1. Collected records relating to insect migration Second series
  2. Records of butterfly migration in East Africa
  3. Statistical Studies of the Analytical Data Accumulated in the Course of the Barley Investigations - I The prediction of extract
  4. The nitrogen content and quality of barley
  5. Fourth Report on Barley Proteins - the proteins of barley during development and storage and in the mature grain
  6. The Hertfordshire Agricultural Situation can it be improved? Rothamsted Conference RC No 9
  7. Recent changes in systems of husbandry in England Rothamsted Conference RC No 8
  8. Virus Diseases In Plants I Translocation within the plant. II. The amoeboid intracellular inclusions
  9. Intracellular inclusions in mosaic of Solanum nodiflorum
  10. Agricultural developments in South Africa
  11. The Colorimetric Determination of Phosphoric Acid in Hydrochloric Acid and Citric Acid Extracts of Soils
  12. The influence of environmental conditions on the development of the angular leaf-spot disease of Cotton. II. The influence of soil temperature on primary and secondary infection of seedlings
  13. Thionin and orange G for the differential staining of bacteria and fungi in plant tissues
  14. Angular leaf-spot disease of cotton
  15. Apparatus for the growing of plants in a controlled environment
  16. Studies on the carbon and nitrogen cycles in the soil. I. Introductory
  17. The relation between the numbers of a soil bacterium and the ammonia produced by it in peptone solutions with some reference to the effect on this process of the presence of amoebae
  18. On the causes of swarming in the honey bee (Apis Millifera L.) an examination of the brood food theory
  19. The biological decomposition of plant materials III Physiological studies on some cellulose-decomposting fungi
  20. Soil surveys and their utilization
  21. Studies on the carbon and nitrogen cycles in the soil. III. The formation of natural humic matter
  22. Physiological studies in plant nutrition. II. The effect of manurial deficiency upon the mechanical strength of barley straw
  23. Dose-response relationships for infection of potato leaves by zoospores of Phytophthora infestans
  24. Studies in Crop Variation VII. The Influence of Rainfall on the Yield of Barley at Rothamsted
  25. Note on the phosphoric acid of barley grain
  26. Aerobic soil bacteria that decompose cellulose
  27. The determination of cellulose in straws
  28. Decomposition of Keratin by Soil Micro-Organisms (With One Text-figure.)
  29. Observations on some Parasites of Oscinella frit Linn Part 1
  30. The role of Thrips tabaci Lindeman in the transmission of virus diseases of Tomato
  31. Streak—a virus disease of tomatoes
  32. Studies of the physiological importance of the mineral elements in plants. I. The relation of potassium to the properties and functions of the leaf
  33. Notes on the culturing of insects for virus work
  34. The Availability of Phosphatic Fertilisers as shown by an Examination Soil Solution and of Plant Growth (With Two Text-figures.)
  35. Report of the Committee on soil reaction measurements Pt 1 Results of the comparative investigation on quinhydrone electrode method
  36. Studies in the physical properties of soil. V. The hysteresis effect in capillary properties, and the modes of moisture distribution associated therewith
  37. Studies in crop variation. VIII. An application of the resistance formula to potato data
  38. On the secular variation of rainfall at Rothamsted
  39. A note on the value of uniformity trials for subsequent experiments
  40. The Physiology of Virus Diseases in Plants I The movement of mosaic in the Tomato Plant
  41. A Note on the Dichotomous Branching of the Main Stem of the Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum)
  42. Formation of streamers in sedimentation
  43. “Single Value” Soil Properties. A Study of the Significance of Certain Soil Constants. IV. A Further Note on the Technique of the “Box” Experiment
  44. Intracellular bodies in plant virus disease
  45. Studies in soil cultivation. V. Rotary cultivation
  46. Science of the year - 1930 The biological sciences
  47. The Rheology of Soil Pastes
  48. The Influence of the Proximity of a Solid Wall on the Consistency of Viscous and Plastic Materials
  49. A Further Study of the Influence of the Proximity of a Solid Wall on the Consistency of Viscous and Plastic Materials
  50. The influence of the host plant in inducing parasitism in lucerne and clover nodules
  51. The fluctuations of bacterial numbers and nitrate content of field soils
  52. The early development of the root nodule of lucerne (Medicago sativa, L.)
  53. Sulphur as a soil fungicide against the potato wart disease organism
  54. Increased Scion Vigour Induced by Certain Foreign Root-stocks
  55. On some Factors governing the Emergence of Gall Midges (Cecidomyidæ: Diptera)
  56. Gall midges (Cecidomyidae) as enemies of the Tingidae, Psyllidae, Aleyrodidae and Coccidae
  57. A new thrips-eating gall midge, Thripsobremia liothripis, gen. et. sp. n. (Cecidomyidae)
  58. On the biology of the gall-midges (Cecidomyidae) attacking meadow foxtail grass (Alopecurus Pratensis), including the description of one new species
  59. On the resistance of basket willows to button gall formation
  60. Studies on the carbon and nitrogen cycles in the soil II The extraction of the organic matter of the soil with alkali
  61. On the morphology of the larva of Darcus Parallelopipedus, L. (Copeoptera)
  62. Soils and fertilisers
  63. The relationship of climatic and geological factors to the composition of soil clay and the distribution of soil types
  64. The weed seed population of arable soil: I. Numerical estimation of viable seeds and observations on their natural dormancy
  65. On the frequency distribution of the means of samples from populations of certain Pearson's types
  66. The varying effect of lime on grassland with different schemes of manuring
  67. VII.—The correlation between product moments of any order in samples from a normal population
  68. Studies in crop variation VII. The influence of rainfall on the yield of barley at Rothamsted
  69. A method of estimating the yield of a missing plot in field experimental work
  70. The derivation of certain high order sampling product moments from a normal population
  71. The evolution of dominance in certain polymorphic species
  72. Moments and product moments of sampling distributions
  73. The moments of the distribution for normal samples of measures of departure from normality
  74. Biometry and evolution
  75. Mortality amongst plants and its bearing on natural selection
  76. Inverse probability
  77. The arrangement of field experiments and the statistical reduction of the results
  78. The general form of the orthogonal polynomials for simple series with proofs of their simple properties