Current Researchers
Latest Additions
Soils and fertilisers
Third report on barley proteins. The changes undergone by the nitrogenous constituents of barley during malting I
Evidence for migration of butterflies
The seasonal abundance of four common butterflies in Egypt
Some records of Dragonfly migration
Second report on barley proteins. Composition and quantitative estimation of the barley proteins II
Malting Barley Rothamsted Conference RC No 7
Recent agricultural developments in Australia
Farming in Australasia - its bearing on British farming
British agricultural research and the Empire
The morphology and cytology of Bacterium malvacearum, E. F. S
Determination of soluble carbohydrates, lactic acid and volatile fatty acids in soils and biological media
Biochemistry of waterlogged soils Part III Decomposition of carbohydrates with special reference to formation of organic acids
The role of the young lucerne plant in determining the infection of the root by the nodule-forming bacteria
On the Annual Revision of Forecasting Formulas Based on Partial Regression Equations
Additional hosts of Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilb) Perc.
The feeding of bees
A Recording Scale For Bee Hives
The biological decomposition of plant materials II The role of the furfuraldehyde-yielding substances in the decomposition of straws
The biological decomposition of plant materials I The nature and quantity of the furfuraldehyde-yielding substances in straws
The evolution of dominance reply to Professor Sewall Wright
Population and depopulation
The over-production of food
On the influence of the carbon: nitrogen ratios of organic material on the mineralisation of nitrogen
Some methods of technique applicable to entomology
Physiological studies in plant nutrition. I. The effect of manurial deficiency on the respiration and assimilation rate in barley
Results of comparative investigations on the Quinhydrone electrode method
The application of the Method of Maximum Likelihood to the estimation of linkage
Pyrethrin I and II: Their estimation in pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium). II
Pyrethrin I and II: Their insecticidal value and estimation in Pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum cinebariaefolium). I
Review on Der Feldversuch in der Praxis
The estimation of yield in cereal crops by sampling methods
Carbon dioxide production in sands and soil in the presence and absence of amoebae
On The Occurrence Of The Partheno‐Genetic And Sexual Forms In Aphis Bumicis L., With Special Reference To The Influence Of Environmental Factors
The internal condition of the host plant in relation to insect attack, with special reference to the influence of pyridine Part I The nature of the problems involved
Can cultivation costs be reduced?
Science of the year - 1929 The biological sciences
Variation in fungi and bacteria
Ueber die Geschwindigkeitsfunktion der Viskosität disperser Systeme
Plastometric studies of soil and clay pastes
The “inoculation” of lucerne (Medicago sativa, L.) in Great Britain
The influence of the number of nodule bacteria applied to the seed upon nodule formation in legumes
The effect of fresh straw on the growth of certain legumes
Button Top of basket willows
Unisexual families in Rhabdophaga heterobia H. Lw.(Cecidomyidae, Diptera). Ent
Gall midges (dipt., Cecidomyidae) as enemies of aphids
Two gall midges (Cecidomyidae) found in stored products
Soils and fertilisers
An error in soil reaction determinations by the quinhydrone method
Note on a simple two compartment electrodialysis cell for the determination of exchangeable bases
The flow of clay pastes through narrow tubes
A note on some experiments dealing with sulphur treatment of a soil and its effect on wheat yield
The phosphate requirement of barley at different periods of growth
Fertilizer trials in 1929
Note on the X2 test for goodness of fit
On the frequency distribution of any number of deviates from the mean of a sample from a normal population and the partial correlations between them
A study in sampling technique: the effect of artificial fertilisers on the yield of potatoes
A problem in combinatorial analysis giving the distribution of certain moment statistics
Fertilizer trials on the ordinary farm
The variability of species in the Lepidoptera, with reference to abundance and sex
Tests of significance in harmonic analysis
Studies in crop variation: VI. Experiments on the response of the potato to potash and nitrogen
The sieve of Eratosthenes
A preliminary note on the effect of sodium silicate in increasing the yield of barley