- On the eggs of Notostira erratics L. (Hemiptera, Capsidae) 1. Observations on the structure of the egg and the sub-opercular yolk-plug, swelling of the egg and hatching
- Note on the oviposition of Notostira erratics L. (Hem., Capsidae)
- Lestodiplosis alvei SP.N. (Diptera, Cecidomyidae)
- Rothamsted Experimental Station Harpenden Investigations in progress in the laboratories and experimental fields 1933
- Regularities in the carbohydrate composition of barley grain
- Prediction of extract III Application of the carbohydrate regularity principle
- Fungus diseases at Rothamsted and Woburn 1932-1933 (Take-all , Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici.)
- The interaction of clay with water and organic liquids as measured by specific volume changes and its relation to the phenomena of crumb formation in soils
- On the measurement of imbibitional water
- Studies on calcium cyanamide. IV. The use of calcium cyanamide and other forms of nitrogen on grassland
- Titration of Protein with Trichloroacetic Acid
- The determination of amino-acids in wheat flour
- Review of the work of the Bacteriology Department
- Some effects of clipping the tops upon the root development of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.)
- The numbers of bacterial cells in field soils, as estimated by the ratio method
- The loss of activity of pyrethrum II
- The soils of the Teindland state forest
- The value of a uniformity trial in field experimentation with rubber
- The biological decomposition of plant materials IX The aerobic decomposition of hemicelluloses
- A study of the Compositton and Utilisation of Alberta Peats
- On the Biology of Psylliodes Hyoxcyami Linn. (Chrysomelidae, Coleoptera), The Henbane Flea‐Beetle, with Descriptions of the Larval Stages
- Microbes in association
- The derivation of the nitrogen of crop plants, with special reference to associated growth
- Yield, duration, and droughtresistance of lucerne as influenced by frequency and time of cutting.
- The fertilizer value of basic slags and other phosphates
- The chemistry of soils and fertilizers
- The Effects of Rainfall and Temperature on Percolation through drain gauges
- The use of the glass electrode in soil reaction and oxidation-reduction potential measurements
- The determination of lignin II Errors introduced by the presence of proteins
- The determination of lignin I Errors introduced by the presence of certain carbohydrates
- The application of heat of wetting measurements to soil research problems
- The border effect in plot experiments
- The work of the General Microbiology Department Rothamsted
- Possible chemical nature of tobacco mosaic virus
- The Physiology of Virus Diseases in Plants VI Some effects of mosaic on the metabolism of the tomato
- The Physiology of Virus Diseases in Plants V The movement of the virus agent in tobacco and tomato
- The control of virus diseases of the tomato
- The fertilizing value of green manures rotted under different conditions
- The Decomposition of Green Manures in Soil
- The functions of mechanical power in soil cultivation
- The contribution of Rothamsted to Soil Physics
- Experiments bearing on the nature of intracellular inclusions in plant virus diseases
- XVIII The constancy of the viscosity of strong lithium chloride solutions at low velocity gradients
- Further evidence upon the nitrogen uptake of grass grown with lucerne
- The effect of sodium nitrate on the growth and nitrogen content of a lucerne and grass mixture
- An Examination of the Degtjareff Method for Determining Soil Organic Matter, and a Proposed Modification of the Chromic Acid Titration Method
- The Asparagus Miner (Melan Agromyza Simplex H. Loew) (Agromyzidae; Diptera)
- Some biological and economic aspects of the gall midges
- Sudden outbreaks of insect pests
- Studies of fluctuations in insect populations III The gall midge, Rhabdophaga heterobia HLW, on black maul variety of Salix Triandra At Syston, leicestershire, 1927-1933
- Soils and fertilisers
- British immigrant insects
- CP32Treatment of apple pomace for pectic extraction
- Basic slags and mineral phosphates
- Infectivity of summer Sporangia of potato wart disease in incipient infections on varieties immune in the field
- Studies in the absorption of calcium from nutrient solutions with special reference to the presence or absence of boron
- The fertilising value and nitrifiability of humic materials prepared from coal (with three text-figures)
- The effect of rubidium sulphate and palladium chloride on the growth of plants
- Observer's bias in sampling-observations on wheat
- A complex pig-feeding experiment
- The analysis of multiple classifications with unequal numbers in the different classes
- The 6×6 latin squares
- Contingency tables involving small numbers and the chi-squared test
- The effect of environmental conditions upon pyrethrum (chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium). II
- The effect of environmental conditions upon pyrethrum (chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium). I
- An apparatus for testing contact insecticides
- A comparison of English and Canadian tomato virus diseases