1. Sub-committee on nutrition problems in forest nurseries Summary Report on 1951 experiments
  2. Rothamsted Chemistry Department 1951
  3. New evidence of communication in the honeybee colony
  4. Report of the Bee Department 1951
  5. Nuclear division in nine species of small free-living amoebae and its bearing on the classification of the order Amoebida
  6. The relation between the foraging range of honeybees and their honey production
  7. The physiological basis of variation in yield
  8. The preferences of honeybees for solutions of various sugars which occur in nectar
  9. An investigation of the sugars present in the nectar of flowers of various species
  10. The influence of variations in the supply of carbohydrate on the process of nectar secretion
  11. Enrichment and isolation of anaerobic cellulolytic soil bacteria
  12. A Comparison of a Direct- and a Plate-counting Technique for the Quantitative Estimation of Soil Micro-organisms
  13. Soil colloids
  14. A Study of Rock Weathering with Reference to the Soils of the Malvern Hills II Weathering of appinite and Ivy Scar Rocks
  15. A Study of Rock Weathering with Reference to the Soils of the Malvern Hills I Weathering of Biotite and Granite
  16. The determination of glucosamine by alkaline decomposition
  17. The technique of differential thermal analysis (DTA) I The quantitative aspect
  18. Control of plant nematodes
  19. The Eelworm problem - Biological aspects - Plant eelworms of the genus Heterodera
  20. Pot tests of nematicides against potato-root eelworm I Pilot test and methods
  21. Toxicity Tests with Vinegar Eelworm. I. Counting and Gulturing
  22. An improved laboratory apparatus for applying direct sprays and surface films, with data on the electrostatic charge on atomized spray fluids
  23. The construction of balanced designs for experiments involving sequences of treatments
  24. Factors affecting the survival of Plasmodiophora brassicae Wor. in the soil and its assessment by a host test
  25. Minimum phosphate and magnesium requirements of nitrifying bacteria
  26. Some organic substances and the nitrifying bacteria
  27. Soil fauna investigations
  28. The problem of the estimation of the insecticidal activity of pyrethrum by biological and chemical methods
  29. Effect of Ultra-Violet Radiation on the Respiration-Rates of Tobacco Leaves and its Reversal by Visible Light
  30. The relation of water absorption by wheat seeds to water potential
  31. The relation of germination of wheat to water potential
  32. Some problems of polymorphisms in insects
  33. Water and plant growth
  34. American fertiliser practice and problems
  35. Chemical composition of a sample of mycelium of Penicillium griseofulvum Dierckx
  36. Proceedings of international nematology symposium and training course, Rothamsted Experimental Station, 3-14 September 1951
  37. Some effects of high temperature on the susceptibility of plants to infection with viruses
  38. Some factors affecting the transmission of leaf‐roll virus by aphids
  39. The origin of the odours by which honeybees distinguish their companions
  40. Hydrogen peroxide formation in oxidations catalysed by plant α-hydroxyacid oxidase
  41. The oxidation of amines by extracts of pea seedlings
  42. The oxidation of manganese by enzyme systems
  43. Irreversible dehydration in montmorillonite
  44. A test for montmorillonite
  45. A New Approach to the Problems of the Spread of Aphids and to Insect Trapping
  46. An improved method of separating eelworm cysts from debris
  47. Presidential Address - fungus spores
  48. Spore Content of the Atmosphere Near the Ground
  49. The Fitting of Grouped Truncated and Grouped Censored Normal Distributions
  50. Rotylenchus coheni n.sp. (Nematoda: Tylenchida) parasitic on the roots of Hippeastrum sp
  51. Tylenchorhynchus tessellatus n.sp. (Nematoda : Tylenchida)
  52. Eelworm galls mistaken for ergot in flowers of Canadian grasses
  53. Investigations into the host ranges of Ditylenchus destructor and D. dipsaci
  54. The influence of the host on the dimensions of the plant parasitic nematode, Ditylenchus destructor
  55. The Absorption of Ions by Excised Root Systems III Observations on roots of pea plants grown in solutions deficient in phosphorus, nitrogen or potassium
  56. Control of virus yellows in sugar beet seed crops
  57. Possible role of basidiospores as air-borne allergens
  58. A disease of Scabiosa caucasica caused by the nematode Aphelenchoides blaslophthorus n.sp
  59. The Estimation of the Cyst Contents of the Potato-root Eelworm H. rostochiensis
  60. The bio‐assay of potato‐root diffusate
  61. Effect of Specific Polysaccharides from the Host Bacteria and of Ribonuclease on the Multiplication of Rhizobium Phages
  62. Food transmission within the honeybee community
  63. Chromatographic separation of the pyrethrins
  64. Division of labour in the honeybee community
  65. Recent Trends in Fertilizer Practice in England and Wales. Part I. The National Position
  66. Recent Trends in Fertilizer Practice in England and Wales. Part II. The Use of Fertilizers on Cereals, Root Crops and Grassland
  67. Some morphological features associated with poor soil drainage
  68. Analysis of factorial arrangements when the data are proportions
  69. The analysis of lattice designs when a variety is missing
  70. A table of Abbott's correction for natural mortality
  71. Some statistical aspects of anthropometry
  72. Organic derivatives of montmorillonite
  73. Organic derivatives of montmorillonite
  74. Hydrous micas
  75. Stem eelworm attacking carrots
  76. The influence of planting date and manuring on the incidence of virus diseases in potato crops
  77. The effect of seed-rate on yield of cereals
  78. The place of statistics in field experiments
  79. Possibilities of marginal land reclamation. Some results of a survey in England and Wales
  80. Rothamsted experiments on field beans 1. Manuring and cultivation of field beans
  81. The nature of soil-nitrogen complexes
  82. Translocation of Iron in Podzol Formation
  83. The distribution of iron and aluminium oxides in gley soils
  84. Symbiotic adaptation in local strains of red clover and nodule bacteria
  85. Studies on the Physiology of Nodule Formation: III. Experiments on the Excision of Root-tips and Nodules
  86. Host factors influencing infection and nodule development in leguminous plants
  87. Acute die-back of clove trees in the Zanzibar Protectorate
  88. A discussion on symbiosis involving micro-organisms : Introduction. The symbiosis between Rhizobium and leguminous plants and the influence on this of the bacterial strain
  89. A discussion on symbiosis involving microorganisms
  90. Arid zone research
  91. The fractionation and enzymic breakdown of some phosphorus compounds in leaf tissue
  92. Basic research into contraception
  93. Studies on the aphid transmission of a strain of henbane mosaic virus
  94. A Collaborative Investigation into Methods of Chemical Analysis of Ground Pyrethrum Flowers
  95. The Number of oocytes in ovarian fragments after compensatory hypertrophy
  96. Soluble and Available Nitrogen in Manurial Composts
  97. Changes in the Distribution of Nitrogen during the Composting of Straw
  98. The gall midges of St. John's Wort (Hypericum spp.), with descriptions of two new species
  99. Studies of fluctuations in insect populations XII Further evidence of prolonged larval life in the wheat-blossom midges
  100. Studies of fluctuations in insect populations XIII An improved method of ascertaining the correct date to sample when assessing larval infestations of the wheat-blossom midges
  101. An analysis of captures of hemerobiidae am) chryso-pidae in suction traps at Rothamsted, July, 1949
  102. Work in progress at Rothamsted
  103. The characteristics of soil. A review of some recent developments
  104. Modern developments in soil science
  105. Some bioclimatic observations in the Egyptian desert
  106. Sequences of wet and of dry days considered in relation to the logarithmic series
  107. The relative values of alternative liming materials
  108. Committee on nutrition problems in forest nurseries: summary report on 1951 experiments
  109. Experiments on the manuring of peas
  110. Sub-committee on nutrition problems in forest nurseries Summary Report on 1950 experiments
  111. The action of the proventriculus of the worker honeybee, Apis mellifera L
  112. Rothamsted experiments on field beans. Part II. Disease studies on field beans
  113. Ultraviolet injury to higher plants counteracted by visible light
  114. The nature and behaviour of inhibitors of plant viruses produced by Trichothecium roseum link
  115. Principles governing the amount of experimentation in developmental work
  116. George Udny Yule 1871-1951 : Obituary Notices
  117. Analise de uma experincia de rotacao
  118. The physical bases of irrigation control
  119. Experiments on irrigation of sugar beet
  120. The behaviour of worker honeybees at the hive entrance
  121. An automatic volumetric spore trap
  122. The changing numbers of aphis fabae scop., flying at crop level, in relation to current weather and to the population on the crop
  123. The effect of aphis fabae scop. on the growth and yield of field beans in a garden plot