- Sub-committee on nutrition problems in forest nurseries Summary Report on 1951 experiments
- Rothamsted Chemistry Department 1951
- New evidence of communication in the honeybee colony
- Report of the Bee Department 1951
- Nuclear division in nine species of small free-living amoebae and its bearing on the classification of the order Amoebida
- The relation between the foraging range of honeybees and their honey production
- The physiological basis of variation in yield
- The preferences of honeybees for solutions of various sugars which occur in nectar
- An investigation of the sugars present in the nectar of flowers of various species
- The influence of variations in the supply of carbohydrate on the process of nectar secretion
- Enrichment and isolation of anaerobic cellulolytic soil bacteria
- A Comparison of a Direct- and a Plate-counting Technique for the Quantitative Estimation of Soil Micro-organisms
- Soil colloids
- A Study of Rock Weathering with Reference to the Soils of the Malvern Hills II Weathering of appinite and Ivy Scar Rocks
- A Study of Rock Weathering with Reference to the Soils of the Malvern Hills I Weathering of Biotite and Granite
- The determination of glucosamine by alkaline decomposition
- The technique of differential thermal analysis (DTA) I The quantitative aspect
- Control of plant nematodes
- The Eelworm problem - Biological aspects - Plant eelworms of the genus Heterodera
- Pot tests of nematicides against potato-root eelworm I Pilot test and methods
- Toxicity Tests with Vinegar Eelworm. I. Counting and Gulturing
- An improved laboratory apparatus for applying direct sprays and surface films, with data on the electrostatic charge on atomized spray fluids
- The construction of balanced designs for experiments involving sequences of treatments
- Factors affecting the survival of Plasmodiophora brassicae Wor. in the soil and its assessment by a host test
- Minimum phosphate and magnesium requirements of nitrifying bacteria
- Some organic substances and the nitrifying bacteria
- Soil fauna investigations
- The problem of the estimation of the insecticidal activity of pyrethrum by biological and chemical methods
- Effect of Ultra-Violet Radiation on the Respiration-Rates of Tobacco Leaves and its Reversal by Visible Light
- The relation of water absorption by wheat seeds to water potential
- The relation of germination of wheat to water potential
- Some problems of polymorphisms in insects
- Water and plant growth
- American fertiliser practice and problems
- Chemical composition of a sample of mycelium of Penicillium griseofulvum Dierckx
- Proceedings of international nematology symposium and training course, Rothamsted Experimental Station, 3-14 September 1951
- Some effects of high temperature on the susceptibility of plants to infection with viruses
- Some factors affecting the transmission of leaf‐roll virus by aphids
- The origin of the odours by which honeybees distinguish their companions
- Hydrogen peroxide formation in oxidations catalysed by plant α-hydroxyacid oxidase
- The oxidation of amines by extracts of pea seedlings
- The oxidation of manganese by enzyme systems
- Irreversible dehydration in montmorillonite
- A test for montmorillonite
- A New Approach to the Problems of the Spread of Aphids and to Insect Trapping
- An improved method of separating eelworm cysts from debris
- Presidential Address - fungus spores
- Spore Content of the Atmosphere Near the Ground
- The Fitting of Grouped Truncated and Grouped Censored Normal Distributions
- Rotylenchus coheni n.sp. (Nematoda: Tylenchida) parasitic on the roots of Hippeastrum sp
- Tylenchorhynchus tessellatus n.sp. (Nematoda : Tylenchida)
- Eelworm galls mistaken for ergot in flowers of Canadian grasses
- Investigations into the host ranges of Ditylenchus destructor and D. dipsaci
- The influence of the host on the dimensions of the plant parasitic nematode, Ditylenchus destructor
- The Absorption of Ions by Excised Root Systems III Observations on roots of pea plants grown in solutions deficient in phosphorus, nitrogen or potassium
- Control of virus yellows in sugar beet seed crops
- Possible role of basidiospores as air-borne allergens
- A disease of Scabiosa caucasica caused by the nematode Aphelenchoides blaslophthorus n.sp
- The Estimation of the Cyst Contents of the Potato-root Eelworm H. rostochiensis
- The bio‐assay of potato‐root diffusate
- Effect of Specific Polysaccharides from the Host Bacteria and of Ribonuclease on the Multiplication of Rhizobium Phages
- Food transmission within the honeybee community
- Chromatographic separation of the pyrethrins
- Division of labour in the honeybee community
- Recent Trends in Fertilizer Practice in England and Wales. Part I. The National Position
- Recent Trends in Fertilizer Practice in England and Wales. Part II. The Use of Fertilizers on Cereals, Root Crops and Grassland
- Some morphological features associated with poor soil drainage
- Analysis of factorial arrangements when the data are proportions
- The analysis of lattice designs when a variety is missing
- A table of Abbott's correction for natural mortality
- Some statistical aspects of anthropometry
- Organic derivatives of montmorillonite
- Organic derivatives of montmorillonite
- Hydrous micas
- Stem eelworm attacking carrots
- The influence of planting date and manuring on the incidence of virus diseases in potato crops
- The effect of seed-rate on yield of cereals
- The place of statistics in field experiments
- Possibilities of marginal land reclamation. Some results of a survey in England and Wales
- Rothamsted experiments on field beans 1. Manuring and cultivation of field beans
- The nature of soil-nitrogen complexes
- Translocation of Iron in Podzol Formation
- The distribution of iron and aluminium oxides in gley soils
- Symbiotic adaptation in local strains of red clover and nodule bacteria
- Studies on the Physiology of Nodule Formation: III. Experiments on the Excision of Root-tips and Nodules
- Host factors influencing infection and nodule development in leguminous plants
- Acute die-back of clove trees in the Zanzibar Protectorate
- A discussion on symbiosis involving micro-organisms : Introduction. The symbiosis between Rhizobium and leguminous plants and the influence on this of the bacterial strain
- A discussion on symbiosis involving microorganisms
- Arid zone research
- The fractionation and enzymic breakdown of some phosphorus compounds in leaf tissue
- Basic research into contraception
- Studies on the aphid transmission of a strain of henbane mosaic virus
- A Collaborative Investigation into Methods of Chemical Analysis of Ground Pyrethrum Flowers
- The Number of oocytes in ovarian fragments after compensatory hypertrophy
- Soluble and Available Nitrogen in Manurial Composts
- Changes in the Distribution of Nitrogen during the Composting of Straw
- The gall midges of St. John's Wort (Hypericum spp.), with descriptions of two new species
- Studies of fluctuations in insect populations XII Further evidence of prolonged larval life in the wheat-blossom midges
- Studies of fluctuations in insect populations XIII An improved method of ascertaining the correct date to sample when assessing larval infestations of the wheat-blossom midges
- An analysis of captures of hemerobiidae am) chryso-pidae in suction traps at Rothamsted, July, 1949
- Work in progress at Rothamsted
- The characteristics of soil. A review of some recent developments
- Modern developments in soil science
- Some bioclimatic observations in the Egyptian desert
- Sequences of wet and of dry days considered in relation to the logarithmic series
- The relative values of alternative liming materials
- Committee on nutrition problems in forest nurseries: summary report on 1951 experiments
- Experiments on the manuring of peas
- Sub-committee on nutrition problems in forest nurseries Summary Report on 1950 experiments
- The action of the proventriculus of the worker honeybee, Apis mellifera L
- Rothamsted experiments on field beans. Part II. Disease studies on field beans
- Ultraviolet injury to higher plants counteracted by visible light
- The nature and behaviour of inhibitors of plant viruses produced by Trichothecium roseum link
- Principles governing the amount of experimentation in developmental work
- George Udny Yule 1871-1951 : Obituary Notices
- Analise de uma experincia de rotacao
- The physical bases of irrigation control
- Experiments on irrigation of sugar beet
- The behaviour of worker honeybees at the hive entrance
- An automatic volumetric spore trap
- The changing numbers of aphis fabae scop., flying at crop level, in relation to current weather and to the population on the crop
- The effect of aphis fabae scop. on the growth and yield of field beans in a garden plot