- Technical and biological aspects of insect drift
- Lepidoptera at light in a Hertfordshire wood in July 1949
- Surface properties of some calcium phosphates
- A century-old forest nursery in Germany
- Report of the Bee Department 1950
- Nuclear division in amoebae and its bearing on classification
- The flight range of the honey-bee
- Surface properties of calcium phosphates
- A Method for Distinguishing Between Viable Spores and Mycelial Fragments of Actinomycetes in Soils
- Some chloritic clay minerals of unusual type
- Some experiments and field observations on the germination of wild oat (Avena fatua and Avena ludoviciana) seeds in soil and the emergence of seedlings
- A comparison of the growth of wild and of cultivated oats in manganese-deficient soil
- Cellulase and chitinase of earthworms
- The term Eelworm-free soil in plant quarantine regulations
- Change‐over trials
- Particles size of insecticial suspensions and their contact toxicity III Temperature coefficients and tests by injection
- Particles size of insecticial suspensions and their contact toxicity IV Mechanisms of action of different-sized particles
- The effect of manures on the bolting of the beet plant
- Myxobacteria Mistaken for Nitrifying Bacteria
- The effects of glucose on impure cultures of nitrifying bacteria
- Notes on the soils of Syria
- Studies on the mechanism of insecticidal action of organo-phosphorus comounds with particular reference to their antiesterase activity
- The Prey of Some Tree Trunk Frequenting Empididae and Dolichopodidae (Dipt.).
- On Two Neglected Type Designations in the Genus Hydrobaenus Fries, 1830 (Dipt., Chironomidae)
- Contributions to Mathematical Statistics
- Crop prediction in England
- The water balance of catchment areas
- Experimental agriculture
- Experimental agriculture
- Myxobacteria in soils. use of rabbit dung pellets to detect myxobacteria in soils
- The action of peroxidase systems on ferrocyanide, molybdate, tungstate and vanadate
- The study of wind-borne insect populations in relation to terrestrial ecology, flight periodicity and the estimation of aerial populations
- A study of various fractions of the manganese of neutral and alkaline organic soils
- A soil survey on Warpland in Yorkshire
- The influence of nosema apis on the larval honeybee
- Deposition of air-borne Lycopodium spores on cylinders
- Cryptostroma corticale and sooty bark disease of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus)
- A general technique for the analysis of experiments with incorrectly treated plots
- The expected frequencies in a sample of an animal population in which the abundances of species are log-normally distributed. Part I
- Stem Eelworm Attack on Seedlings of Vetches, Vicia villosa Roth, and Vicia sativa L.
- A secondary piliferous layer on the roots of Hippeastrum
- The potato tuber nematode Ditylenchus destructor Thorne 1945 - the cause of eelworm disease in the bulbous iris
- Observations on the attack by the stem eelworm, Ditylenchus dipsaci, on strawberry
- A new species of Hyphomycete attacking the stem Eelworm Ditylenchus dipsaci
- The “Hemizonid,” a Hitherto Unrecorded Structure in Members of the Tylenchoidea
- The Absorption of Ions by Excised Root Systems II Observations on roots of barley grown in solutions deficient in phosphorus, nitrogen or potassium
- The selection and rearing of leaf-eating insects for use as test subjects in the study of insecticides
- Further Studies on the Identification of Heterodera Species by Larval Length. Estimation of the Length Parameters for Eight Species and Varieties
- On the Varying Nematicidal Effects of Different Samples of DD against the Potato-root Eelworm Heterodera rostochiensis
- The effect of temperature on the development of the potato‐root eelworm, heterodera rostochiensis
- A new modification of the McMaster slide for use in potato-root eelworm investigations
- Investigations on the Emergence of Larvae from the Cysts of the Potato-root Eel worm, Heterodera rostochiensis 5 A Shortened Method for the Conduct of Hatching Tests.
- Investigations on the Emergence of Larvae from the Cysts of the Potato-root Eelworm, Heterodera rostochiensis.: 4. Physical Conditions and their Influence on Larval Emergence in the Laboratory.
- The Use of a Microbalance in Putting up Uniformly Sized Batches of Heterodera Cysts for Experiment.
- A rapid method for estimating the density of white cysts of Heterodera rostochiensis on potato roots
- Insecticidal activity of the pyrethrins and related compounds
- Diurnal variation in the aerial density of Aphididae
- The ability of single phage particles to form plaques and to multiply in liquid cultures
- Fixation of phosphate during the acid extraction of soils
- How to apply fertilizers for sugar beet
- The mechanical application of fertilizers in field experiments
- Fertilizer placement machinery
- Placement of fertilizers for sugar beet
- The effect of soil calcium on the mineral content of wheat
- Latin rectangle designs for 2n factorial experiments on 32 plots
- The spread of lettuce mosaic in the field
- Lettuce mosaic in the field
- The influence of heat on some aphids
- Experiments on the colonization of potato plants by apterous and by alate aphids in relation to the spread of virus diseases
- Aphid excretion
- Economic and statistical aspects of vegetable an animal foods
- A review of recent work on soil organic matter part I
- Paper chromatography of amines
- Alkaline Decomposition of Amino-acids
- Experiments on the mechanism of gley formation.
- The influence of density of plant population on the incidence of yellows in sugar‐beet crops
- Colour reactions between clay minerals and root secretions
- An improved suction trap for insects
- The clear representation of very small masses
- Beet yellows virus
- The spread of beet yellows and beet mosaic viruses in the sugar-beet root crop. I. Field observations of the virus diseases of sugar beet and their vectors Myzus persicae Sulz. and Aphis fabae Koch
- The effect of infection with beet yellows and beet mosaic viruses on the carbohydrate content of sugar-beet leaves, and on translocation
- The behaviour of nitrogenous manures in the soil Part I. The loss of manurial nitrogen
- A new gall midge (Dipt., Cecidomyidae) predaceous on the Flour Mite, Tyroglyphus farinae (Deg.)
- Marking and breeding Testacella slugs
- Syrphidae as pests of cucumbers
- What is balanced manuring?
- Some aspects of the United Nations conference on the conservation of natural resources
- Comparing the efficiency of insect traps
- Effect of moonlight on insect activity
- Changes in insect populations in the field in relation to preceding weather conditions
- A note on the relative sizes of genera in the classification of animals and plants
- Seasonal changes in flight direction of migrant butterflies in the British Isles
- Intra-generic competition as illustrated by Moreau's records of East African bird communities
- Some interrelationships between manganese, molybdenum and vanadium in the nutrition of soybean, flax and oats
- Effects of cultural treatments on wheat and on the incidence of eyespot, lodging, take-all and weeds. Field Experiments 1945–8
- Some properties of broad-bean mottle virus
- Serologically related strains of potato virus y that are not mutually antagonistic in plants
- The application of electron microscopy to the study of plant viruses in unpurified plant extracts
- The survey of fertilizer practice. An example of operational research in agriculture
- Statistical methods in anthropology
- Quelques developpements modernes dans la planification des experiences
- The influence of statistical methods for research workers on the development of the science of statistics
- Bases logiques de la planification des experiences
- Some physical aspects of assimilation and transpiration
- The role of vegetation in meteorology, soil mechanics and hydrology
- Relationship of aphid density to altitude
- Evaporation over the British Isles
- The importance of perfume in the discovery of food by the worker honeybee (Apis-mellifera L)
- Aphids captured in a Rothamsted suction trap, 5 ft. above ground level, from June to November, 1947