1. Entomological Department at Rothamsted 1962
  2. Rothamsted Chemistry Department 1961
  3. Soil Potassium and Its Availability to Plants
  4. Report of the Bee Department 1961
  5. Growth Activity of the Gibberellins of Dwarf French Bean, Potato, and Lettuce
  6. Proteolytic activity of leaf extracts
  7. An illuminated polishing table for preparing thin sections of soil
  8. Mate-killer (mu) particles in Paramecium aurelia: the metagon division hypothesis
  9. Studies of earthworm populations in orchards: I. leaf burial in apple orchards
  10. A Study of the Effects of Disease Control Measures on the Soil Microflora of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) in Forest Nurseries
  11. Applying fertilizers for spring barley
  12. Observations On the Behaviour of Ditylenchus Dipsaci in Soil
  13. A culture method for slugs
  14. The molluscacidal properties of three fly repellants
  15. An international experiment on the effect of age and storage conditions on viability and dormancy of Avena fatua seeds
  16. The effect of competition from cereal crops on the germination and growth of Avena fatua L. in a naturally infested field
  17. Survival of tillers and distribution of dry matter between ear and shoot of barley varieties
  18. Effect of applying nitrogen to cereals in the spring or at ear emergence
  19. Mitochondrial preparations from the leaves of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). 4. Separation of some components by density-gradient centrifuging
  20. The chemical control of plant‐parasitic nematodes by soil fumigation
  21. The biology of the cutworm Tryphaena pronuba L. (Lepidoptera Noctuidae)
  22. Microbiology of the nitrogen cycle in some Ghana soils
  23. The establishment of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza under aseptic conditions
  24. A radioisotope method for determination of rate of disappearance of leaf litter in woodland
  25. The characteristics and genesis of a ferritic brown earth
  26. Effects of soil treatments on populations of soil nematodes and on carrot crops grown for two years after treatment
  27. Experiments with nitrogen and potash on potatoes
  28. An experiment comparing urea-formaldehyde fertilizer with nitro-chalk for Italian ryegrass
  29. The residual effects of phosphorus fertilisers on yields of arable crops: preliminary results of six rotation experiments
  30. Effects of nitrogen fertilizers on total nitrogen, soluble nitrogen and soluble carbohydrate contents of grass
  31. Statistics in relation to veterinary science
  32. Effects of nutrition on the incidence of barley powdery mildew
  33. Analysis of the Effects of Erysiphe graminis DC. on the Growth of Barley
  34. Insecticides
  35. The characteristics and genesis of a ferritic brown earth
  36. The summer air-spora of two contrasting adjacent rural sites
  37. Trichodorus Pakistanensis N. Sp. (Nematoda: Trichodoridae) With Observations On T. Porosus Allen, 1957, T. Mirzai Siddiqi, 1960, and T. Minor Colbran, 1956, From India
  38. Longidorus tarjani n. sp., found around oak roots in Florida
  39. Criconema palmatum n. sp.(Nematoda: Criconematidae) from North Devon, England
  40. Alteration in the Surface Properties of Soils by Ion Exchange Resins
  41. Sir Ronald Fisher , FRS
  42. RA Fisher. Appreciations of Sir Ronald Fisher
  43. Electronic computation and data processing for research statistics
  44. Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher (1890 - 1962)
  45. Resin impregnation of soil samples
  46. Weight loss and sprouting of bulk-stored maincrop potatoes in England
  47. Properties and behaviour of a virus depending for its multiplication on another
  48. Beidellite
  49. Charge densities and heats of immersion of some clay minerals
  50. A note on Granek's ratio for the separation of Heterodera rostochiensis W. from H. tabacum L. & L
  51. Aphid migration
  52. Biology of forest soil
  53. The suitability of some plant hosts for the development of peach-potato aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer)
  54. Genetic recombination in the hop-wilt fungus Verticillium albo-atrum
  55. New Blue R, a stain that differentiates between living and dead nematodes
  56. Dyes as Artificial Hatching Agents for Beet Eelworm, Heterodera schachtii Schm.
  57. Identity of organized elements from meteorites
  58. Occurrence in Britain of the fungus causing facial eczema in sheep
  59. Isolation of thermophilic actinomycetes
  60. Diagnosis of eelworm attack in Chrysanthemums
  61. Tylenchus (Cepha-lenchus) megacephalus n. sbg., n. sp.
  62. Taxonomic relatedness in nematology
  63. Hirschmannia ng differentiated from Radopholus Thorne, 1949 (Nematoda: Tylenchoidea)
  64. Observations on the attack by Ditylenchus dipsaci on varieties of oats
  65. Sugar yellows in Great Brtiain 1961
  66. Observations on the attack by Ditylenchus dipsaci on varieties of oats
  67. Three new species of Trichodorus (Nematoda: Dorylaimoidea) and observations on T. minor Colbran, 1956
  68. Observations on Aphelenchoides limberi Steiner, 1936, from mushroom compost
  69. Effects of a nematode on the growth of mushroom mycelium
  70. The inhibition of pea-seedling diamine oxidase by chelating agents
  71. Virus diseases in British crops of field beans (Vicia Faba L.)
  72. Lucerne mosaic virus in British Lucerne crops
  73. Effects of long-continued treatment on the mineral nitrogen content and mineralisable nitrogen of soil from selected plots of the Broadbalk experiment on continuous wheat, Rothamsted
  74. Transformation, leaching and uptake of fertiliser‐N applied to winter and to spring wheat grown on a light soil
  75. Experiments with farmyard manure, sewage sludges, and town refuses on microplots at schools, 1940-9
  76. A bioassay for Heterodera spp. without counting cysts or larvae
  77. The attractiveness of geraniol to foraging honeybees
  78. The behaviour of honeybees visiting field beans (Vicia faba)
  79. The foraging behaviour of honeybees in relation to pollination
  80. Studies on the pollination of fruit trees by honey bees
  81. The effect of distance from pollinizer varieties on the fruit set on trees in plum and apple orchards
  82. An attempt to increase yield by controlling leaf‐area index
  83. Preparation of posterior cuticular patterns of Meloidogyne spp. for identification
  84. Bursaphelenchus fungivorus n. sp.(Nematoda: Aphelenchoidea) from rotting gardenia buds infected with Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr.
  85. Effects of ultraviolet radiation on antigenicity of horse serum albumin: formation of new determinants
  86. A study of some mutations in a strain of Rhizobium trifolii
  87. Destruction of antigenicity in vitro of human serum albumin and of tobacco mosaic virus by ultraviolet radiation
  88. Notes on some aphids from British North Borneo
  89. Measurement of thickness of dispersed clay flakes with the electron microscope
  90. The occurrence of Criconemoides macrodorum Taylor, 1936 in Central Africa.
  91. The retention of 32P‐labelled rhizobium by legume seed after inoculation by vacuum treatment
  92. Winged aphids trapped in abaca plantation in British North Borneo
  93. Soils of the middle Teign valley district of Devon - Exeter
  94. Amphorostoma saccatum n. gen. et sp., family Leptonchidae (Enoplida, Nematoda)
  95. Evolution within the family Mononchidae (Enoplida, Nematoda)
  96. The systematic position of the Alaimidae and the Diphthero-phoroidea (Enoplida, Nematoda)
  97. Survival of cercosporella herpotrichoides on naturally infected straws of wheat and barley
  98. Timing and placement of fertilisers
  99. Soil potassium
  100. Saving by soil testing - preparing for spring-soil cereals and mixtures for undersowing
  101. Nitrogen the key to grass production
  102. Liquid fertilisers
  103. Fruits of research in fertiliser use
  104. Chemical Aspects of Soil fertility
  105. Assessing the capabilities of soils for producing crops
  106. Measuring soluble phosphorus in soils, comparisons of methods, and interpretation of results
  107. Comparisons between methods of measuring soluble phosphorus and potassium in soils used for fertilizer experiments on sugar beet
  108. Phosphate equilibria in acid soils
  109. The importance of aeration in providing the right conditions for plant growth
  110. Mineral nitrogen in tropical forest soils
  111. Determination of total sulphur in plant material
  112. Cation–Anion Relationships in Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum)
  113. Nematode feeding mechanisms. 1. Observations on Rhabditis and Pelodera
  114. A counting dish for nematodes
  115. Observations on the intermittent flight activity of the male wheat bulb fly Leptohylemyia coarctata (Fall.)
  116. Marking techniques and their application to the study of small terrestrial animals
  117. Wheat yields in England, 1815-59
  118. The effect of age grouping on the distribution of a measurement affected by growth.
  119. The place of mathematics in biology
  120. Some basic statistical techniques in soil zoology
  121. Herbicide practice in arable farming districts of eastern England, 1959‐60
  122. Spontaneous and ultraviolet irradiation-induced mutants of Verticillium albo-atrum
  123. Soil-borne diseases of Sitka spruce seedlings in a forest nursery
  124. Root exudates from banana and their relationship to strains of the Fusarium causing Panama wilt
  125. Parasexual recombination in the banana-wilt Fusarium
  126. Genetic relationships between pathogenic strains of Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium solani and an isolate of Nectria haematococca
  127. Studies on Azotobacter species in soil. I. Comparison of media and techniques for counting Azotobacter in soil
  128. Studies on Azotobacter species in soil II. Populations of azotobacter in the rhizosphere and effects of artificial inoculation
  129. Home production of seed for early potatoes. 4. Loss of yield in virus infected plants
  130. Home production of seed for early potatoes. 3 Cost of production
  131. Fertilizer practice in England and Wales II Manuring of cereals
  132. The Rothamsted Ley-arable Rotation Experiment
  133. Vegetation stripes in Somaliland
  134. Migration records 1959
  135. Migration records 1960
  136. The effect of flooding and aeration on the mobility of certain trace elements in soils
  137. A colorimetric method for determining total sulphur in soils
  138. Some observations on the orientation of Ditylenchus dipsaci and invasion of oat seedlings
  139. The etiology of tulip‐root disease in susceptible and in resistant varieties of oats infested by the stem nematode, Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kühn) Filipjev II. Histopathology of tulip‐root and development of the nematode
  140. The etiology of tulip‐root disease in susceptible and in resistant varieties of oats infested by the stem nematode, Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kühn) Filipjev I. Invasion of the host and reproduction by the nematode
  141. The relation between root hair infection by Rhizobium and nodulation in Trifolium and Vicia
  142. Principles of classification illustrated by the problem of virus classification
  143. Prequisites for virus classification
  144. Patterns of assumption about large molecules
  145. High Altitude Migration of Oscinella frit L. (Diptera: Chloropidae)
  146. Tables for power-law transformations
  147. The efficiency of cylindrical sticky insect traps and suspended nets
  148. The absolute efficiency of insect suction traps
  149. Separation by paper chromatography of chlorophylls a and b and some of their breakdown products.
  150. Indigenous foods
  151. Glutathione
  152. Future sources of food supply: scientific problems
  153. The upper lethal temperature of honeybees
  154. Yellow‐net virus of sugar beet. I. Transmission and some properties
  155. The handling of multiway tables on computers
  156. Variance component estimation for unbalanced hierarchical classifications
  157. An autocode for table manipulation
  158. Evaluation of phosphate fertilizer by solubility tests
  159. The influence of intensity and capacity factors on the availability of soil phosphate
  160. A note on the chemical analysis of a soil buried since Roman times
  161. The effect of water-logging on fixation of nitrogen by soil incubated with straw
  162. The role of soil animals in breakdown of leaf material
  163. A comparison of methods of estimating population density of adult sunn pest, eurygaster integriceps put. (hemiptera, scutelleridae) in wheat fields
  164. Effects of the ant Lasius niger (L.) on insects preying on small populations of Aphis fabae Scop. on bean plants
  165. Unstable variants of tobacco necrosis virus
  166. Bibliography of H. F. Barnes (1902-1960)
  167. Classification of soils
  168. The shade and fertiliser requirements of cacao (Theobroma cacao) in Ghana
  169. Soil type and crop performance
  170. The potassium status of some English soils considered as a problem of energy relationships
  171. The gall midges (Diptera : Cecidemyidae) of wild Ox-eye Daisy (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L.) flowers with the description of a new species
  172. Barnfield
  173. The accumulation and loss of soil potassium in long-term experiments, Rothamsted and Woburn
  174. Springtail damage to bean seedlings
  175. Cultural characters of Streptococcus pluton and its differentiation from associated enterococci
  176. Bacillus larvae: its cultivation in vitro and its growth in vivo
  177. Report on the growth of wheat made at Rodmersham Kent
  178. The role of research in the development of modern agriculture
  179. Estimating the components of continuous variation
  180. Computers in research—promise and performance
  181. Simple devices for radiation measurement and integration
  182. Measurement and interpretation of carbon dioxide fluxes in the field
  183. Inhibition of queen rearing by queen honey-bees (Apis mellifera l.) of different ages
  184. Woburn irrigation, 1951-59 III Results for rotation crops
  185. Woburn irrigation, 1951-59 II Results for grass
  186. Woburn irrigation, 1951-59 I Purpose, design and weather
  187. Weather and crops
  188. Some aircraft observations of fluxes of solar radiation in the atmosphere
  189. Radiative temperature in the heat balance of natural surfaces
  190. Natural convection in the earths boundary layer
  191. An empirical method for estimating long-wave radiation exchanges in the british-isles
  192. Attenuation of solar radiation - a climatological study
  193. Animal behaviour: some recent work on bee behaviour
  194. The epidemiology of Phytophthora infestans 3. Spraying trials 1952-1958
  195. Epidemiology of apple scab (Venturia inaequalis (Cke.) Wint.) 3. The supply of ascospores
  196. Epidemiology of apple scab (Venturia inaequalis (Cke.) Wint.) 2. Observations on the liberation of ascospores
  197. Insecticidal activity of pyrethrum extract and its four insecticidal constituents against house flies. V. Knock-down activity of four constituents with piperonyl butoxide
  198. Insecticidal activity of pyrethrum extract and its four insecticidal constituents against house flies. IV. Knock-down activities of four constituents
  199. Insecticidal activity of pyrethrum extract and its four insecticidal constituents against house flies. II. Synergistic activity of piperonyl butoxide with four constituents
  200. Insecticidal activity of pyrethrum extract and its four insecticidal constituents against house flies. I. Preparation and relative toxicity of pure constituents - statistical analysis of action of mixtures of these components
  201. Insecticidal activity of pyrethrum extract and its 4 insecticidal constituents against house flies. III. Knock-down and recovery of flies treated with pyrethrum extract with and without piperonyl butoxide
  202. The isolation and synthesis of queen substance, 9-oxodec-trans-2-enoic acid, a honeybee pheromone
  203. The response of sugar beet to fertilizer and the effect of farmyard manure