., Pallett, D., Schafer, S., Scott, T., Sherrin, L., Shortall, C. R., Smith, P., Smith, R. I., Taylor, M. and Tyson, K. 2017. UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) common breeding birds data 1971-2007 . NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) stream water chemistry data: 1992-2015

Rennie, S., Adamson, J., Anderson, R., Andrews, C., Bater, J., Bayfield, N., Beaton, K., Beaumont, D. A., Benham, S., Bowmaker, V., Britt, C., Brooker, R., Brooks, D. R., Brunt, J., Common, G., Cooper, R., Corbett, S., Critchley, N., Dennis, P., Dick, J., Dodd, B., Dodd, N., Donovan, N., Easter, J., Flexen, M., Gardiner, A., Hamilton, D., Hargreaves, P., Hatton-Ellis, M., Howe, M., Kahl, J., Lane, M., Langan, S., Lloyd, D., McCarney, B., McElarney, Y., McKenna, C., McMillan, S., Milne, F., Milne, L., Morecroft, M., Murphy, M., Nelson, A., Nicholson, H., Pallett, D., Parry, D., Pearce, I., Pozsgai, G., Rose, R., Schafer, S., Scott, T., Sherrin, L., Shortall, C. R., Smith, P., Smith, R. I., Tait, R., Taylor, C., Taylor, M., Thurlow, M., Turner, A., Tyson, K., Watson, H., Whittaker, M. and Wood, C. 2017. UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) stream water chemistry data: 1992-2015 . NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) soil solution chemistry data: 1992-2015

Rennie, S., Adamson, J., Anderson, R., Andrews, C., Bater, J., Bayfield, N., Beaton, K., Beaumont, D. A., Benham, S., Bowmaker, V., Britt, C., Brooker, R., Brooks, D. R., Brunt, J., Common, G., Cooper, R., Corbett, S., Critchley, N., Dennis, P., Dick, J., Dodd, B., Dodd, N., Donovan, N., Easter, J., Flexen, M., Gardiner, A., Hamilton, D., Hargreaves, P., Hatton-Ellis, M., Howe, M., Kahl, J., Lane, M., Langan, S., Lloyd, D., McCarney, B., McElarney, Y., McKenna, C., McMillan, S., Milne, F., Milne, L., Morecroft, M., Murphy, M., Nelson, A., Nicholson, H., Pallett, D., Parry, D., Pearce, I., Pozsgai, G., Rose, R., Schafer, S., Scott, T., Sherrin, L., Shortall, C. R., Smith, P., Smith, R., Tait, R., Taylor, C., Taylor, M., Thurlow, M., Turner, A., Tyson, K., Watson, H., Whittaker, M. and Wood, C. 2017. UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) soil solution chemistry data: 1992-2015 . NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) atmospheric nitrogen chemistry data: 1993-2015

Rennie, S., Adamson, J., Anderson, R., Andrews, C., Bater, J., Bayfield, N., Beaton, K., Beaumont, D. A., Benham, S., Bowmaker, V., Britt, C., Brooker, R., Brooks, D. R., Brunt, J., Common, G., Cooper, R., Corbett, S., Critchley, N., Dennis, P., Dick, J., Dodd, B., Dodd, N., Donovan, N., Easter, J., Flexen, M., Gardiner, A., Hamilton, D., Hargreaves, P., Hatton-Ellis, M., Howe, M., Kahl, J., Lane, M., Langan, S., Lloyd, D., McCarney, B., McElarney, Y., McKenna, C., McMillan, S., Milne, F., Milne, L., Morecroft, M., Murphy, M., Nelson, A., Nicholson, H., Pallett, D., Parry, D., Pearce, I., Pozsgai, G., Rose, R, Schafer, S., Scott, T., Sherrin, L., Shortall, C. R., Smith, P., Smith, R., Tait, R., Taylor, C., Taylor, M., Thurlow, M., Turner, A., Tyson, K., Watson, H., Whittaker, M. and Wood, C. 2017. UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) atmospheric nitrogen chemistry data: 1993-2015 . NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) precipitation chemistry data: 1992-2015

Rennie, S., Adamson, J., Anderson, R., Andrews, C., Bater, J., Bayfield, N., Beaton, K., Beaumont, D. A., Benham, S., Bowmaker, V., Britt, C., Brooker, R., Brooks, D. R., Brunt, J., Common, G., Cooper, R., Corbett, S., Critchley, N., Dennis, P., Dick, J., Dodd, B., Dodd, N., Donovan, N., Easter, J., Flexen, M., Gardiner, A., Hamilton, D., Hargreaves, P., Hatton-Ellis, M., Howe, M., Kahl, J., Lane, M., Langan, S., Lloyd, D., McCarney, B., McElarney, Y., McKenna, C., McMillan, S., Milne, F., Milne, L., Morecroft, M., Murphy, M., Nelson, A., Nicholson, H., Pallett, D., Parry, D., Pearce, I., Pozsgai, G., Rose, R., Schafer, S., Scott, T., Sherrin, L., Shortall, C. R., Smith, P., Smith, R., Tait, R., Taylor, C., Taylor, M., Thurlow, M., Turner, A., Tyson, K., Watson, H., Whittaker, M. and Wood, C. 2017. UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) precipitation chemistry data: 1992-2015 . NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) moth data: 1992-2015

Rennie, S., Adamson, J., Anderson, R., Andrews, C., Bater, J., Bayfield, N., Beaton, K., Beaumont, D. A., Benham, S., Bowmaker, V., Britt, C., Brooker, R., Brooks, D., Brunt, J., Common, G., Cooper, R., Corbett, S., Critchley, N., Dennis, P., Dick, J., Dodd, B., Dodd, N., Donovan, N., Easter, J., Flexen, M., Gardiner, A., Hamilton, D., Hargreaves, P., Hatton-Ellis, M., Howe, M., Kahl, J., Lane, M., Langan, S., Lloyd, D., McCarney, B., McElarney, Y., McKenna, C., McMillan, S., Milne, F., Milne, L., Morecroft, M., Murphy, M., Nelson, A., Nicholson, H., Pallett, D., Parry, D., Pearce, I., Pozsgai, G., Riley, A. M., Rose, R., Schafer, S., Scott, T., Sherrin, L., Shortall, C. R., Smith, P., Smith, R., Tait, R., Taylor, C., Taylor, M., Thurlow, M., Turner, A., Tyson, K., Watson, H., Whittaker, M., Woiwod, I. P. and Wood, C. 2017. UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) moth data: 1992-2015 . NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) carabid beetle data: 1992-2015

Rennie, S., Adamson, J., Anderson, R., Andrews, C., Bater, J., Bayfield, N., Beaton, K., Beaumont, D. A., Benham, S., Bowmaker, V., Britt, C., Brooker, R., Brooks, D. R., Brunt, J., Common, G., Cooper, R., Corbett, S., Critchley, N., Dennis, P., Dick, J., Dodd, B., Dodd, N., Donovan, N., Easter, J., Flexen, M., Gardiner, A., Hamilton, D., Hargreaves, P., Hatton-Ellis, M., Howe, M., Kahl, J., Lane, M., Langan, S., Lloyd, D., McElarney, Y., McKenna, C., McMillan, S., Milne, F., Milne, L., Morecroft, M., Murphy, M., Nelson, A., Nicholson, H., Pallett, D., Parry, D., Pearce, I., Pozsgai, G., Rose, R., Schafer, S., Scott, T., Sherrin, L., Shortall, C. R., Smith, P., Smith, R. I., Tait, R., Taylor, C., Taylor, M., Thurlow, M., Tilbury, C., Turner, A., Tyson, K., Watson, H., Whittaker, M. and Wood, C. 2017. UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) carabid beetle data: 1992-2015 . NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) bird data: 1995-2015

Rennie, S., Adamson, J., Anderson, R., Andrews, C., Bater, J., Bayfield, N., Beaton, K., Beaumont, D. A., Benham, S., Bowmaker, V., Britt, C., Brooker, R., Brooks, D. R., Brunt, A., Brunt, J., Clawson, S., Common, G., Cooper, R., Corbett, S., Critchley, N., Dennis, P., Dick, J., Dodd, B., Dodd, N., Donovan, N., Easter, J., Flexen, M., Gardiner, A., Hamilton, D., Hargreaves, P., Hatton-Ellis, M., Howe, M., Kahl, J., Lane, M., Langan, S., Lloyd, D., McElarney, Y., McKenna, C., McMillan, S., Milne, F., Milne, L., Morecroft, M., Murphy, M., Nelson, A., Nicholson, H., Pallett, D., Parry, D., Pearce, I., Pozsgai, G., Rose, R., Schafer, S., Scott, T., Sherrin, L., Shortall, C. R., Smith, P., Tait, R., Taylor, C., Taylor, M., Thurlow, M., Turner, A., Tyson, K., Watson, H., Whittaker, M. and Wood, C. 2017. UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) bird data: 1995-2015 . NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) bat data: 1993-2015

Rennie, S., Adamson, J., Anderson, R., Andrews, C., Bater, J., Bayfield, N., Beaton, K., Beaumont, D. A., Benham, S., Bowmaker, V., Britt, C., Brooker, R., Brooks, D. R., Brunt, J., Common, G., Cooper, R., Corbett, S., Critchley, N., Dennis, P., Dick, J., Dodd, B., Dodd, N., Donovan, N., Easter, J., Flexen, M., Gardiner, A., Hamilton, D., Hargreaves, P., Hatton-Ellis, M., Howe, M., Kahl, J., Lane, M., Langan, S., Lloyd, D., Lundy, M., McElarney, Y., McKenna, C., McMillan, S., Milne, F., Milne, L., Morecroft, M., Murphy, M., Nelson, A., Nicholson, H., Pallett, D., Parry, D., Pearce, I., Pozsgai, G., Rose, R., Schafer, S., Scott, T., Sherrin, L., Shortall, C. R., Smith, P., Smith, R. I., Tait, R., Taylor, C., Taylor, M., Thurlow, M., Turner, A., Tyson, K., Watson, H., Whittaker, M. and Wood, C. 2017. UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) bat data: 1993-2015 . NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) frog data: 1994-2015

Rennie, S., Adamson, J., Anderson, R., Andrews, C., Bater, J., Bayfield, N., Beaton, K., Beaumont, D. A., Benham, S., Bowmaker, V., Britt, C., Brooker, R., Brooks, D. R., Brunt, J., Common, G., Cooper, R., Corbett, S., Critchley, N., Dennis, P., Dick, J., Dodd, B., Dodd, N., Donovan, N., Easter, J., Flexen, M., Gardiner, A., Hamilton, D., Hargreaves, P., Hatton-Ellis, M., Howe, M., Kahl, J., Lane, M., Langan, S., Lloyd, D., McCarney, B., McElarney, Y., McKenna, C., McMillan, S., Milne, F., Milne, L., Morecroft, M., Murphy, M., Nelson, A., Nicholson, H., Pallett, D., Parry, D., Pearce, I., Pozsgai, G., Rose, R., Schafer, S., Scott, T., Sherrin, L., Shortall, C. R., Smith, P., Smith, R. I., Tait, R., Taylor, C., Taylor, M., Thurlow, M., Turner, A., Tyson, K., Watson, H., Whittaker, M. and Wood, C. 2017. UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) frog data: 1994-2015 . NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) butterfly data: 1993-2015

Rennie, S., Adamson, J., Anderson, R., Andrews, C., Bater, J., Bayfield, N., Beaton, K., Beaumont, D. A., Benham, S., Bowmaker, V., Britt, C., Brooker, R., Brooks, D., Brunt, J., Common, G., Cooper, R., Corbett, S., Critchley, N., Dennis, P., Dick, J., Dodd, B., Dodd, N., Donovan, N., Easter, J., Flexen, M., Gardiner, A., Hamilton, D., Hargreaves, P., Hatton-Ellis, M., Howe, M., Kahl, J., Lane, M., Langan, S., Lloyd, D., McCarney, B., McElarney, Y., McKenna, C., McMillan, S., Milne, F., Morecroft, M., Murphy, M., Nelson, A., Nicholson, H., Pallett, D., Parry, D., Pearce, I., Pozsgai, G., Schaefer, S., Scott, T., Sherrin, L., Shortall, C. R., Smith, P., Smith, R., Tait, R., Taylor, C., Taylor, M., Thurlow, M., Tilbury, C., Turner, A., Tyson, K., Watson, H., Whittaker, M. and Wood, C. 2017. UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) butterfly data: 1993-2015 . NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) meteorology data: 1991-2015

Rennie, S., Adamson, J., Anderson, R., Andrews, C., Bater, J., Bayfield, N., Beaton, K., Beaumont, D. A., Benham, S., Bowmaker, V., Britt, C., Brooker, R., Brooks, D. R., Brunt, J., Common, G., Cooper, R., Corbett, S., Critchley, N., Dennis, P., Dick, J., Dodd, B., Dodd, N., Donovan, N., Easter, J., Eaton, E., Flexen, M., Gardiner, A., Hamilton, D., Hargreaves, P., Hatton-Ellis, M., Howe, M., Kahl, J., Lane, M., Langan, S., Lloyd, D., McCarney, B., McElarney, Y., McKenna, C., McMillan, S., Milne, F., Milne, L., Morecroft, M., Murphy, M., Nelson, A., Nicholson, H., Pallett, D., Parry, D., Pearce, I., Pozsgai, G., Rose, R., Schafer, S., Scott, T., Sherrin, L., Shortall, C. R., Smith, P., Smith, R. I., Tait, R., Taylor, C., Taylor, M., Thurlow, M., Turner, A., Tyson, K., Watson, H., Whittaker, M., Wilkinson, M. and Wood, C. 2017. UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) meteorology data: 1991-2015 . NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) stream water discharge data: 1993-2015

Rennie, S., Adamson, J., Anderson, R., Andrews, C., Bater, J., Bayfield, N., Beaton, K., Beaumont, D. A., Benham, S., Bowmaker, V., Britt, C., Brooker, R., Brooks, D. R., Brunt, J., Common, G., Cooper, R., Corbett, S., Critchley, N., Dennis, P., Dick, J., Dodd, B., Dodd, N., Donovan, N., Easter, J., Flexen, M., Gardiner, A., Hamilton, D., Hargreaves, P., Hatton-Ellis, M., Howe, M., Kahl, J., Lane, M., Langan, S., Lloyd, D., McElarney, Y., McKenna, C., McMillan, S., Milne, F., Milne, L, Morecroft, M., Murphy, M., Nelson, A., Nicholson, H., Pallett, D., Parry, D., Pearce, I., Pozsgai, G., Rose, R., Schafer, S., Scott, T., Sherrin, L., Shortall, C. R., Smith, P., Smith, R. I., Tait, R., Taylor, C., Taylor, M., Thurlow, M., Turner, A., Tyson, K., Watson, H., Whittaker, M. and Wood, C. 2017. UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) stream water discharge data: 1993-2015 . NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.

Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) Equilibrium and Model Initialisation Methods: an Application to the Rothamsted Carbon (RothC) Model

Nemo, Klumpp, K., Coleman, K., Dondini, M., Goulding, K. W. T., Hastings, A., Jones, M. B., Leifeld, J., Osborne, B., Saunders, M., Scott, T., Teh, Y. A. and Smith, P. 2017. Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) Equilibrium and Model Initialisation Methods: an Application to the Rothamsted Carbon (RothC) Model. Environmental Modeling & Assessment. 22 (3), pp. 215-229.

Soil resilience and recovery: rapid community responses to management changes

Hirsch, P. R., Jhurreea, D., Williams, J. K., Murray, P. J., Scott, T., Misselbrook, T. H., Goulding, K. W. T. and Clark, I. M. 2017. Soil resilience and recovery: rapid community responses to management changes. Plant and Soil. 412 (1-2), pp. 283-297.

Trends and variability in weather and atmospheric deposition at UK Environmental Change Network sites (1993-2012)

Monteith, D. T., Henrys, P., Banin, L., Smith, Ron, Morecroft, M., Scott, T., Andrews, C., Beaumont, D. A., Benham, S., Bowmaker, V., Corbett, S., Dick, J., Dodd, B., Dodd, N., McKenna, C., Mcmillan, S., Pallett, D., Pereira, M. G., Poskitt, J., Rennie, S., Rose, R., Schafer, S., Sherrin, L., Tang, S., Turner, A. and Watson, H. 2016. Trends and variability in weather and atmospheric deposition at UK Environmental Change Network sites (1993-2012). Ecological Indicators. 68, pp. 21-35.

Evidence for increases in vegetation species richness across UK Environmental Change Network sites linked to changes in air pollution and weather patterns

Rose, R., Monteith, D. T., Henrys, P., Smart, S., Wood, C., Morecroft, M., Andrews, C., Beaumont, D. A., Benham, S., Bowmaker, V., Corbett, S., Dick, J., Dodd, B., Dodd, N., Flexen, M., McKenna, C., Mcmillan, S., Pallett, D., Rennie, S., Schafer, S., Scott, T., Sherrin, L., Turner, A. and Watson, H. 2016. Evidence for increases in vegetation species richness across UK Environmental Change Network sites linked to changes in air pollution and weather patterns. Ecological Indicators. 68, pp. 52-62.

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) coarse grain vegetation data: 1993-2012

Rennie, S., Adamson, J., Anderson, R., Andrews, C., Bater, J., Bayfield, N., Beaton, K., Beaumont, D. A., Benham, S., Bowmaker, V., Britt, C., Brooker, R., Brooks, D., Brunt, J., Common, G., Cooper, R., Corbett, S., Critchley, N., Dennis, P., Dick, J., Dodd, B., Dodd, N., Donovan, N., Easter, J., Eaton, E., Flexen, M., Gardiner, A., Hamilton, D., Hargreaves, P., Hatton-Ellis, M., Howe, M., Kahl, J., Lane, M., Langan, S., Lloyd, D., McElarney, Y., McKenna, C., Mcmillan, S., Milne, F., Milne, L., Morecroft, M., Murphy, M., Nelson, A., Nicholson, H., Pallett, D., Parry, D., Pearce, I., Pozsgai, G., Rose, R., Schafer, S., Scott, T., Sherrin, L., Shortall, C. R., Smith, R., Smith, P., Tait, R., Taylor, C., Taylor, M., Thurlow, M., Turner, A., Tyson, K., Watson, H. and Whittaker, M. 2016. UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) coarse grain vegetation data: 1993-2012. Natural Environment Research Council (NERC).

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) baseline vegetation data: 1991-2000

Rennie, S., Adamson, J., Anderson, R., Andrews, C., Bater, J., Bayfield, N., Beaton, K., Beaumont, D. A., Benham, S., Bowmaker, V., Britt, C., Brooker, R., Brooks, D., Brunt, J., Common, G., Cooper, R., Corbett, S., Critchley, N., Dennis, P., Dick, J., Dodd, B., Dodd, N., Donovan, N., Easter, J., Eaton, E., Flexen, M., Gardiner, A., Hamilton, D., Hargreaves, P., Hatton-Ellis, M., Howe, M., Kahl, J., Lane, M., Langan, S., Lloyd, D., McElarney, Y., McKenna, C., Mcmillan, S., Milne, F., Milne, L., Morecroft, M., Murphy, M., Nelson, A., Nicholson, H., Pallett, D., Parry, D., Pearce, I., Pozsgai, G., Rose, R., Schafer, S., Scott, T., Sherrin, L., Shortall, C. R., Smith, R., Smith, P., Tait, R., Taylor, C., Taylor, M., Thurlow, M., Turner, A., Tyson, K., Watson, H. and Whittaker, M. 2016. UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) baseline vegetation data: 1991-2000. Natural Environment Research Council (NERC).

Grassland biodiversity bounces back from long-term nitrogen addition

Storkey, J., Macdonald, A. J., Poulton, P. R., Scott, T., Kohler, I. H., Schnyder, H., Goulding, K. W. T. and Crawley, M. J. 2015. Grassland biodiversity bounces back from long-term nitrogen addition. Nature. 528, pp. 401-404.

Analysis of temporal change in delivery of ecosystem services over 20 years at long term monitoring sites of the UK Environmental Change Network

Dick, J., Andrews, C., Beaumont, D. A., Benham, S., Dodd, N., Pallett, D., Rose, R., Scott, T., Smith, Ron, Schafer, S. M., Turner, A. and Watson, H. 2016. Analysis of temporal change in delivery of ecosystem services over 20 years at long term monitoring sites of the UK Environmental Change Network. Ecological Indicators. 68 (September), pp. 115-125.

Nitrous oxide emissions from fertilised UK arable soils: fluxes, emission factors and mitigation

Bell, M. J., Hinton, N., Cloy, J. M., Topp, C. F. E., Rees, R. M., Cardenas, L. M., Scott, T., Webster, C. P., Ashton, R. W., Whitmore, A. P., Williams, J. R., Balshaw, H., Paine, F., Goulding, K. W. T. and Chadwick, D. R. 2015. Nitrous oxide emissions from fertilised UK arable soils: fluxes, emission factors and mitigation. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 212, pp. 134-147.

Nitrous oxide emissions from fertilised UK arable soils: quantification and mitigation

Bell, M., Winning, M., Cloy, J., Rees, B., Cardenas, L. M., Donovan, N., Scott, T., Webster, C. P., Whitmore, A. P., Williams, J., Balshaw, H., Paine, F. and Chadwick, D. R. 2014. Nitrous oxide emissions from fertilised UK arable soils: quantification and mitigation. Cordovil, C. M. d. S. (ed.) Abstracts 18th Nitrogen Workshop, Lisbon, 30 June- 3 July 2014 . pp. 375-376

The UK Environmental Change Network Rothamsted: physical and atmospheric measurements

Scott, T. 2014. The UK Environmental Change Network Rothamsted: physical and atmospheric measurements. Harpenden Lawes Agricultural Trust.

Impacts of land use change on denitrifying bacteria and nitrous oxide emissions

Hirsch, P. R., Jhurreea, D., Scott, T., Misselbrook, T. H., Goulding, K. W. T. and Clark, I. M. 2011. Impacts of land use change on denitrifying bacteria and nitrous oxide emissions. Abstracts Theo Murphy Scientific Meeting: Nitrous Oxide, the Forgotten Greenhouse Gas, Chicheley, 23-24 May 2011 .

A comparison of ecosystem services delivered by 11 long-term monitoring sites in the UK environmental change network

Dick, J., Andrews, C., Beaumont, D. A., Benham, S., Brooks, D. R., Corbett, S., Lloyd, D., Mcmillan, S., Monteith, D. T., Pilgrim, E. S., Rose, R., Scott, T., Scott, A., Smith, R. I., Taylor, C., Taylor, M., Turner, A. and Watson, H. 2011. A comparison of ecosystem services delivered by 11 long-term monitoring sites in the UK environmental change network. Environmetrics. 22 (5), pp. 639-648.

Can min-till stop climate change?

Goulding, K. W. T., Webster, C. P. and Scott, T. 2005. Can min-till stop climate change? RRA Newsletter. No 19, p. 1.

Field-based nutritional response evaluation of the intolerant white lupin (Lupinus albus ) cultivar Lucyanne to a lime-amended soil

Kerley, S. J., Shield, I. F., Scott, T. and Stevenson, H. 2004. Field-based nutritional response evaluation of the intolerant white lupin (Lupinus albus ) cultivar Lucyanne to a lime-amended soil. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 142, pp. 153-161.

Can tillage practice affect the contribution of nitrous oxide to the total greenhouse gas production from arable agriculture?

Webster, C. P., Scott, T. and Goulding, K. W. T. 2003. Can tillage practice affect the contribution of nitrous oxide to the total greenhouse gas production from arable agriculture? Abstracts 12th N Workshop: Controlling N Flows and Losses, Exeter, 21-24 September 2003 .

The effects of seed rate and row spacing on light interception, dry matter accumulation and seed yield in non-dwarf and dwarf genotypes of autumn-sown determinate white lupins (Lupinus albus ) in north-west Europe

Shield, I. F., Scott, T., Huyghe, C., Bruneau, M., Parisseaux, B., Papineau, J., Harzic, N., Stevenson, H. J. and Leach, J. E. 2002. The effects of seed rate and row spacing on light interception, dry matter accumulation and seed yield in non-dwarf and dwarf genotypes of autumn-sown determinate white lupins (Lupinus albus ) in north-west Europe. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 138, pp. 39-55.

The causes of, and potential solutions to, seed yield instability in autumn-sown, determinate (restricted branching), white lupins (Lupinus albus L.)

Shield, I. F., Stevenson, H. J., Scott, T. and Leach, J. E. 2001. The causes of, and potential solutions to, seed yield instability in autumn-sown, determinate (restricted branching), white lupins (Lupinus albus L.). vanSanten, E., Roemer, P., Weissmann, S. and Wink, M. (ed.) Lupin, an Ancient Crop for the New Millenium. Proceedings 9th International Lupin Conference, Klink/Muritz, 20-24 June 1999 . International Lupin Association, Canterbury, New Zealand. pp. 339-345

The causes of over-winter plant losses of autumn-sown white lupins (Lupinus albus ) in different regions of the UK over three seasons

Shield, I. F., Scott, T., Stevenson, H. J., Leach, J. E. and Todd, A. D. 2000. The causes of over-winter plant losses of autumn-sown white lupins (Lupinus albus ) in different regions of the UK over three seasons. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 135, pp. 173-183.

The causes of, and potential solutions to, yield instability in autumn-sown, determinate (restricted branching) white lupins (Lupinus albus L.)

Shield, I. F., Stevenson, H. J., Scott, T., Leach, J. E. and Milford, G. F. J. 1999. The causes of, and potential solutions to, yield instability in autumn-sown, determinate (restricted branching) white lupins (Lupinus albus L.). Abstracts 9th International Lupin Conference: Lupin - an Ancient Crop for the New Millennium, Klink, 20-24 June 1999 . pp. 297

Comparison of autumn-sown white lupin cultivars (Lupinus albus) for the UK

Leach, J. E., Stevenson, H. J., Shield, I. F., Scott, T. and Milford, G. F. J. 1999. Comparison of autumn-sown white lupin cultivars (Lupinus albus) for the UK. Annals of Applied Biology (Tests of Agrochemicals and Cultivars). 20, pp. 50-51.

Seed and pod development of autumn-sown, determinate white lupins (Lupinus albus ) in relation to the assimilation and distribution of dry matter and nitrogen in crops grown at different densities

Milford, G. F. J., Shield, I. F., Stevenson, J. H., Scott, T. and Leach, J. E. 1999. Seed and pod development of autumn-sown, determinate white lupins (Lupinus albus ) in relation to the assimilation and distribution of dry matter and nitrogen in crops grown at different densities. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 133, pp. 141-150.

The effect of soil freezing on the survival of winter-sown white lupins (Lupinus albus L.)

Leach, J. E., Stevenson, H. J., Scott, T. and Milford, G. F. J. 1997. The effect of soil freezing on the survival of winter-sown white lupins (Lupinus albus L.). Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 130 (3), pp. 561-567.

The place of autumn sown lupins in arable rotations in Northern Britain

Shield, I. F. and Scott, T. 1996. The place of autumn sown lupins in arable rotations in Northern Britain. Rotations and Cropping Systems. Aspects of Applied Biology 47 . pp. 375-378

Effect of sowing date and planting density on the structure and yield of autumn-sown, florally-determinate white lupins (Lupinus albus) in the United Kingdom

Shield, I. F., Stevenson, J. H., Leach, J. E., Scott, T., Day, J. M. and Milford, G. F. J. 1996. Effect of sowing date and planting density on the structure and yield of autumn-sown, florally-determinate white lupins (Lupinus albus) in the United Kingdom. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 127 (2), pp. 183-191.

The use of simple physiological models of plant development to predict where autumn-sown, determinate white lupins (Lupinus albus L.) might be grown

Milford, G. F. J., Scott, T., Jones, R., Siddons, P. and Huyghe, C. 1995. The use of simple physiological models of plant development to predict where autumn-sown, determinate white lupins (Lupinus albus L.) might be grown. Proceedings 2nd European Grain Legume Conference, Copenhagen, 1995 . pp. 136-137

The use of a land suitability model to predict where autumn-sown, determinate genotypes of the white lupin (Lupinus albus) might be grown in England and Wales

Siddons, P. A., Jones, R. J. A., Hollis, J. M., Hallett, S. H., Huyghe, C., Day, J. M., Scott, T. and Milford, G. F. J. 1994. The use of a land suitability model to predict where autumn-sown, determinate genotypes of the white lupin (Lupinus albus) might be grown in England and Wales. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 123 (2), pp. 199-205.

Land suitability for autumn-sown determinate lupins

Siddons, P. A., Jones, R. J. A., Hollis, J. M., Hallett, S. H., Milford, G. F. J. and Scott, T. 1994. Land suitability for autumn-sown determinate lupins. Soil Survey and Land Research Centre (SSLRC) Silsoe.

Effects of sowing date and plant structure on radiation interception, time of maturity and yield of autumn-sown Lupinus albus

Milford, G. F. J., Day, J. M., Leach, J. E., Stevenson, H. J., Scott, T. and McEwen, J. 1991. Effects of sowing date and plant structure on radiation interception, time of maturity and yield of autumn-sown Lupinus albus. Production and Protection of Legumes. Aspects of Applied Biology .

Effects of sowing date and plant structure on radiation interception, time of maturity and yield of autumn-sown Lupinus albus

Milford, G. F. J., Day, J. M., Leach, J. E., Stevenson, H. J., Scott, T. and McEwen, J. 1991. Effects of sowing date and plant structure on radiation interception, time of maturity and yield of autumn-sown Lupinus albus. Production and Protection of Legumes. Aspects of Applied Biology 27. pp. 183-188

Accumulation of dry matter in oilseed rape crops in relation to the reflection and absorption of solar radiation by different canopy structures.

Leach, J. E., Milford, G. F. J., Mullen, L. A., Scott, T. and Stevenson, H. J. 1989. Accumulation of dry matter in oilseed rape crops in relation to the reflection and absorption of solar radiation by different canopy structures. Aspects of Applied Biology. 23, pp. 117-123.

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