1. Lethane 384 on Clothing as a Mosquito Repellent
  2. The Effect of Area Dosage, Solution Concentration and Drop Size of sprayed Solutions and Emulsions of DDT against Mosquito Larvae
  3. Field tests on some anti-mosquito repellent creams against woodland species of Aedes in Britain
  4. Reports of the farm and field experiments on the Rothamsted Farm for the years 1939-1945
  5. Fertilizer placement field work
  6. Fertilizer experiments in colonial agriculture
  7. Report of the Bee Department 1946
  8. Report of the Bee Department for the years 1939-1945
  9. Studies on Soil Acrasieae: 1. Distribution of species of Dictyostelium in soils of Great Britain and the effect of bacteria on their development
  10. Studies on Soil Acrasieae: 2. The Active Life of Species of Dictyostelium in Soil and the Influence thereon of Soil Moisture and Bacterial Food
  11. Myxobacteria in soils and composts; their distribution, number and lytic action on bacteria
  12. Comparative Physiological Studies on the Growth of Field Crops: I. Variation in Net Assimilation Rate and Leaf Area between Species and Varieties, and within and between Years
  13. Comparative physiological studies on the growth of field crops: II. The effect of varying nutrient supply on net assimilation rate and leaf area
  14. Calculation of surface areas from measurements of negative adsorption
  15. The electric charge on soil particles
  16. The measurement of evaporation
  17. A ratio low governing the equilibrium of cations in the soil solution
  18. Some problems connected with the retention of ions by clay constituents
  19. The significance of particle size in relation to soils
  20. A dipping apparatus for estimating the toxicity of insecticides in liquid media
  21. The competition between barley and certain weeds under controlled conditions II Competition with Holcus Mollis
  22. Some recent developments in soil survey and pedology
  23. The nomenclature of the halloysite minerals
  24. A simple automatic percolator
  25. The place of statistics in agricultural research
  26. Future developments in agricultural meteorology
  27. The study of soil organic matter and organic manures by means of field experiments
  28. Studies on dandelion yellow mosaic and other virus diseases of lettuce
  29. Variations in the reaction of White Burley tobacco to the tomato aucuba mosaic virus and to some other strains of tobacco mosaic virus
  30. Recent developments in the design of field experiments. IV. Lattice squares with split plots
  31. A simple approach to confounding and fractional replication in factorial experiments
  32. Soluble complexes of manganic manganese
  33. The defence of aphids against predators and parasites
  34. Caddis flies
  35. Mineral composition of leaflets in relation to the chlorosis and bronzing of oil palms in West Africa
  36. A laboratory comparison of the toxicity as a contact poison of DDT with nicotine, derris products and the pyrethrins
  37. The Effect of Medium on the Toxicity of DDT to Aphids
  38. Annona species as insecticides
  39. LXV On the cocoons of some British Lumbricidae
  40. LIX.—Some notes on reproduction in British earthworms
  41. LVII.—A method of studying the burrowing activities of earthworms
  42. XLVI.—On some earthworms from Iowa, including a description of a new species
  43. Differentiation of the Vegetative and Sporogenous Phases of the Actinomycetes: 2. Factors affecting the Development of the Aerial Mycelium
  44. Differentiation of the Vegetative and Sporogenous Phases of the Actinomycetes: 1. The Lipid Nature of the Outer Wall of the Aerial Mycelium
  45. The influence of rainfall on the yield and botanical composition of permanent grass at Rothamsted
  46. The easily reducible manganese of soils
  47. An analysis of captures of Aphididae (Hemiptera) in a light trap
  48. On the ecology of beetles of the genus Agriotes with special reference to A. obscurus
  49. Protective antigens isolated from Br. Arbotus
  50. Methods of Deferred Sentencing in Testing the Fraction Defective of a Continuous Output
  51. The determination of the factor for pyrethrin 1 in the mercury method
  52. Factors affecting the loss of yield of sugar beet caused by beet yellows virus. II. Nutrition and variety
  53. Soils and fertilizers
  54. Periodic fluctuations in the prevalence of the wheat blossom midges
  55. Soils and health - Advancement of science - presidential address to Section M (Agriculture) of the British Association
  56. Rothamsted Experimental Station
  57. The logarithmic series and its application to biological problems
  58. The logarithmic series and the comparison of island floras
  59. The field of research in preventive entomology
  60. The generic relations of species in small ecological communities
  61. The use of salt for sugar beet
  62. The essential nature of certain minor elements for plant nutrition. II
  63. Some properties of potato virus x in leaf extracts made in different ways
  64. Primula obconica, a carrier of tobacco necrosis viruses
  65. The influence of light intensity on the susceptibility of plants to certain viruses
  66. The behaviour of some naturally occurring strains of potato virus y
  67. Technique of the analysis of variance
  68. Analysis of data from all possible reciprocal crosses between a set of parental lines
  69. Evaporation in nature
  70. A note on differential responses in blocks
  71. The production of dermatitis by pyrethrum and attempts to produce a non-irritant extract