1. Fungus diseases at Rothamsted and Woburn 1933-1934 (Take-all , Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici.)
  2. Problems of Potato Growing Rothamsted Conference RC No 16
  3. Modern Changes in the Treatment of Light Soils Rothamsted Conference RC No 17
  4. Brood Diseases of Bees Rothamsted Conference RC No 18
  5. The Cause and Control of Swarming in Bees Rothamsted Conference RC No 20
  6. The future of British agriculture
  7. The adsorption of liquid by clays
  8. The binding forces between clay particles in a soil crumb
  9. Chemical problems in crop production
  10. Applications of chemistry in modern agriculture
  11. The Preferential Utilization of Different Forms of Inorganic Nitrogen in the Decomposition of Plant Materials
  12. Field Experiments on the Action of Calcium Cyanamide on Germinating Seeds and on Charlock in Barley
  13. The nitrogen cycle in grassland soils
  14. The Influence of the Proximity of a Solid Wall on the Consistency of Viscous and Plastic Materials IV
  15. Metaphosphoric acid and proteins
  16. The interpenetration of the diffuse double layers surrounding soil particles
  17. The pF of the water in soil
  18. The amino-acid content of wheat flour dough
  19. The symbiotic relationship between soil bacteria and higher plants, as exemplified by the Leguminosae
  20. Studies on European foul brood of bees I A description of strains ob Bacillus alvei obtained from different sources and of another species occurring in larvae affected with this disease
  21. The problem of the evaluation of rotenone-containing plants I Derris elliptica and Derris malaccensis
  22. Short period fluctuations in bacterial numbers in soil
  23. The location of olfactory receptors in insects A review of experimental evidence
  24. On the Sensitivity of the Chemoreceptors on the Antenna and Fore-tarsus of the Honey-Bee, Apis mellifica L
  25. The composition of crude fibre
  26. The hemicelluloses I Alcoholic sodium hydroxide as a pretreatment to extraction
  27. The hemicelluloses II The association of hemicelluloses with lignin
  28. Mixed cropping in primitive agriculture
  29. An Examination of Methods for Determining Organic Carbon and Nitrogen in Soils (With One Text-figure.)
  30. Some inductive methods in pedology
  31. Soil oxidation-reduction potentials and pH values
  32. The Biological oxidation of carbohydrates: Part IV The phosphorus requirements of percolating filters
  33. further experiments on the artificial feeding of Myzus persicae (Sulz.)
  34. Report of the soil reaction committee on the investigation of the glass electrode method
  35. The determination of the pF at permanent wilting and at the moisture equivalent by the freezing point method
  36. The effect of bacterial products on amoebic growth
  37. Some experiments on the effects of animal hormones on plants
  38. The Physiology of Virus Diseases in Plants VII Experiments on the purification of the virus of yellow mosaic of tomato
  39. On the interactions of two strains of a plant virus; experiments on induced immunity in plants
  40. The occurrence of copper poisoning in a glasshouse crop
  41. Further serological studies of plant viruses
  42. Principles and practice of field experimentation
  43. The Thixotropy of Heather Honey
  44. Influence of viscosity variation on the rupture of plastic bodies
  45. Studies of fluctuations in insect populations VI Discussion on results of studies I-V
  46. Studies of fluctuations in insect populations IV The Arabis midge, Dasyneura arabis (Cecidomyidae)
  47. Studies of fluctuations in insect populations V The Leaf-Curling Pear Midge, Dasyneura pyri (Cecidomyidae)
  48. Some new Coccid-eating Gall Midges (Cecidomyidae)
  49. Notes on the Timothy grass flies (Amaurosoma spp.)
  50. On the gall midges injurious to the cultivation of willows II The so-called shot hole gall midges - Rhabdophaga spp
  51. Soils and fertilisers
  52. X-Ray examination of the effect of removing non-cellulosic constituents from vegetable fibres
  53. Hemerobiidae and Chrysopidae (Neur) in a light trap at Rothamsted Experimental Station
  54. Further evidence for the migration of butterflies
  55. Butterfly immigrants in Britain
  56. A photographic moonlight recorder
  57. A mechanical insect trap
  58. Immigration of Insects into the British Isles
  59. The times of activity of certain nocturnal insects, chiefly lepidoptera, as indicated by a light-trap
  60. CP34Cyder
  61. CP35 How to make, clarify, and preserve cider
  62. Comparative trials of calcium cyanamide and other nitrogenous fertilizers on arable crops
  63. First report of the organic carbon committee - Appendix 1
  64. Rainfall and cotton yields in the Sudan Gezira
  65. Studies on calcium cyanamide V The utilisation of calcium cyanamide in pot culture experiments
  66. Incidence of take-all on wheat and barley on experimental plots at Woburn
  67. The influence of season and of the application of lime on the botanical composition of grassland herbage
  68. A note on the influence of rainfall on the yield of cereals in relation to manurial treatment
  69. Some examples of biased sampling
  70. The place of quantitative measurements on plant growth in agricultural meteorology and crop forecasting
  71. The estimation of the efficiency of sampling, with special reference to sampling for yield in cereal experiments
  72. Complex experiments
  73. Studies on the anaerobic decomposition of plant materials IV. The decomposition of plant substances of varying composition
  74. Studies on the anaerobic decomposition of plant materials III. Comparison of the course of decomposition of rice straw under anaerobic, aerobic, and partially aerobic conditions
  75. Studies on the anaerobic decomposition of plant materials II. Some factors influencing the anaerobic decomposition of rice straw
  76. Studies on the anaerobic decomposition of plant materials I. The anaerobic decomposition of rice straw
  77. Structure and oxidation of nitrogenous substances