- Fungus diseases at Rothamsted and Woburn 1933-1934 (Take-all , Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici.)
- Problems of Potato Growing Rothamsted Conference RC No 16
- Modern Changes in the Treatment of Light Soils Rothamsted Conference RC No 17
- Brood Diseases of Bees Rothamsted Conference RC No 18
- The Cause and Control of Swarming in Bees Rothamsted Conference RC No 20
- The future of British agriculture
- The adsorption of liquid by clays
- The binding forces between clay particles in a soil crumb
- Chemical problems in crop production
- Applications of chemistry in modern agriculture
- The Preferential Utilization of Different Forms of Inorganic Nitrogen in the Decomposition of Plant Materials
- Field Experiments on the Action of Calcium Cyanamide on Germinating Seeds and on Charlock in Barley
- The nitrogen cycle in grassland soils
- The Influence of the Proximity of a Solid Wall on the Consistency of Viscous and Plastic Materials IV
- Metaphosphoric acid and proteins
- The interpenetration of the diffuse double layers surrounding soil particles
- The pF of the water in soil
- The amino-acid content of wheat flour dough
- The symbiotic relationship between soil bacteria and higher plants, as exemplified by the Leguminosae
- Studies on European foul brood of bees I A description of strains ob Bacillus alvei obtained from different sources and of another species occurring in larvae affected with this disease
- The problem of the evaluation of rotenone-containing plants I Derris elliptica and Derris malaccensis
- Short period fluctuations in bacterial numbers in soil
- The location of olfactory receptors in insects A review of experimental evidence
- On the Sensitivity of the Chemoreceptors on the Antenna and Fore-tarsus of the Honey-Bee, Apis mellifica L
- The composition of crude fibre
- The hemicelluloses I Alcoholic sodium hydroxide as a pretreatment to extraction
- The hemicelluloses II The association of hemicelluloses with lignin
- Mixed cropping in primitive agriculture
- An Examination of Methods for Determining Organic Carbon and Nitrogen in Soils (With One Text-figure.)
- Some inductive methods in pedology
- Soil oxidation-reduction potentials and pH values
- The Biological oxidation of carbohydrates: Part IV The phosphorus requirements of percolating filters
- further experiments on the artificial feeding of Myzus persicae (Sulz.)
- Report of the soil reaction committee on the investigation of the glass electrode method
- The determination of the pF at permanent wilting and at the moisture equivalent by the freezing point method
- The effect of bacterial products on amoebic growth
- Some experiments on the effects of animal hormones on plants
- The Physiology of Virus Diseases in Plants VII Experiments on the purification of the virus of yellow mosaic of tomato
- On the interactions of two strains of a plant virus; experiments on induced immunity in plants
- The occurrence of copper poisoning in a glasshouse crop
- Further serological studies of plant viruses
- Principles and practice of field experimentation
- The Thixotropy of Heather Honey
- Influence of viscosity variation on the rupture of plastic bodies
- Studies of fluctuations in insect populations VI Discussion on results of studies I-V
- Studies of fluctuations in insect populations IV The Arabis midge, Dasyneura arabis (Cecidomyidae)
- Studies of fluctuations in insect populations V The Leaf-Curling Pear Midge, Dasyneura pyri (Cecidomyidae)
- Some new Coccid-eating Gall Midges (Cecidomyidae)
- Notes on the Timothy grass flies (Amaurosoma spp.)
- On the gall midges injurious to the cultivation of willows II The so-called shot hole gall midges - Rhabdophaga spp
- Soils and fertilisers
- X-Ray examination of the effect of removing non-cellulosic constituents from vegetable fibres
- Hemerobiidae and Chrysopidae (Neur) in a light trap at Rothamsted Experimental Station
- Further evidence for the migration of butterflies
- Butterfly immigrants in Britain
- A photographic moonlight recorder
- A mechanical insect trap
- Immigration of Insects into the British Isles
- The times of activity of certain nocturnal insects, chiefly lepidoptera, as indicated by a light-trap
- CP34Cyder
- CP35 How to make, clarify, and preserve cider
- Comparative trials of calcium cyanamide and other nitrogenous fertilizers on arable crops
- First report of the organic carbon committee - Appendix 1
- Rainfall and cotton yields in the Sudan Gezira
- Studies on calcium cyanamide V The utilisation of calcium cyanamide in pot culture experiments
- Incidence of take-all on wheat and barley on experimental plots at Woburn
- The influence of season and of the application of lime on the botanical composition of grassland herbage
- A note on the influence of rainfall on the yield of cereals in relation to manurial treatment
- Some examples of biased sampling
- The place of quantitative measurements on plant growth in agricultural meteorology and crop forecasting
- The estimation of the efficiency of sampling, with special reference to sampling for yield in cereal experiments
- Complex experiments
- Studies on the anaerobic decomposition of plant materials IV. The decomposition of plant substances of varying composition
- Studies on the anaerobic decomposition of plant materials III. Comparison of the course of decomposition of rice straw under anaerobic, aerobic, and partially aerobic conditions
- Studies on the anaerobic decomposition of plant materials II. Some factors influencing the anaerobic decomposition of rice straw
- Studies on the anaerobic decomposition of plant materials I. The anaerobic decomposition of rice straw
- Structure and oxidation of nitrogenous substances