1. Lepidoptera at light in a Hertfordshire wood in July 1949
  2. Surface properties of some calcium phosphates
  3. A century-old forest nursery in Germany
  4. Report of the Bee Department 1950
  5. Nuclear division in amoebae and its bearing on classification
  6. The flight range of the honey-bee
  7. Surface properties of calcium phosphates
  8. A Method for Distinguishing Between Viable Spores and Mycelial Fragments of Actinomycetes in Soils
  9. Some chloritic clay minerals of unusual type
  10. Some experiments and field observations on the germination of wild oat (Avena fatua and Avena ludoviciana) seeds in soil and the emergence of seedlings
  11. A comparison of the growth of wild and of cultivated oats in manganese-deficient soil
  12. Cellulase and chitinase of earthworms
  13. The term Eelworm-free soil in plant quarantine regulations
  14. Change‐over trials
  15. Particles size of insecticial suspensions and their contact toxicity III Temperature coefficients and tests by injection
  16. Particles size of insecticial suspensions and their contact toxicity IV Mechanisms of action of different-sized particles
  17. The effect of manures on the bolting of the beet plant
  18. Myxobacteria Mistaken for Nitrifying Bacteria
  19. The effects of glucose on impure cultures of nitrifying bacteria
  20. Notes on the soils of Syria
  21. Studies on the mechanism of insecticidal action of organo-phosphorus comounds with particular reference to their antiesterase activity
  22. The Prey of Some Tree Trunk Frequenting Empididae and Dolichopodidae (Dipt.).
  23. On Two Neglected Type Designations in the Genus Hydrobaenus Fries, 1830 (Dipt., Chironomidae)
  24. Contributions to Mathematical Statistics
  25. Crop prediction in England
  26. The water balance of catchment areas
  27. Experimental agriculture
  28. Experimental agriculture
  29. Myxobacteria in soils. use of rabbit dung pellets to detect myxobacteria in soils
  30. The action of peroxidase systems on ferrocyanide, molybdate, tungstate and vanadate
  31. The study of wind-borne insect populations in relation to terrestrial ecology, flight periodicity and the estimation of aerial populations
  32. A study of various fractions of the manganese of neutral and alkaline organic soils
  33. A soil survey on Warpland in Yorkshire
  34. The influence of nosema apis on the larval honeybee
  35. Deposition of air-borne Lycopodium spores on cylinders
  36. Cryptostroma corticale and sooty bark disease of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus)
  37. A general technique for the analysis of experiments with incorrectly treated plots
  38. The expected frequencies in a sample of an animal population in which the abundances of species are log-normally distributed. Part I
  39. Stem Eelworm Attack on Seedlings of Vetches, Vicia villosa Roth, and Vicia sativa L.
  40. A secondary piliferous layer on the roots of Hippeastrum
  41. The potato tuber nematode Ditylenchus destructor Thorne 1945 - the cause of eelworm disease in the bulbous iris
  42. Observations on the attack by the stem eelworm, Ditylenchus dipsaci, on strawberry
  43. A new species of Hyphomycete attacking the stem Eelworm Ditylenchus dipsaci
  44. The “Hemizonid,” a Hitherto Unrecorded Structure in Members of the Tylenchoidea
  45. The Absorption of Ions by Excised Root Systems II Observations on roots of barley grown in solutions deficient in phosphorus, nitrogen or potassium
  46. The selection and rearing of leaf-eating insects for use as test subjects in the study of insecticides
  47. Further Studies on the Identification of Heterodera Species by Larval Length. Estimation of the Length Parameters for Eight Species and Varieties
  48. On the Varying Nematicidal Effects of Different Samples of DD against the Potato-root Eelworm Heterodera rostochiensis
  49. The effect of temperature on the development of the potato‐root eelworm, heterodera rostochiensis
  50. A new modification of the McMaster slide for use in potato-root eelworm investigations
  51. Investigations on the Emergence of Larvae from the Cysts of the Potato-root Eel worm, Heterodera rostochiensis 5 A Shortened Method for the Conduct of Hatching Tests.
  52. Investigations on the Emergence of Larvae from the Cysts of the Potato-root Eelworm, Heterodera rostochiensis.: 4. Physical Conditions and their Influence on Larval Emergence in the Laboratory.
  53. The Use of a Microbalance in Putting up Uniformly Sized Batches of Heterodera Cysts for Experiment.
  54. A rapid method for estimating the density of white cysts of Heterodera rostochiensis on potato roots
  55. Insecticidal activity of the pyrethrins and related compounds
  56. Diurnal variation in the aerial density of Aphididae
  57. The ability of single phage particles to form plaques and to multiply in liquid cultures
  58. Fixation of phosphate during the acid extraction of soils
  59. How to apply fertilizers for sugar beet
  60. The mechanical application of fertilizers in field experiments
  61. Fertilizer placement machinery
  62. Placement of fertilizers for sugar beet
  63. The effect of soil calcium on the mineral content of wheat
  64. Latin rectangle designs for 2n factorial experiments on 32 plots
  65. The spread of lettuce mosaic in the field
  66. Lettuce mosaic in the field
  67. The influence of heat on some aphids
  68. Experiments on the colonization of potato plants by apterous and by alate aphids in relation to the spread of virus diseases
  69. Aphid excretion
  70. Economic and statistical aspects of vegetable an animal foods
  71. A review of recent work on soil organic matter part I
  72. Paper chromatography of amines
  73. Alkaline Decomposition of Amino-acids
  74. Experiments on the mechanism of gley formation.
  75. The influence of density of plant population on the incidence of yellows in sugar‐beet crops
  76. Colour reactions between clay minerals and root secretions
  77. An improved suction trap for insects
  78. The clear representation of very small masses
  79. Beet yellows virus
  80. The spread of beet yellows and beet mosaic viruses in the sugar-beet root crop. I. Field observations of the virus diseases of sugar beet and their vectors Myzus persicae Sulz. and Aphis fabae Koch
  81. The effect of infection with beet yellows and beet mosaic viruses on the carbohydrate content of sugar-beet leaves, and on translocation
  82. The behaviour of nitrogenous manures in the soil Part I. The loss of manurial nitrogen
  83. A new gall midge (Dipt., Cecidomyidae) predaceous on the Flour Mite, Tyroglyphus farinae (Deg.)
  84. Marking and breeding Testacella slugs
  85. Syrphidae as pests of cucumbers
  86. What is balanced manuring?
  87. Some aspects of the United Nations conference on the conservation of natural resources
  88. Comparing the efficiency of insect traps
  89. Effect of moonlight on insect activity
  90. Changes in insect populations in the field in relation to preceding weather conditions
  91. A note on the relative sizes of genera in the classification of animals and plants
  92. Seasonal changes in flight direction of migrant butterflies in the British Isles
  93. Intra-generic competition as illustrated by Moreau's records of East African bird communities
  94. Some interrelationships between manganese, molybdenum and vanadium in the nutrition of soybean, flax and oats
  95. Effects of cultural treatments on wheat and on the incidence of eyespot, lodging, take-all and weeds. Field Experiments 1945–8
  96. Some properties of broad-bean mottle virus
  97. Serologically related strains of potato virus y that are not mutually antagonistic in plants
  98. The application of electron microscopy to the study of plant viruses in unpurified plant extracts
  99. The survey of fertilizer practice. An example of operational research in agriculture
  100. Statistical methods in anthropology
  101. Quelques developpements modernes dans la planification des experiences
  102. The influence of statistical methods for research workers on the development of the science of statistics
  103. Bases logiques de la planification des experiences
  104. Some physical aspects of assimilation and transpiration
  105. The role of vegetation in meteorology, soil mechanics and hydrology
  106. Relationship of aphid density to altitude
  107. Evaporation over the British Isles
  108. The importance of perfume in the discovery of food by the worker honeybee (Apis-mellifera L)
  109. Aphids captured in a Rothamsted suction trap, 5 ft. above ground level, from June to November, 1947